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Index Abel, John J., 145 abortion, 393, 472–74 Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, 57, 60 Académie Française, 61 Académie Royale des Sciences, 55, 57, 58, 62, 275 Achelis, Johann Daniel, 103, 112n55 Ackerknecht, Erwin, 159, 170, 252–53, 255, 276, 290, 320, 425, 453 Ackermann, Christian Gottlieb, 42 activism (by historians), 22, 23, 142, 159, 169, 170, 177, 327, 390–409, 460–84 Adams, Francis, 116 Adelung, Johann Christoph, 42, 43 Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), 470–71 African Americans, 179, 183, 184, 189 African cultures, 380 agency: for change, 181, 182, 296, 317, 322, 327; as differentiated view, 227; patient’s, 182; women’s, 179, 180, 191n23 Agnew, Jean-Christophe, 172 AIDS epidemic: as activist impetus, 179, 461, 463–65, 468–70; as biological reality, 321; as challenge to myth of progress, 195, 287; and history of epidemics, 216, 287, 463–65. See also sexually transmitted diseases Allbutt, Sir Clifford, 120 Altertumswissenschaft, 10, 118, 121, 128 Althusser, Louis, 267, 268 amateurism, 13, 29n56, 175, 438, 456. See also professionalism American Association for the History of Nursing, 191n25 American Association of the History of Medicine (AAHM): Charleston meeting, 188; membership , 257; as platform, 175, 404, 406, 457; schism in, 140, 174, 176–77, 188, 437–38; traditional , 190n11. See also Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik; medical history, schism in American Historical Association, 476 American Historical Review, 180 American Journal of Philology, 128 American Journal of Public Health, 464 Amsterdamska, Olga, 283n75 Amundsen, Darrel, 137n91 anatomy: anatomists, 382–85; discipline, 202, 326, 382–85; models, 378; theatres, 202 Anatomy Act, 382–85 ancient medicine, 10, 20, 115–38 Angier, Natalie, 397, 452 Annales school, 199, 212 Annals of Medical History, 144 Anonymus Londinensis, 120 Anonymus Parisinus, 119 anthropology: Canguilhem on, 267; impact of, 287, 291, 295, 342, 365, 374; medical, 278, 292 antiquarianism, 77, 85, 89, 116, 129, 185, 238, 416. See also internalism; presentism; Whiggism anti-Semitism, 101, 104, 109n32, 109n33, 109n34, 127 antiwar movement, 169, 174, 190n7 Appleby, Joyce, 316 appropriation, 374–78, 380 archaeology, 98, 116 archaeology of knowledge, 274 Archiv für die Gesammte Medizin, 9 Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin, 13, 75, 96 Archiv für physiologische Heilkunde, 415 Aristotle, 121, 124 Armstrong, David, 278, 334n63 Arnold, David, 252, 288, 294, 296, 297, 298 Artelt, Walter, 102 art history, 341 492 Index Aufklärungshistorie, 36, 38, 43, 46 autobiographies, 216, 218 Baas, Johann, 12–13, 14 Bachelard, Gaston, 263 bacteriology, 146, 213, 288, 416 Barbin, Herculine, 396 Barnes, Barry, 254, 341 Bataille, Georges, 332n37 Baudrillard, Jean, 317, 318 Baxandall, Michael, 350 Bayer, Ronald, 186, 400–401 Bayle, A. L. J., 269 Beck, Ulrich, 314 Behring, Emil von, 415 Bell, Heather, 290 Benassar, Bartolomé, 212 Benedetti, Vincenzo di, 138n105 Bennett, James Risdon, 59, 60 Benoist, Alain de, 332n37 Berge, Ann La, 276–77 Berger, Peter, 341 Bergsträsser, Gotthelf, 123 Berlin, University of, 5, 42, 118. See also Humboldtian university Berlin Academy of Sciences, 34, 37, 45, 46, 118, 121 Berliner, Howard, 175 Bernard, Claude, 67, 264, 266 Berrios, German, 204 Beveridge, William, 156; report, 272 Bevoise, Ken de, 293 Bibliothèque des médecins Grecs et Latin, 57, 59 Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris), 55, 56, 63 Bichat, Xavier, 269 Bildung: as educational ideal, 6, 11, 15, 16, 46, 74–94, 117, 417–18; as social strategy, 34, 39, 74–94. See also humanism; Humboldtian university ; Two cultures, the Bildungsbürgertum, 27n30 Billings, John Shaw, 14, 15, 28n49, 143 Billroth, Theodor, 453 biographical approach/biography, 6, 33–52, 139–64, 144, 170, 243, 245, 249, 291, 349, 456. See also role model biology, 85, 263–67 biopower, 271, 272, 283n74 Biraben, Jean-Noël, 212 birth rate, 197, 200. See also death rate; demographic transition; fertility; historical demography ; mortality Bismarck, Otto von, 156–57 Blackmar, Elizabeth, 172 Blake, John, 173 Bleker, Johanna, 30n62, 215 Bliss, Michael, 141, 145 Bloch, Iwan, 84 blood (products), 468–69 Blood Supply Council, 469 Bloor, David, 341 Bodleian Library (Oxford), 56, 57, 149 body: discourse on, 225, 296, 317, 318, 390– 409; embodiment, 181, 296, 305n46; female, 178, 179, 366, 381; hermaphrodite, 390–409; history, 177, 198, 202–3, 211, 334n63, 369, 387n23; as medical object, 269, 421; policing of, 314, 327; relation to cultural history, 371– 72; studies, 319, 320, 326. See also mind; self Boerhaave, Herman, 36 Boletin de la Sociedad Mexicana de historia y filoso fia de la medicina, 448n9 Bonnechose, Cardinal de...
