In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CAS CIA Station ABNB Archivo y Biblioteca Nacional de Bolivia ALP Archivo de La Paz CIA Central Intelligence Agency CIWS Central Intelligence Weekly Summary COB Central Obrera Boliviana (Bolivian Workers’ Central) COMIBOL Corporación Minera de Bolivia (Mining Corporation of Bolivia) CREST CIA Records Search Tool DCM deputy chief of mission (US Embassy) DIA Defense Intelligence Agency FOIA Freedom of Information Act FRUS Foreign Relations of the United States FSB Falange Socialista Boliviana (Bolivian Socialist Falange) FSTMB Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Mineros de Bolivia (Union Federation of Bolivian Mine Workers) GOB Government of Bolivia IDB Inter-American Development Bank IDP internal defense plan INR State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research JCB Juvenil Comunista Boliviana (Bolivian Communist Youth) Abbreviations xviii A B B R E V I AT I O N S JFKL John F. Kennedy Presidential Library KSČ-NA Komunistická strana Československa (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), Národní archiv (National Archive) LBJL Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library MEMCON Memorandum of Conversation MNR Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Revolutionary Nationalist Movement) NARA National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland NSA national security adviser NSAM national security action memorandum NSC National Security Council NSF-CO National Security Files, Country File OAS Organization of American States OPS Office of Public Safety PCB Partido Comunista de Bolivia (Communist Party of Bolivia) PCML Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista (Marxist-Leninist Communist Party) PIR Partido de la Izquierda Revolucionaria (Party of the Revolutionary Left) POF Presidential Office Files POR Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Revolutionary Workers’ Party [Trotskyist]) PR Presidencia de la República (Presidency of the Republic) PRA Partido Revolucionario Auténtico (Authentic Revolutionary Party) PRIN Partido Revolucionario de la Izquierda Nacionalista (Revolutionary Party of the Nationalist Left) PURS Partido de la Unión Republicana Socialista (Party of the Socialist Republican Union) RG Record Group (NARA) RREE Ministry of Foreign Relations (Bolivia) SDANF State Department Alpha-Numeric Files (NARA) SDDF State Department Decimal Files (NARA) SDLF State Department Lot Files (NARA) SOUTHCOM US Southern Command A B B R E V I AT I O N S xix USAID United States Agency for International Development USAIRA US Embassy air force attaché USARMA US Embassy army attaché USIS United States Information Service WGA Wálter Guevara Arze Papers ...
