In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Adams, John, 15–16 Adams, John Quincy, 16–19 Ali, Muhammad, 256–57, 271 Allen, George, 1, 236–39, 346 Amateur Athletic Act, 250–51 Augusta National (golf club), 2, 76, 122, 189, 191, 193–94, 196, 198, 254, 284, 344 Arthur, Chester, 28–29, 52, 162 Axson, Stockton, 91, 93, 101 Baker, Newton, 108–9 Bell, J. Franklin, 58–59 Bentsen, Lloyd, 298, 300 Boone, Joel, 107, 116–17, 121, 124–25, 131, 136–37, 143 Braddock, Edward, 9–10 Brown, Phyllis, 248–49 Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, 197, 220, 265 Burroughs, John, 51–52, 61, 68–69, 113, 167 Bush, Barbara P., 295–96, 298, 305–6, 328, 331 Bush, Barbara P. (daughter of George W.), 331 Bush, Dorothy (mother of George H. W.), 293 Bush, Dorothy (daughter of George H. W.), 301 Bush, George H. W. (elder Bush), 71, 292, 311–12, 321, 325; Asian trip, 306; attends Daytona 500, 330, 350–51; baseball, 292, 294–95, 296–97, 304; booed at baseball game, 307; bumbling image of, 301, 347; election campaigns , 298–300; >shing, 293, 302; golf, 302–5, 308, 312; Gulf War, 304–5; health problems, 305–7, 352; horseshoes , 301, 303; hunting, 298, 302; jock presidency, 297, 301–3; military service, 294–96; oil business, 297; “Oyster Bay thing,” 292–93, 302–3, 307; post-presidency, 308; presidential golf match, 311–12; President’s Council on Physical Fitness, 305; running, 303, 306; teamwork and presidency, 340; receives memoirs of Babe Ruth, 292; soccer, 294, 296; tennis, 298, 301; tiddlywinks, 307–8; walking, 306; wimp factor, 299–300, 347–48 Bush, George W., ix, x, 147, 324; athletic ability, 326; attends Daytona 500, 337, 350; baseball, 336, 329–34, 335–36; baseball politics, 331–32; basketball, 328; cheerleader, 326; clearing brush, 328; early years, 325; >nancial arrangements, 329–30, 332–34; >shing, 327; football, 327; golf, 327– 29; as governor of Texas, 327; Harken Energy, 333; hunting, 327–28; insider trading, 333; macho presidency, 348–49; reaction to 9/11, 335; rugby, 326; running, 327; stickball at Andover, 326, 334; tee ball, 334–35; tennis, 327; weight training, 327 Bush, Jeb, 299, 327 Bush, Jenna (daughter of George W.), 331 ★ ★ ★ Index Bush, Laura, 325, 331, 337 Bush, Prescott (father of George H. W.), 293 Butt, Archie, 59, 64, 67–68, 76–78, 80– 82, 84–89 Butt, Clara, 77, 89 Camp, Walter, 54, 104, 157 Camp David (“Shangri-la”), 3, 60, 68–69, 173, 193, 262, 267–68, 288, 305, 342, 346 Carter, Earl (father of Jimmy), 263–65 Carter, James Earl, Jr., “Jimmy,” 1, 2, 4, 57, 256, 258–59, 326; “banzai bunny” story, 269–70; baseball, 263–64; basketball , 265; Camp David Accords, 262; and conservation, 267; cooperates with Ford, 260; cross-country skiing , 269; delegating and team sports, 342; exhausted in road race, 269; >shing, 261–64, 266–69; golf, 265– 66; health, 263; hunting, 261–64; image of, 269; micromanaging, 267, 342; Naval Academy, 265; Nobel Peace prize, 273; Olympic boycott, 57, 262, 270–73; outdoor sports, 261; postpresidency , 273; presidential debates, 256, 289; race relations, 265–66; and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 270; square dancing, 260; stock car racing, 266; tennis, 262–63, 266, 267; track events, 265, 269; as writer, 265, 353 Carter, Lillian (mother of Jimmy), 263–64 Carter, Rosalynn, 1, 262, 264, 265, 359 Cheney, Richard, 256–57 Chiang Kai-shek, 251, 301 Churchill, Winston, 162–64, 179–80, 352 Cleveland, Frances Folsom, 30 Cleveland, Grover, 29–31, 40, 83 Clemenceau, Georges, 101–2 Cli=ord, Alice and Bede, 162 Cli=ord, Clark, 179–82 Clinton, Chelsea (daughter of Bill), 317 Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 316–17, 350 Clinton, William Je=erson, “Bill,” ix, 4, 57, 109, 327–28, 339, 352–53; athletic ability of, 311; attends NASCAR event, 351; baseball, 57, 318; basketball, 313– 15; bowling, 313; as card player, 315; election campaigns, 321; football, 313, 317; golf, 311–13, 316–17, 319–22; impeachment, 321–22; invitational tournament injury, 321; physique, 311; plays putt-putt golf, 348; presidential golf match, 311–12; renaissance weekends , 317; rugby, 313–14; running, 313, 316–17; as sports spectator, 314–15, 348; tennis, 316; tree rumor, 314 Cobb, Ty, 83–84 Coolidge, Calvin, 107, 338, 349, 353; attends baseball games, 120–21; athletic limitations of, 119, 222; character and image, 119; entertains Al Smith, 128; >shing, 127–28, 130, 344; football , 120; golf, 122, 132; hosts Charles Lindbergh, 128–29; plays outdoor sports as youth, 120, 127...
