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Ackerknecht, Erwin, 35, 38–40 acquired immunity, 18, 19, 47 Aedes aegypti mosquito, 48 African Americans. See also blacks: hypertension among, 15; and malaria’s course, 3; slaves’ immunity, 24–25; tuberculosis among, 15, 16, 60–61 Agricultural Adjustment Act, 110–12 agriculture: cotton farming, 52, 80; and malaria control, 86; Southern economy, 52, 54–55 ague, 24, 26 Alabama Power Company, 87, 89 Allison, A. C., 66–67, 68 “American Holocaust,” 21 American Notes (Dickens), 31 Americas, malaria in, 20–29 Andrews, Justin, 146, 148–49 anemia, 56 anopheles mosquitoes: A. crucians, 50; A. gambiae, 152; A. maculipennis, 39, 50, 152; A. punctipennis, 50; A. quadrimaculatus, 50–52, 54–55, 105, 110, 152; blood preferences of, 39, 50; control over, 145; known role of, 47; and parasite life cycle, 10–11; resistance to DDT, 151; strains of, 50; training film about, 142 apathy, 133 Appalachians, 34 atabrine, 79, 146 autumnal fever, 34–35 Ayer, J. C. Company, 39–40 Ayer’s Ague Cure, 41 balanced polymorphism, 67 Barber, M. A.: colleagues of, 38; on malaria propagation, 112; mosquito preferences research, 50; on racial connection of malaria, 68; on socioeconomic conditions, 52, 54 barter systems, 127 Bass, C. C., 38, 61, 67, 75–77, 133 Bering Strait passage, 20 BHC (benzene hexachloride), 151 biological determinism, 15–17 biology of malaria, 8–12 Bishop, Eugene L., 100, 104 blacks: disease studies of, 16; higher disease rates among, 59–60; hypertension among American blacks, 15; and malaria, 3, 62– 65; mortality divergence rates with whites, 62, 64; parasite rates among, 62, 63t; seeming loss of immunity, 62–63; slaves’ immunity, 24–25; tuberculosis among American blacks, 15, 16, 60–61 Blanton, Wyndham, 24, 28 blood types, 20–21 Bolton, Conevery, 35–36 Boyd, Mark, 38, 66 Bradley, George, 145 Brown’s Iron Bitters, 40 Carnegie, Andrew, 71 Carolina Tolu Tonic, 40 carriers, 61–62 Carter, Henry Rose, 78, 83–84, 88, 89–90 cattle, 39 CDC. See Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Cell, John, 73 Celli, Angelo, 73–74, 79–80 Centers for Disease Control (CDC): current surveillance, 153; DDT campaign, 148–50; foundation of, 140; original name of, 146 Chambers, Julius, 16 charity, and medical care, 128 191 Index Note: Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. Tables are indicated by an italicized t following the page number. charms, 122 Chesapeake area, 25–26 “chills,” 134–35 chill tonic, 57, 135 chloroquine, 73, 146 cholera, 42, 43 chronic malaria, 9–10 cinchona bark, 27, 36, 37–38 Civil War, 37–38, 44 Civil Works Administration, 100 climatic influences, 10–12, 152–53 Coclanis, Peter, 25 communication, between physician and patient, 117–20 Conecuh River, 90 conjure doctors, 120, 121–24 control outlook, 1 Coolidge, Calvin, 95, 104 Cooper River, 106 Coosa River, 90 cotton farming, 52, 80 Curtin, Philip, 27–28, 68, 73 dams: in Tennessee Valley Authority, 104–5; and water impounding, 87–92 DDT: advent of, 147; anopheles mosquito’s resistance to, 151; campaign of 1940s, 2, 148–49; in Pacific theater, 142, 147; public clamor for, 147–48; and reputation of Centers for Disease Control, 140–41; SanteeCooper area as testing grounds, 108; in Tennessee Valley Authority, 105; toxicity of, 147; World Health Organization campaigns , 150–51 Deeks, W. E., 78 degeneracy, 59, 63–64 denial, 86–87 diagnostic inaccuracies, 97–98 Dickens, Charles, 31–33, 35 dieldrin, 151 diet and poverty, 126 diphtheria, 61, 69 disease: classification specificity, 42; cultural explanations of, 117–20, 139; Drake study, 34–35; germ theory of, 40, 45–46; higher rates among blacks, 59–60; studying blacks and, 16; theory from prior centuries , 119–20 disease etiology: revolution in, 45–48; specificity of, 42 disease vector. See also anopheles mosquitoes : attacking, 3; first accurate knowledge of, 2, 46 Dowling, Oscar, 60, 131–32 Drake, Daniel, 34–35 Duffy antigen, 18, 66, 152 Duke Power Company, 87, 91 Earle, Carville, 24 ecology of malaria, 50–52 economic losses, 83–84 economics, of public health reform, 3–4 educational projects, 81, 87, 133–34 Ehrlich, Paul, 65, 69 Eingeboren theory, 46–47 Electric Mills, Mississippi, 84 el Niño, 12 Engber, Barry, 109 epidemics: Connecticut River valley, 38; New York City, 38 epidemics, suspected: during Arapaho and Cheyenne resettlements, 22–23; Arkansas territory, 1819, 22; Jamestown, 17th century , 24; West Coast, 1829–1834, 21–22 eugenics, 59 Ewald, Paul, 14 Ezdorf, R. H. von, 74 Faget, J. C., 44 falciparum: acquired immunity to, 19; in Africa and South Asia, 152...
