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279 Index Aalen, S., 216n. 22 Abravanel, Isaac, 60, 88, 89, 123, 128, 227nn. 28, 34, 233n. 6 Ahrensdorf, Peter, 247n. 35 Albo, Joseph, 207n. 35 Albright, William Foxwell, 200n. 5 Al-Farabi, 191n. 24 Al-Ghazali, 191n. 24, 208n. 35, 210n. 44, 230n. 49 Alter, Robert, 27, 127, 141, 197n. 23, 198n. 26, 205n. 24, 236n. 27, 237n. 28, 240n. 3, 248nn. 41, 43, 45, 254n. 7 Anaxagoras, 207n. 33 Anaximenes, 49, 213n. 10 Anti-federalists, 31 Apollonius of Tyana, 186n. 5, 210n. 44 Aquinas. See Thomas Aquinas Aristobulus of Alexandria, 190n. 22 Aristophanes, 49, 213n. 10, 215n. 17, 221n. 4, 238n. 36, 262n. 3 Aristotle, 4, 5, 13, 30, 32, 36–37, 46, 52, 55, 75–76, 156, 191n. 24, 203n. 20, 207n. 34, 213n. 9, 217n. 28, 218n. 4, 250n. 61, 253n. 2; Ethics, 61, 62, 63, 84, 101, 175, 186n. 5, 187n. 11, 218n. 4, 228n. 41; History of Animals, 214n. 13; Metaphysics, 186n. 6, 199n. 3, 201n. 10, 213n. 8; On Interpretation, 94; On Prophecy in Sleep, 3, 186n. 5, 211n. 47, 249n. 47; On Respiration, 50, 201n. 13, 213n. 10; On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, 213n. 10; Parts of Animals, 191n. 25, 214n. 13; Physics, 203n. 20, 211n. 47, 213n. 8; Politics, 61, 63, 187n. 11, 218n. 4 Auerbach, Erich, 259n. 31 Augustine, St., 8, 9, 12, 83, 87, 94, 101, 136, 188n. 15, 190n. 22, 192n. 26, 199n. 2, 208n. 36, 224n. 21, 228n. 40, 231n. 50, 245n. 45, 255n. 10; Ad Orosium, 36; Against Faustus the Manichean , 208n. 35, 211n. 46, 245n. 45, 246n. 47; Against Lying, 245n. 45; City of God, 1, 5, 30, 77, 79, 84, 138, 148, 185n. 2, 186n. 8, 190n. 22, 199n. 5, 201n. 14, 218n. 4, 219n. 12, 224nn. 19, 21, 226n. 28, 228n. 43, 240n. 2, 243n. 17, 245n. 45, 249n. 48, 252n. 67; Confessions, 7, 41, 187n. 15, 192n. 26, 208nn. 35, 209nn. 36, 37, 216n. 23, 217nn. 25, 28, 225n. 22, 230nn. 49, 50; On Christian Doctrine, 190n. 22; On Free Choice of the Will, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 222n. 7, 224n. 19, 229n. 45; On Holy Predestination, 255n. 10; On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis: An Unfinished Book, 206n. 29, 208n. 36, 209n. 36, 224n. 14; On the Literal Interpretation of Genesis, in Twelve Books (=Genesis XII), 29, 34, 63, 85, 86, 88, 192n. 4, 200n. 6, 202n. 15, 205n. 24, 208n. 35, 209n. 36, 216n. 24, 217n. 28, 219n. 12, 224nn. 14, 21, 225n. 25, 226n. 27, 227nn. 29, 30, 31, 229nn. 45, 46, 230n. 50, 231n. 51; On Lying, 245n. 45; On the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, 246n. 47; On Nature and Grace, 78; On Perfect Justice, 78; On Predestination and Grace, 255n. 10; On Rebuke and Grace, 229n. 45; Questions on the Heptateuch, 245n. 45; Retractions , 77; Two Books on Genesis against the Manicheans, 55, 208nn. 36, 37, 209nn. 36, 37, 216n. 23 Averroës, 37, 201; The Incoherence of the Incoherence, 3, 30, 186n. 6, 199n. 3; Long Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics , 32, 201n. 12 Index 280 Avicenna, 37, 191n. 24 Avitus, Alcimus Ecdicius, 219n. 11 Avot of Rabbi Nathan, 64, 138, 215n. 17, 218n. 5, 249n. 54, 257n. 19 Bacon, Francis, 221n. 4 Bainton, Roland, 189n. 16, 224n. 15 Barr, James, 197n. 23, 198n. 25 Bartas, Guillaume du, 209n. 39 Barth, Karl, 9, 188n. 15; Church Dogmatics , 8, 35, 48, 188n. 16, 192n. 26, 199n. 4, 203n. 18, 204n. 23, 205n. 24, 211nn. 1, 2, 212nn. 3, 4, 6, 7, 213n. 7, 214n. 12, 215nn. 14, 16, 216n. 24, 217n. 25, 222n. 5, 226n. 28; Der Römerbrief, 16, 191n. 26, 243n. 17, 248n. 42, 252n. 67 Bartlett, Robert, 202n. 14 Basilides of Syria, 38, 206n. 31 Basil the Great, 46 Bayle, Pierre, 30, 32, 43, 56, 107, 136– 37, 199n. 4, 201n. 14, 228n. 44, 244n. 22, 246n. 27 Ben Jacob of Bonn, R. Ephraim, 258n. 22 Bickerman, Elias J., 190, 223n. 11 Blenkinsopp, Joseph, 25–27, 194nn. 10, 11, 195n. 16, 196n. 21, 234n. 15 Bloom, Harold, 197n. 21 Blum, E., 194n. 11 Bonhoe√er, Dietrich, 34, 38, 56, 57, 72, 82, 193n. 7, 214n. 13, 216n. 20, 219n. 10 Buber, Martin, 254n. 4 Burkert, Walter, 186n. 7 Calvin, Jean, 78, 92, 94, 106, 135, 199n. 4, 212n. 3, 224n. 14; Commentary on Genesis, 88, 95, 136, 137, 141, 150, 168, 199n. 4, 200n. 6, 216n. 18, 224n. 19, 227n. 30, 228n. 39, 230n. 47, 231nn...
