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Index ABIOMED, xxvii, 181. See also independent patient advocacy council abortion, xiii, 47, 141 Abu Ghraib, 134–37 abundance, logos of, 215 academia: commercialization of, 170–71; politics of, 216 academic bioethics: description of, 299; left bias in, 108–16 academic freedom, 234–35 academic publishing: authors and, 271–72, 275–76; editors and, 274–75; ethics of, 270– 71; graduate student mentors and, 276–77; peer reviewers and, 275–76; publishers and, 272–73 activism: aims and methods of, 145–51; bioethics as form of, 144–45, 153–54; traditional methods of, 151–54 ad hominem critiques, xxix, 281–86 Adorno, Theodor, 153 advance directives, 13–14 advisory group, independence of, 186–87. See also independent patient advocacy council advocacy. See activism; independent patient advocacy council advocacy bioethics, 299 agriculture, intensive, 222–24 Agrippa, 123 AJOB (American Journal of Bioethics), 249, 250 Alexander, Shana, “They Decide Who Lives, Who Dies,” 10 AMA Ethics Institute, 171 American Association of Bioethics, 26 American Association of University Professors, 24, 28 American Enterprise Institute, 99, 100 American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), 249, 250 American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH): Advisory Committee on Ethics Standards, 142; annual meeting in 2004, 116n1; G. W. Bush and, 30; bylaws of, xxv, 28, 138; conspiracy of silence in, 137–39; formation of, 9, 26; human rights and, 136–37, 142–43; M. F. Marshall address to, 28; membership of, 241; mentoring program of, 265, 268; October 2002 meeting of, 38n20; politics of, 108; substantive positions and, 140– 42, 144; task force of, 30, 31 American Society for Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 30, 31 Andre, Judith, 284 Anijar, Karen, 252–53 animals, suffering of, in intensive agriculture, 222–24 applied bioethics, 299, 307 argument: ad hominem, 281–83; bias ad hominem, 283–84; moral identity ad hominem, 284–85; motivation for, 281, 285; response to, 305 Armey, Dick, 101 Aroskar, Mila, 47 arrogance: courage mistaken for, 194–95, 196; integrity compared to, 201–2; as interpersonal matter, 197–98 ASBH. See American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Asch, Adrienne, 285–86 assessment: characteristics of, 306; Glass house and, 308–9; of individual vs. of work, 299–302; need for, 297–98; objectives of, 302–6; subject of, 298–302 assisted suicide, legalization of, 87 audience, identifying, 227 authority of bioethics: bureaucratic, 45, 46; harm and, 303; origins of, 149; politics, power, and, 118–21; social, 44, 45–46. See also moral authority authors and academic publishing, 271–72, 275–76 autonomy: dignity and, 208; individual, as foundational belief, 5, 174–75; social contract and, 208–9; theory of, 207 “Baby Doe” rules, 11 Baker, Robert, 34n5, 251–52 Baldwin, James, 242–43 “Balkanizing Bioethics” (Baker), 251–52 Bayh-Dole Act, 170 Baylis, Françoise, 34n7 Beauchamp, Dan, 113–14 Beauchamp, T. L., 16, 122, 124, 286 Becket fund, 96 Beecher, Henry, 4, 10 being, justification for, 210–11 Belkin, Gary, 4, 16–17 Belmont Report, 207 Benjamin, Martin, 198–99 Berkowitz, Peter, 101, 284 bias ad hominem, 283–84 biases in bioethics, xxiv–xxv, 171–73. See also left bias in academic bioethics; whiteness bioethics: assessing, xxix–xxx; consultations in clinic and corporate world, xxvi–xxvii; contributions of and conflicts in, xxiii–xxv; defining values and obligations of, xxvii–xxix; early issues in, 12–15; founders of, 7–8; history of, xx–xxi, 3–11, 61–62, 119–20; problems of expertise and, xxii–xxiii; as public enterprise, 84–86; situating, xxii; tensions in, 15–20; terminology of, 3–5, 36n15 Bioethics as Practice (Andre), 284 bioethics commissions: limitations of, 91–93; mainstream view of, 89–91; National Bioethics Advisory Commission, 118, 124; origins of, 86–87; political agendas of, 68n3, 96–98; tasks of, xxiv, 88–91, 125–26. See also President’s Council on Bioethics bioethics defense fund, 96 Bioethics Discussion Forum listserv, 305 biomedicine, 84–86, 173 biotechnological research, 62–63 biotechnology, focus on, 233–34 Blackburn, Elizabeth, 37n16 Blum, Lawrence, 221 Bok, Sissela, 9 book acquisitions editors, 274 Bosk, Charles, 16 Bottum, J., 100 “brain death,” 3–4 Brandt, A. M., 16–17 Broad, C. D., 145–46 Brody, Howard, 18, 283 Brown, Louise, 12 Bush, George W.: bioethicists and, 30; Schiavo case and, 74; stem cell research and, xiv, 62. See also President’s Council on Bioethics Bush, Jeb, 74 Calhoun, Cheshire, 199 California Proposition 71, xxiii, 60–67 Callahan, Daniel: on bioethics and social sciences , 16; as founder, 18; Hastings Center and, 8, 164, 174; insider status and, 166–67; Proposition...
