publisher colophon


abdominal tuberculosis, 168–69, 275–76n84

abortion, 3, 83, 248, 257n30

birth control and, 165, 256n4

frequency of, 45

Roussel on, 59, 259n68

abstinence (sexual), 3, 4

Action, L’, 62, 139

La Fronde merger with, 63–64, 72, 84

Par la révolte staged by, 102

Roussel’s articles in, 70, 86, 87, 89–90, 91, 108

Action des femmes, L’, 210

Action française, 217

Addams, Jane, 181

Albistur, Maïté, 135, 250

Alliance national pour l’accroissement de la population française. See National Alliance for the French Population Growth

Alquier, Henriette, 34

Amour infécond, L’ (Elosu), 146, 147

anarchists, 27, 53, 57, 66–67, 71, 100, 109, 111, 112, 114, 138, 174, 220

anesthesia. See childbirth; Lucas, Dr.

Anesthesiology Establishment, 87–88, 89

Annales de l’Ariège, Les, 72, 90

anticlericalism, 56, 64, 80

and freethinking, 62

of Godet, 25–26

of Roussel, 56, 62, 103

Roussel’s critique of, 64

anti-Malthusianism. See depopulation; natalist movement; neo-Malthusianism; pronatalism

antimilitarism, 137, 146

anti-pornography: Second Congress of the French Federation of Anti-Pornographic Societies, 163. See also pornography

anti-Semitism, 23–24, 153

Armogathe, Daniel, 250

Assumptionists, 20

Auclert, Hubertine, 140, 152

audiences, 2, 11, 12, 84, 133–34

for GONM debate, 160

Le Bon on, 80, 95

for neo-Malthusians, 164

in provinces, 100–101

Roussel, reactions to, 102–3, 105–8

Talsans on, 80

Authorité, L’, 115, 116, 153

Ballet, Gilbert, 155, 156

Barbizon, 192, 193

Barbusse, Henri, 208, 211

Barnes, David, 236

Beauvoir, Simone de, 12, 253n27

Belmont, Marguerite. See Marbel (Marguerite Belmont)

Bentham, Jeremy, on birth control, 4

Bérenger, Henry, 102, 112, 139, 218

Bérenger, René (Senator), 145, 147, 152

Bertillon, Jacques, 36, 41, 72

Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe, 36

birth control, 1, 112

abortion and, 165, 257n30

vs. abstinence, 4

brochures on, 43–44, 146

Enlightenment thinkers on, 4

female emancipation through, 45–46

feminists on, 43, 110–11, 171

freethinkers and, 62–63

history of, 3–5

law prohibiting, 218–20, 245

legalization of, 249

methods of, 4, 43–45, 54, 116, 245–48, 256n4, 289n19

moral justification for, 68

opposition to, 117–18

and science, 32–33. See also neo-Malthusianism

birth control clinics, 246, 248

birth control movement, 2, 8

Robin and, 41

spread of, 4. See also neo-Malthusianism

birthrate: comparative national, 36

in France, 7, 35–36, 245, 248

in provinces, 104. See also demography; depopulation; fertility

Blanc de Saint Bonnet, 6

Bodin, Louise, 211, 212

Boisandré, A. de, 58–59

Bolshevism, 209, 210, 211, 214, 216, 221

Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, 32

bourgeoisie: and birth control, 65, 67, 117, 146–47, 165

and childbirth, 57

and degeneration, belief in, 14

and female sexuality, 13, 15

feminists of, 39, 66, 210, 221

Roussel’s critique of, 215

and wetnursing, 88

and womanhood, conceptions of, 9, 36

breast-feeding, 38, 89, 257n43

Briande, Aristide, 140

Brion, Hélène, 181, 210

Britain, 4, 5, 6, 7

Buisson, Ferdinand, 220

Bureau, Paul, 163, 164–65

Burton, Richard D. E., 6–7

Caillaux, Joseph, 136

Carlile, Richard, 4

Cassagnac, Guy de, 115, 116, 120

Cassagnac Affair, 114–17, 118, 120, 129, 148

Catholicism, 2

and conservatism after World War I, 213–14, 224

images of womanhood in, 21

press of, 20, 80

Roussel and, 13–14, 20, 22, 39, 56, 60–61, 103–5

women’s churchgoing and, 86–87, 109, 157–58

women’s roles in, 6–7. See also religion

Cempuis affair, 42, 43, 50, 79, 83, 128, 163, 165

censorship: of neo-Malthusianists, 116–18, 145–48, 165, 218

during World War I, 174–75, 176–78, 277n20

CGT. See General Confederation of Labor

Charbonnel, Victor, 62

Chartists, 4

Cheysson, Emile, 6

childbirth: anesthesia for, 33–34, 87–88, 90–91

death from, 29–30, 255n47

fear of, 10, 29, 88

knowledge about, 48, 57

pain of, 1, 32–34, 37, 48, 49, 55, 57, 61, 68, 87–88, 90–91, 103, 107, 108, 137

postpartum care and, 34

childrearing, practices of, 130–32, 270n88

Civil (Napoleonic) Code (1804), women’s rights under, 20, 92, 105, 251n3

Clémenceau, Georges, 140

clergy. See anticlericalism; Catholicism

Combes, Émile, 62, 80

Communism, 210

feminism and, 221–22. See also Bolshevism

Communist Party, on birth control, 249, 289n28

conservatives and conservatism: backlash by, 73

criticisms of Roussel, 58–60, 78

Darnaud and, 119

French government and, 213–14

consumerism, 15

contraception. See birth control; neo-Malthusianism

Control des naissances et la malaise conjugal, La (Leclerq), 248

Converset, Jean, 47, 213, 224, 234

Courtois, Auguste. See Liard-Courtois (August Courtois)

Cova, Ann, 244

Cremnitz, Blanche. See Parrhisia (Blanche Cremnitz)

Croix, La, 20, 71, 216

Croix de bois, les (Dorgelès), 208

crowd behavior, 206, 280–81n71

Le Bon theory of, 95, 262n30

Talsans on, 80

culture. See popular culture

Danjou, Dr., 137–38, 142, 149, 166

Darnaud, Émile, 71–72, 87, 90–91, 109

on birth control, 152

friendship and opinions of, 118–19, 264n73

opposition to Roussel, 117–18

on Roussel’s health, 154

Roussel’s speaking tour of 1905 and, 94–95

war sentiments of, 136

during World War I, 173

Darrow, Margaret, 175, 209

Davy, Charlotte, 12, 222–23, 228, 229, 234, 285–86n59

Débat, 43

De la douleur (Blanc de Saint-Bonnet), 6–7

demography: in fin de siècle, 5

of France, 7–8, 35–36

national comparisons of, 7

politicization of, 3

after World War I, 207. See also birthrates; depopulation; population

depopulation: crisis of, 11, 33, 35–36, 38, 44, 48, 54, 145, 153, 161, 165, 219

and Roussel, 114, 115, 128. See also birthrate; demography; neo-Malthusianism; population; pronatalism

Derniers combats, 243

Derogy, Jacques, 248

Déroulede, Paul, 123

Dorgelès, Roland, 208

Dreyfus, Marguerite. See Hellé (Marguerite Dreyfus)

Dreyfus Affair, 11, 14, 23–26, 27, 36, 40, 66

Dreyfusards, as freethinkers, 62

Drous, Noëlie, 234, 235, 237, 243

Drumont, Édouard, 11, 24, 260n90

Duchmann, Henri, 64–67, 75, 109

Durand, Marguerite, 40, 52, 57, 63, 69, 70, 72, 73, 86, 92, 152, 223, 227

Les Éclaireuses, 166, 167

Roussel’s illness and death, 235–36, 287n78

Éclaireuses, Les (Donnay), 166–67

education: Catholic, 80

coeducation and, 79

in 1880s and 1890s, 21

for girls, 15, 19, 279n47

physical education for women, 65–66

at popular universities, 27–28

religious, 16

Robin on, 41–42

Roussel on, 39

Éducation sexuelle (Marestan), 220

Élosu, Fernand, 146, 147, 154

Émile (Rousseau), 112

Enfance heureuse, L’, 209–10, 239

England. See Britain

equality, 41–42, 221

lecture on, 99–100, 109

Roussel on, 47

vs. sexual differences, 46–47. See also gender

Équité, L’, 176–77

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 4

éternel féminin, 2, 6, 9–10, 12, 244, 245, 248, 252n9

in intellectual thought, 67–68, 101

vs. New Woman, 8–12

physiological component of, 112–13

World War I and, 172, 178, 206–7. See also éternelle sacrifiée; womanhood

éternelle sacrifiée, 10, 250

concept of, 2, 12

liberation from, 103–10

after World War I, 209. See also éternel féminin; womanhood

“Éternelle sacrifiée” (lecture), 92, 95, 101, 104, 106, 111–12

eugenics, eugenicists, 42, 117, 215, 243, 246, 283–84n24

Eve (biblical): redemption in childbirth pain, 32–33

Eyssartier, Mathilde, 191–92, 173, 193

Faure, Sébastian, 53, 57, 60, 114

Faust (Goethe), eternal feminine in, 6

Faute d’Eve, La (Roussel), 169–70

Fécondité (Zola), 36, 54, 65

Federation of Lay Youth, 62

Federation of Neo-Malthusian Worker Groups (GONM), 159–61

femininity: and feminism, 39

qualities of, 20

of Roussel, 115–16. See also womanhood; women

“Feminism and Fecundity” (Roussel), 48

feminism and feminists: birth control and, 120, 246

bourgeois, 40, 210–11, 212

breast-feeding and, 89

on childbirth pain, 34

and communists, 221–22

Congress (1896), 39, 43

Congress (1900), 38, 142

declining birthrate and, 37

freethinking and, 61–68, 84–85

ideology of, 38–39

of “integral” (“individualist”), 38–39

meanings of, 2–3

motherhood and, 37–41, 244–45

neo-Malthusianism and, 5

postwar, 209–14

radical, 39–40

“relational,” 38–39, 97

Roussel and, 1, 2, 13–14, 45–49, 60, 86–87, 103–9, 110–11, 137–38, 209–14, 264n63

Second wave, 249–50

socialists, 261n10

in Third Republic, 37–40

in World War I, 175–78

post-World War I, 210–14. See also Fraternal Union of Women (UFF)

feminist almanac, 91, 264n63

Femme affranchie, La, 87

fertility: decline in, 7, 253n22

in 1860s and 1870s, 36. See also birthrate; depopulation

Figaro, Le, 83, 216

flu epidemic of 1918, 200–201, 203, 207

Fontainebleau, 149, 191, 192, 193, 205, 206, 226

Fournière, Eugène, 114, 115

Française, La, 119, 149, 243

France, Anatole, 140

France juive, La (Drumont), 24

Fraternal Union of Women (UFF), 40–41, 132, 137–38, 209. See also feminism and feminists

freedom of motherhood (liberté de maternité), 55, 95, 101, 103–4, 106–7

Freemasons, 27, 28, 58, 74, 92, 102, 259n81

freethinkers and free thought, 25, 52, 59, 71, 72, 78, 84, 86, 92, 103, 119, 123, 140, 224

in audiences, 100, 101, 102, 104

behavior toward wives, 56, 85

feminism and, 61–68, 84–85

International Congress of, 71, 102

in Midi, 86–87

misogyny of, 63–68

opposition to Roussel, 111–13

Roussel on feminism within, 64–65

Roussel’s criticism of, 64–65, 90, 108–9, 210, 214

Roussel’s 1904 tour sponsored by, 73–77, 97

free unions, 79, 262n29

“French universalism,” 66

Fronde, La, 40, 59, 227, 243

feminist nature of, 261n8

merger with L’Action, 63–64, 72, 84

Roussel’s contributions to, 70, 176

workers and, 73

Gatti de Gamond, Isabelle, 102

Gauthier de Clagny, 135, 136, 137, 145

gender, 39, 46–47

difference in, 3

lecture on equality of, 99–100

left-wing thinking about, 66–68

Michelet on, 6, 67

Revolutions and, 5–7

Robin on, 41–42

in Third Republic, 30

World War I and, 172. See also womanhood; women

General Confederation of Labor (CGT), 138, 159, 220

Génération conscient, 138, 146, 151–52

Germany, 6, 7, 136–37. See also World War I

Giroud, Gabriel (pseud. Georges Hardy), 139, 146, 214, 216, 217, 283n21

Godet, André (NR’s son), 49

Godet, Henri, 9, 22–23, 42

activities of, 81

as “Barnum,” 75, 85, 96, 123

business affairs of, 122, 140–41, 183, 187–88, 198–99, 205

bust of Nelly and Mireille, 81

death of, 241

death of son André, 49–50

and Duchmann’s polemic, 66

as freethinker, 62

management and marketing of Roussel’s career, 9, 85, 86, 98, 123

Marcel and, 130–31, 143–44, 190–91, 240

marriage of, 27, 31, 126–29, 270n82, 272n18, 275n82

Mireille and, 190, 193–94, 232–33

Montupet and, 182–85, 207, 232

opposition to Roussel’s public neo-Malthusianism, 48, 50–51, 53–54, 57, 59–60, 120

politics of, 23–25, 123

Roussel, romantic feelings for, 24–27, 167, 233, 275n82

Roussel, strains with, 127–29, 185–86, 199

Roussel, support for, 84–85, 264–65n78

Roussel’s final illness and death, 231–34

Roussel’s health and, 51, 74, 154, 162, 183, 227, 231–34

Roussel’s tours and, 95, 96, 122–23

as sculptor, 23, 25, 50, 81, 139–40, 240–41

during World War I, 182–83, 196–97

Godet, Jules (HG’s father), 26

Godet, Juliette (HG’s sister), 41. See also Robin, Juliette

Godet, Marcel (“Nono”), 129–30, 143–44, 190–91, 281n74

birth of, 88

correspondence by, 172, 279n51

death of, 240

difficulties with, 125–26, 130–31

education of, 205

Henri’s relationship with, 126–34, 190–91, 279n51, 279n52

living arrangements for, 88, 89, 96, 121, 124–26, 162

after Roussel’s death, 240

Roussel’s relationship with, 126–34, 191, 193–94, 199, 228–29, 230, 241–42

during World War I, 190–91

Godet, Mireille, 37, 50, 74–75, 81, 121, 250

bust of (by Godet), 81–82, 90

correspondence by, 172

education of, 189, 197, 195, 198, 205

health of, 228, 229–30, 240

living arrangements for, 70–71, 96, 124, 125, 162, 242

relationship with parents, 126–34, 193

after Roussel’s death, 237–38, 239–40

Roussel’s illness and, 151, 229–30, 232–33

servant care for, 51, 52

in World War I, 175, 188–90

Gohier, Urbain, 177

GONM (Fédération des groups ouvriers néo-malthusiens). See Federation of Neo-Malthusian Worker Groups

Grande Réforme, La, 243

Great War. See World War I

Grève des ventres, La (Kolney), 146

grève des ventres (strike of wombs), 55, 67

Guesmere, Camille, 112, 116

Halperin, David, 113

Hardy, Georges. See Giroud, Gabriel

Harlor (Jeanne Perrot), 38, 40

Hellé (Marguerite Dreyfus), 40, 129

honor (and male codes of), 17–19, 60, 66, 116, 120, 129, 137, 260n90

and World War I, 177, 180, 200, 207, 217

Hugo, Victor, 28, 11, 128, 202

Humanité, L’, 123–24, 176, 218

Humbert, Eugène, 53, 81, 138–39, 145–46, 147–48, 151, 171, 220, 248

Humbert, Jeanne, 59, 171, 243, 248

Humbert, Maria, 53

Huot, Marie, 55

Huss, Marie-Monique, 219

“Impressions of a Melancholy Day” (Roussel), 28–29, 36, 37

infanticide, 3, 59, 106

infant mortality, 263n56

birth control and, 4–5

breast-feeding and, 89

“integral education,” Robin on, 41

International Council on Women, 86

International Feminist Congress (1896), 39, 43

International Women’s Congress (1915), 181

Jacobs, Aletta, 181, 246

Jaurès, Jean, 123, 159

Jews and Judaism: birth control associated with, 219

blamed for French depopulation, 153–54

Dreyfus Affair and, 23–24

Godet and, 26. See also anti-Semitism

Joan of Arc, 19–20

Jouenne, Alice, 223

Kauffmann, Caroline, 65, 70, 111, 175, 210

Kergomard, Pauline, 110, 267n33

Kollontai, Alexandra, 221

labor (industrial). See strikes; workers

Laguerre, Odette, 78, 92, 97, 233–34, 239, 243

Lamarzelle, Gustave de (Senator), 217–18

Lambert, Germaine, 132, 210, 233, 239

laws: on Associations, 1901, 80

against birth control, 216–20, 245, 249

censorship, 174–75

on freedom of the press, 145

lois scélérates, 220–21

Neuwirth, 249

on obscenity (“affronts to moral decency”), 145–48

League Against Licentiousness in the Streets, 147, 163

League of Human Regeneration, 42, 54, 57, 114, 117, 159

contraception access through, 43–45

Humbert’s direction of, 53

Lyonnais section of, 77–78

mission statement of, 46

League of the Rights of Man, 24, 49, 64, 92, 130, 160, 220

Le Bon, Gustave, 80, 95, 178, 262n30

lectures, by Roussel: in 1903, 54–55, 57–58, 61, 68, 259n75

in 1904, 72–85

in 1905, 92–98

in 1905–1908, 100–103

in 1908, 141

in 1909, 154–55

in 1910–1911, 154–55, 158–61

in 1912, 162

in 1920, 217

in 1921, 225

admirers and, 261–62n15

apogee of speaking career, 121

after birth of Marcel, 91–92

fees for, 265nn6, 78

freedom through, 121–23

hardships during tours, 270n81

popularity in France, 84

private life and (1905–1908), 121–26.

Titles of: “On the Education of Girls” (“Sur l’education des jeunes filles”), 39

“Éternelle sacrifiée” (“She Who Is Always Sacrificed”), 92, 95, 101, 104, 106, 111–12

“Fertile Love, Sterile Love” (“Amour fécund, amour stérile”), 54, 72, 101

“Freedom of Motherhood” (“La Liberté de maternité”), 68, 143

“Many Children?” (“Beaucoup d’enfants?”), 101, 115

“Let’s Create the Female Citizen” (“Créons la citoyenne”), 101

“To Save Our Wounded” (“Pour le salut de nos blessés”), 179

“The Socialist Question and Feminism,” 75

“Talk on Feminism,” 46

“To Women,” 87

“Women and Freethinking” (“La Femme et la libre pensée”), 101, 109

“Women’s Suffrage” (“Le Suffrage des femmes”), 101. See also Paroles de combat et d’espoir; Quelques discours

left wing: antimilitarism of, 137

contraception and, 249

“masculinism” of, 210

misogyny of, 63–68

opposition from, 65–68, 111

Roussel’s movement toward, 15

silence over anti-birth control law, 220. See also anarchists; Bolshevism; Communism; Freemasons; freethinkers and free thought; neo-Malthusianism; socialism; Socialist Party

legislation. See laws

Le Play, Frédéric, 6, 36

lesbianism, 112

Levasseur, Émile, 140

Lévy, Emmanuel, 97

Liard-Courtois (Auguste Courtois), 53, 145, 147–48

Libertaire, Le, 65, 67

liberté de maternité (freedom of motherhood), 55, 58–59, 95, 101, 103–4, 106–7

Libre Parole, La, 58

Libre Pensée internationale, La, 178, 179, 181, 214

lois scélérates, 220–21

Lucas, Dr., 87–88, 90, 91, 137

Ly, Aria, 111, 113, 128–29

Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 114

Ma forêt (Roussel poems), 171, 193, 204, 205, 206

Magnaud, Paul, 59

Malthus, Thomas, 4, 114, 145, 217

Malthusianism, 41, 58. See also neo-Malthusianism

Marbel (Marguerite Belmont), 40–41, 70, 234–35

Marestan, Jean, 220

Marguerite Durand Library, Roussel’s letters in, 250

Marianne (French republican icon), 21, 56, 211

martyrdom, in Christian theology, 33. See also éternelle sacrifiée

Marx, Magdeleine, 212

“masculinism,” 210

maternal mortality, 29, 255n47

maternal pain, 32–34, 107

as natural element of womanhood, 101

propaganda about, 57

Roussel on, 56. See also éternel féminin; éternelle sacrifieé; self-sacrifice

Maternité heureuse, 248

Maurel, Bertz, 154–55, 156, 162

McLaren, Angus, 45

Means to Avoid Large Families, 146

medical profession: on breast-feeding, 89

on pain in childbirth, 33–34

Mère éducatrice, La, 202, 221, 237, 239, 243

Meric, Victor, 211

Méricourt, Théroigne de, 115, 268n48

Michaud, Stéphane, 9

Michel, Louise, 14, 15, 27, 53, 92, 115, 226–27, 268n48

Michelet, Jules, 6, 67

Mirabeau, Octave, 268–69n59

Misme, Jane, 119, 149, 268–69n59

Moll-Weiss, Augusta, 110, 181

Montupet, Antonin, 21–22, 70–71, 75, 121, 131, 132, 133, 187

Roussel and Godet’s relationships with, 183–85

support by, 140, 141, 144

in World War I, 182, 183, 199

Moroccan crises, 136, 162

motherhood: birthrate and, 35–36

dehumanization of women through, 108

denaturalization of, 48–49

denial of rights in, 105–6

education about, 48, 61

expectations of, 131–32

feminism, pronatalism, and, 37–52

freedom from, 5, 55, 95, 101, 103–4, 106–7

large families and, 215–16

as part of Roussel’s public image, 97, 98, 120

patriotism and, 171–72

practices of, 131–32, 270–71n88

republican mothers and, 4

of Roussel, 241–42

Roussel on, 46, 47, 77, 95

Roussel’s image vs. behavior, 126–34

Roussel’s private life and, 120–26

social reform and, 1, 38

Third Republic notions of, 32

woman’s role in, 3–4

women’s bodies and, 63

Mouvement de liberation des femmes (MLF), 249–50

Mouvement français pour le planning familial, 248

Moyens d’éviter la grossesse (Hardy), 146

Moyens d’éviter les grandes familles, 43–44

Napoleonic Code. See Civil (Napoleonic) Code

Naquet, Alfred, 142

natalist movement, 36. See also depopulation; pronatalism

National Alliance for the French Population Growth, 36, 218

National Association of Freethinkers of France, 62

National Bloc, 214

National Congress of Free Thought, Roussel’s lecture at, 64, 109, 260n85

national defense, reproduction and, 219

nationalism: anti-Malthusianism and, 163

religion and, 224

resurgence of, 136–37

nature: freethinkers on, 109

women and, 3, 6, 61, 63, 67

Nel, Andrée (NR’s sister), 16, 21, 50, 82–83, 87, 122, 124, 125–26, 129–30, 140, 143, 149, 150, 151, 162, 167, 173, 179, 183, 191, 194, 242

Nel, Jules and Ninie (NR’s cousins), 83, 122

Nel, Louise (NR’s mother), 15–16, 52, 121, 132, 133, 149, 183, 184, 189, 197, 237

Nel, Paul (NR’s cousin and brother-in-law), 50, 124, 125, 129–30, 162, 167, 183, 187

Nel, Thomas (NR’s grandfather), 16, 20, 22, 37, 50, 74, 83, 121

neo-Malthusianism, 4–5, 41

anti-birth control law and, 220

anti-pornography and, 163–65

contraception and, 4

Darnaud’s opposition to, 72

debate against, 160–61

fears of, 137

and Federation of Neo-Malthusian Worker Groups (GONM), 159–61

and feminism, 5

Godet’s discomfort with, 50–51, 57–58, 120, 138

government propaganda against, 216–17

Humbert, Eugène, and, 53, 81, 138–39

influence of, 4, 5, 115, 167

law of July, 1920, and, 214–22

opposition to, 58–59, 114–16

persecution of, 145–48

post-World War I, 214–22

Robin and, 41–45, 138–39

Roussel and, 5, 58, 60, 117–18, 120, 138, 153, 209

splintering of movement, 138–39

women and, 54

working-class women and, 284n28

World War I and, 171. See also birth control; birth control movement

néo-Malthusien, Le, 214

neurasthenia, 155–56, 168, 184, 194, 204

Neurasthenia (Ballet), 155

Neuwirth Law, 249

“new biography,” 2

newspapers. See press

New Woman, 8–12, 37

Noël humaine, 92, 103, 224

Nono. See Godet, Marcel (“Nono”)

obscenity laws, 145–48

Offen, Karen, 37–38

pacifism, 10

in World War I, 175, 178–82

Pagnier, Dr., 226, 227–28

Paris Commune, 14–15, 20, 41, 115, 253n22

Par la révolte, 56–57, 61, 70, 72, 93, 258n64

readings of, 73, 101–2

sales of, 81, 96, 101, 159

Paroles de combat et d’espoir (expanded re-issue of Quelques discours), 206, 213

Parrhisia (Blanche Cremnitz), 40, 107

“Passion du jeu, La” (Roussel), 18

paternity suits. See recherche de la paternité

patriarchy, concept of, 65

patriotism, 19, 175, 179, 180

Pau, Marie-Edmée, 19–20

Péguy, Charles, 8

Pelletan, Camille, 83–84

Pelletier, Madeleine, 27, 34, 65, 120, 164, 211, 248

Perrot, Jeanne. See Harlor (Jeanne Perrot)

Petit, Gabrielle, 70, 87, 92, 120, 146

physical education, for women, 65–66

pill, the, 12, 245

Pioch, Georges, 211

Piot, Edmé, 48, 58, 114

planned parenthood, 247

plays, by Roussel. See La Faute d’Eve; Par la révolte; “La Passion du jeu”; Pourquoi elles vont à l’église; “La Soeur de Comte Jean”

playwriting, 56

poems, by Roussel, 171, 193, 204, 205, 206. See also Ma forêt

Poincaré, Raymond, 136–37, 174

politics, 5–7, 13–15

contraception and, 246

Godet in, 123, 260n91

pre-World War I, 136–37, 163

post-World War I, 213–14, 216

Roussel’s lectures and, 78

popular culture, 15, 19–20, 21

post-WWI, 207–9, 219

popular universities, 26, 27–29, 46

“Diderot,” 46, 52

population: birthrate and, 245

Darnaud on, 72

decline of, 35–36

European, 7

Roussel on crisis of, 11

statistics on, 114–15

after World War I, 207. See also depopulation; neo-Malthusianism; pronatalism

pornography, neo-Malthusianism equated with, 45, 147, 153, 218

postcards, 278n41, 278–79n46

Godet business in, 187

pronatalist, 219

post–World War I: culture of, 207–9

commemoration in, 208–9

feminism in, 209–14

Roussel on, 214–15

and war monuments, 208–9

pouponnière, 87, 89, 241–42

Pouponnière de Porchefontaine, 87, 88, 89, 124, 125, 241–42

Pourquoi elles vont à l’église (Roussel), 156–58, 159

Poussard, Dr., 231–32

pregnancy, 258n63

birth control and, 4

Bossuet on, 32

damage to women’s bodies through, 107

impact of avoidance on women’s nature, 113–14

medical care for, 87

unwanted, 108–9

from World War I rapes, 207–8. See also Roussel, Nelly

press: condemnation of birth control by, 216

conservative criticisms of Roussel by, 58–60

feminist, 63–64

left-wing characterizations of Roussel in, 60

Roussel’s speeches covered by, 153–54. See also under specific newspapers

pronatalism, 36

female contraception and, 45

motherhood, feminism, and, 37–41

Roussel’s reactions to, 108–9

after World War I, 209, 218–19. See also depopulation

pronatalists, 8, 36, 37, 45, 61, 107, 131, 165, 218

Proudhon, Pierre, 67

provinces: feminists in, 104–5

Roussel’s speaking tours in, 72–85, 92–96, 99–101, 103–8

Psychology of Crowds (Le Bon), 262n30

publicity: for 1904 speaking tour, 75–76, 77, 81, 85

for 1905 speaking tour, 96–97

puerperal fever, 29

pulmonary tuberculosis. See tuberculosis

Quelque lances rompues pour nos libertés (Roussel), 150

Quelques discours (Roussel), 126, 129, 141, 159, 206

Question de la dépopulation en France, La (Piot), 48

Rachel (Elisa Felix), 16

radical feminists, 39–40

radicalism, 210–11, 244

Raison, La, 51, 62

rape, in World War I, 207–8

Rauze, Marianne, 211

recherche de la paternité, 138, 152

Régénération (periodical), 42, 46, 53, 138, 139

Par la révolte (play) published by, 57

Roussel’s contributions to, 54, 70

religion: banning instruction from schools, 115

Dreyfus Affair and, 23–24

left wing and, 68

and Noël humaine, 224–25

in provincial speeches, 105

role in women’s lives, 109, 110

of Roussel, 2, 13–14, 21, 22

Roussel’s challenges to, 60–61. See also Catholicism; freethinkers and free thought

religious orders, 20, 80

Renooz, Céline, 27, 210

Rénovation, 117, 159

reproduction: female sexuality and, 12, 112

as labor, 55

national defense and, 219

rates of, 7

Robin on control over, 42

women defined by, 12

women’s control of, 117. See also birth control; childbirth; pregnancy

reproductive rights, 3, 246

citizenship rights and, 1–2

Darnaud on, 91

in Lyon lecture, 78

Roussel’s views on, 47–49. See also birth control; neo-Malthusianism

republicanism and republicans: Dreyfus Affair and, 23–24

ideology of, 6

and women, 9

republican mothers, 4, 252n6

revolutions: of 1789, 5, 8, 67, 112

of 1830, 6

of 1848, 6

of 1871, 6, 14–15, 20, 41, 115, 253n22

in French political culture, 5–7

Revue socialiste, 114

Reynaud, Collette, 211

right wing: anti-Semitism of, 153

militarism of, 136–37

neo-Malthusians and, 146

opposition from, 114–18

after World War I, 213–14, 218. See also pronatalism

Roberts, Mary Louise, 208, 219

Robin, Fritz, 41, 57, 131, 187, 205

Robin, Juliette, 57, 131, 205, 206, 240

Robin, Louise, 131

Robin, Maurice, 131

Robin, Michel, 242

Robin, Paul, 5, 41–45, 70, 131, 138, 139, 256n20

Cempuis affair and, 42, 43, 50–51, 79, 163

Darnaud and, 72

feminist hostility toward, 43

Humbert and, 53

ideology of, 41–45

neo-Malthusianism and, 120

Roussel as disciple of, 45–49

Roussel’s speeches for, 53–54

suicide of, 165

Rolland, Romain, 211

Ronsin, Françis, 159

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 66, 112, 119

Roussel, Léon (NR’s father), 15, 16, 21

Roussel, Louise Nel. See Nel, Louise

Roussel, Nelly: audiences of, 2, 11, 12, 84, 100–103, 106–8, 133–34, 160

birth of, 13

career, successes of, 121, 133–34

and Catholicism, 13–14, 20, 22, 39, 56, 60–61

conversion of, 13–14

death of, 233–34

on depopulation crisis, 11

devotion to Godet, 124, 150

finances, 124, 133, 139–41, 143–44, 183, 187, 277n29, 286n62

and forests, 192–94, 205–6

Godet’s bust of, 81–82

and grandfather (Thomas Nel), 16, 20, 22, 68–69, 74, 142

in Grenoble, 195–200, 281n73

health of, 49, 53, 70, 135–36, 149–58, 162–63, 165–66, 167–70, 183–86, 194, 195–97, 201–2, 225–34

heroes and heroines of, 18, 31–32

ideology, shaping of, 45–49

legacy of, 243–50

Lyon, family move to, 200–203, 281n73

and Marcel, 130, 143–44, 150–51, 191, 193

marriage of, 27, 31, 126–29, 270n82, 272n18, 275n82

and Mireille, 37, 52, 70–71, 82, 120–21, 124, 131, 151, 190, 230, 237–38, 242

and mother (Louise Nel), 133

as mother, 28–32, 120, 124, 126, 131–32

opposition to, 98, 110–18, 144–45

parents of, 15–16

as “the phenomenon,” 75, 85

pregnancies, 28–30, 49, 68–69, 71, 82–83, 87–88

private life of, 120–26

public image, creation of, 97, 98, 120, 126, 150

religious imagery, use of, 103–4

speaking fees, 265n6, 265n78

theater, interest in, 16, 22

Royer, Clémence, 140, 142, 187, 240–41

“Sacred Union.” See Union sacrée

sacrifice (female), 32–33, 101. See also childbirth; éternelle sacrifiée

Saint-Simonianism, 38

Sanger, Margaret, 246–47, 289n21

Sauret, Henriette, 224, 225

“School of Propagandists,” 223–24

schoolteachers: and l’Action des femmes, 210

as audience of Roussel, 73, 76, 78, 85, 100, 103, 104, 106

and Darnaud, 71–72

Robin on, 41–42

science, 1, 13

and freethinking, 62, 111

in neo-Malthusian doctrine, 46, 54, 148, 163

in Roussel’s doctrine, 61, 63, 69, 90–91, 108–9, 115

Roussel’s faith in, 169, 193, 237

sculpture, by Godet: 25, 27, 139, 187, 240–41

Clémence Royer statue, 140, 142, 187, 240–41

mother-daughter bust, 81–82, 90

Second Sex (de Beauvoir), 12

secularism, 33, 39

self-fulfillment, 9, 10

self-sacrifice, 101, 177. See also éternelle sacrifiée

servants, 51–52, 130, 143, 280n58, 283n12. See also Eyssartier, Mathilde

Séverine (journalist), 59, 210

sexology, 8

sexual differences, 3

Roussel on, 46–47. See also gender

sexual emancipation, 42

sexuality: bourgeois attitude toward, 15

education about women’s bodies and, 61

hierarchy created through, 113

Roussel on, 2, 60–61

secrecy surrounding, 255n45

separation from reproduction, 12

theories about, 8–9

women’s control of, 112

sexual pleasure: women’s right to, 5, 8, 54, 148, 164, 237

sexual repression, 4–5

Sherman, Daniel, 208

Sicard de Plauzolles, Dr., 159

Simon, Jules, 6

single mothers (fille mères), 59, 105–6

socialism: and feminism, 65, 124, 223, 261n10

of Godet, 25, 140

and popular universities, 28

Robin and, 41

Roussel on feminism and, 46

after World War I, 210

Socialist Party, 123, 124, 210

“Soeur de Comte Jean, La” (Roussel), 17–18

Soviet Union, Roussel’s homage to, 221

Spanish flu. See flu epidemic of 1918

speaking tours. See lectures

Stopes, Marie, 246

strikes: in France (1904–1907), 73, 106

by women, against childbearing, 55

suffering: birth control and, 117

in Christian theology, 33

of women, 106–8. See also éternelle sacrifiée; self-sacrifice

suffrage. See voting rights

Talsans, Léonie, 78–80

teachers. See schoolteachers

Third Catholic Congress of the Gospel, 144–45

Third Republic: feminism in, 37–38

images of womanhood, 21

journalism in, 66

Michelet and gender roles in, 6

Roussel’s theories as threat to, 2

women’s voting rights during, 63

Thomas, Albert, 187

Thulié, Henri, 38

Tilquin, Jeanne, 145, 183

Trois conférences de Nelly Roussel, 243

tuberculosis, 275–76n84

as cause of women’s deaths, 30

non-pulmonary, 275–76n84

of Roussel, 10, 168–69, 227–28, 229–30

woman’s suffering and, 236–37

UFF (Union fraternelle des femmes). See Fraternal Union of Women

Union sacrée, 10, 174, 175, 214

United States: birth control movement in, 5

political evolution in, 6

radical feminists in, 67. See also Sanger, Margaret

universités populaires. See popular universities

Vernet, Madeleine, 34, 202, 240, 241, 243, 244–45, 281n80

Vérone, Maria, 153, 166

Vichy France: eternal feminine and, 244

Violet, Abbé, 153, 216

Virgin Mary, 20, 21

Viviani, René, 140, 152, 187

Voix des femmes, La, 211–12, 214, 221, 222–23, 224, 230, 237, 243

voting rights, 39

feminist meeting about, 273n42

during Third Republic, 63

for women, 244

war: as crime of men, 212–13

Roussel on, 10

women’s opposition to, 180–82. See also World War I

Werth, Léon, 211

wet nurses, 88–89

Wolf family, 57, 187, 202, 213

Wollstonecraft, Mary, 47

womanhood, 2

Catholic concept of, 6–7

definitions of, 39, 252n9, 252n12

Roussel’s conception of, 5

secular and religious notions of, 101. See also gender; motherhood; women

wombs on strike. See grève des ventres (strike of wombs)

women: birthrate and, 36–37

of bourgeoisie, 15

causes of death of, 30

civic courage of, 33

Civil Code, 20, 92, 105, 251n3

Darnaud on, 118–19

as eternally sacrificed, 10

in freethinkers’ associations, 62

in French revolutions, 6

images of, 20–21

liberation from motherhood, 5

as mothers, 8

nature of, 3–4

neurasthenia among, 155–56

opposition to war by, 180–82

physical education for, 65–66

and sacrifice in Judeo-Christian tradition, 32

sacrifice of self by, 30

sexual emancipation of, 4

voting rights for, 63, 244

World War I commemorations of, 208–9

“Women and War” (Roussel), 212

workers: in audiences, 100–101, 103, 106

contraception and, 4

feminists and, 210, 211

in Montupet’s factory, 132

Roussel’s addresses to, 73

strikes of 1904–1907 by, 73

unrest of, 15

women in men’s jobs, 172

World War I, 171–204

bombardment of Paris, 194–95

casualties and destruction in, 282n3

censorship during, 174–75, 176–78, 277n20

European fertility decline after, 7

German occupation of, 207–8

Marne, Battle of the, 174, 188–89

rapes during, 207–8

rescue dogs, 179–80

women’s activities during, 175, 179–80, 282n8. See also post–World War I

Yvelin, Cleyre, 67, 68, 69

Yvetôt, Georges, 138, 159

Zetkin, Clara, 221

Zola, Émile, 24, 36, 54, 65

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