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Abbreviations AA Acción Agropecuaria (Agropecuarian Action) AD Acción Democrática (Democratic Action). Dominant political party of the Punto Fijo era; nationalist and social democratic. ANC Asamblea Nacional Constituyente (National Constituent Assembly) CADIVI Comisión de Administración de Divisas (The Exchange Control Agency) CCN Cruzada Cívica Nacionalista (Nationalist Civic Crusade). Political party founded in the late 1960s to support the return to power of General Marcos Pérez Jiménez. CENDES El Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, Universidad Central de Venezuela (The Center for Development Studies, Central University of Venezuela) CESAP Centro al Servicio de la Acción Popular (Center for the Service of Popular Action) CNE Consejo Nacional Electoral (National Electoral Council) CONATEL Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Telecommunications Commission) CONIVE Consejo Nacional Indio de Venezuela (National Indian Council of Venezuela) COPEI Comité de Organización Política Electoral Independiente: Partido Social Cristiano (Committee of Independent Electoral Political Organization: Social Christian Party). Second political party of the Punto Fijo era. COPRE Comisión Presidencial para la Reforma del Estado (Presidential Commission for State Reform). Created in 1985 and formed by representatives of di√erent political parties , unions, professional associations, business associa- xviii Abbreviations tions, and citizen groups to review relations between the state and Venezuelan society. CORDIPLAN Oficina Central de Coordinación y Planificación (Central O≈ce of Coordination and Planning) CTV Confederación de Trabajadores de Venezuela (Confederation of Venezuelan Workers) CVF Corporación Venezolana de Fomento (Venezuelan Development Corporation) FAPUV Federación de Profesores Universitarios (Federation of University Professors) FCU Federación de Centros Universitarios (Federation of University Centers) FDP Fuerza Democrática Popular (Popular Democratic Force). Political party founded in 1962 to support the presidential candidacy of Admiral Wolfgang Larrazábal. FEDECAMARAS Federación de Cámaras y Asociaciones de Comercio y Producción de Venezuela (Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production of Venezuela) FEDEPETROL Federación de Trabajadores Petroleros (Federation of Oil Workers). Venezuela’s richest and most important labor union. FEM Fondo de Estabilización Macroeconómica (Macroeconomic Stabilization Fund. It later became Fondo de Inversi ón para la Estabilización Macroeconómica (FIEM; Investment Fund for Macroeconomic Stabilization). FIDES Fondo Intergubernamental para la Descentralización (Intergovernmental Fund for Decentralization) FIN Fuerza Independiente Nacional (Independent National Force) FND Frente Nacional Democrático (National Democratic Front). Center-right political party founded by Arturo Uslar Pietri. It participated in President Raúl Leoni’s ‘‘Government of the Broad Front’’ (1963–65). GE Gente Emergente (Emergent People) ICC Independientes con el Cambio (Independents with the Change) ID Izquierda Democrática (Democratic Left) [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 05:49 GMT) Abbreviations xix IESA Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (Institute for Graduate Studies in Administration). Training in public and business administration. IPCN Independientes por la Comunidad Nacional (Independents for the National Community) LCR La Causa Radical (The Radical Cause). Political party founded by Alfredo Maneiro, a Communist guerrilla fighter of the 1960s, with roots in labor. LUZ Universidad del Zulia (University of Zulia) MAS Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement toward Socialism). Breakaway faction of the Venezuelan Communist Party that adopted a social-democratic ideology. MBR-200 Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200 (Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement 200). Clandestine organization of young military o≈cers organized by Hugo Chávez Frías in the 1980s. It staged the unsuccessful coup attempt of February 4, 1992. MDD Movimiento por la Democracia Directa (Movement for Direct Democracy) MEP Movimiento Electoral del Pueblo (Electoral Movement of the People). Faction of Acción Democrática that supported the presidential candidacy of Luis B. Prieto in 1968. MIN Movimiento de Integridad Nacional (National Integrity Movement) MIR Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario (Movement of the Revolutionary Left). Guerrilla organization, and later political party, of the 1960s with roots in Acción Democr ática. MVR Movimiento Quinta República (Fifth Republic Movement ). Political party established in 1997 to support the presidential candidacy of Hugo Chávez Frías NGD Nueva Generación Democrática (New Democratic Generation ) NRD Nuevo Régimen Democrática (New Democratic Regime) OAS Organization of American States OCEPRE Oficina Central de Presupuesto (Budget Central O≈ce) xx Abbreviations ONDA Organización Nacionalista Democrática Activa (Nationalist Active Democratic Organization OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ORA Organización Renovadora Auténtica (Authentic Renovating Organization) PCV Partido Comunista de Venezuela (Venezuelan Communist Party) PDVSA Petróleos de Venezuela Sociedad Anónima (Venezuelan Oil Company, Incorporated). State corporation composed of the private petroleum companies nationalized...
