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I Aoki, Masahiko, n, n Aral Sea,  Argentina, , t,  Armenia, t,  Armour, H. O., n Aruba, t Asia. See Soviet Central Asia Australia, t, t Austria, , , t automakers, –, , ,  Avant, Deborah, n, n, n Azerbaijan, t,  Azores, t Bacevich, Andrew, n Bahamas, t Bahrain, t Ball, Deborah Yarsike, n Ball, Nicole, n Banerjee, A. V., n Barbados, t Barkawi, Tarak, n Barkey, Karen, n, n Bartlett, C. A., n Barylski, Robert, , n Basel International Banking Accords, – Basmachi Revolt,  Basque Country,  Bates, Robert,  Abdelal, Rawi, n, n, , n Abernethy, David, n, n, n Abu Ghraib prison,  Acemoglu, Daren, – Adams, Julia, n Adamson, Fiona, n Adylov, Akhmadzan, – Afghanistan,  Soviet invasion of, ,  Tajikistan and,  United States in, , ,  agency problems, –, t, –, –, – See also corruption Akayev, Askar,  Albania, t Alesina, Alberto, n Alexiev, Alex, n Algeria, , –, , ,  Allen, Mike, n Allison, Graham, n, n Amnesty International, t Amsden, Alice, n Anderson, D. M., n Anderson, Lisa, n Andorra, t, , t Angola, t, , t Anguilla, t, t Antigua, t, t Note: Page numbers with an f indicate figures; those with a t indicate tables; those with an n indicate footnotes.     Beasley, W. G., n, n Bechtel Group, , t, ,  Beissinger, Mark, n, n, n, n, n Belarus, t Belgium, t, t Belize, t Bendix, Reinhard, n Benin, t Bennigsen, Alexandre, n Berger, Peter L., n Berman, Sheri, n Bermuda,  Berrios, Ruben, n Berry, William, n Blackwater Security, t Blaker, James, n Blyth, Mark, n Bookman, Milica Zarkovic, n Bosnia, t,  economy of, , t reconstruction of, –,  Botswana, t Bowen, Stuart,  Bowers, Faye, n Braude, Joseph, n Bremer, Paul, – Bretton Woods Agreement, ,  Brezhnev, Leonid, , , , , ,  British East India Company, ,  British Gas, n British South Africa Company, ,  Broek, Mark de, n Broz, Josip, , – Brubaker, Rogers, n, n, n, n Brunei, t Brysk, Alison, n Bukovansky, Mlada, n Bulgaria, , t, t,  Bumar Group,  Bunce, Valerie, n, n, , n, n,  Burg, Steven, n, n Burkina Faso, t Byzantine empire, ,  Cable, John, n CACI International, t,  Callaghy, Thomas, n, – Cameroon, t, t Canute, James, n CARE International, –, t Carey, John, n Cayman Islands, ,  Center for Public Integrity (CPI),  Central African Republic, t Central Asia. See Soviet Central Asia Cerny, Philip, n Ceuster, Koen de, n CFA (Franc Zone), t,  Cha, Ariana Eunjung, n Chabal, Patrick, n Chad, , t Chalabi, Ahmed,  Chandler, Alfred, –, , , –, ,  Channel Islands, t, –, t Chaudhry, Kiren Aziz, n Chechnya, , t Chen, Ching-Chih, n Chen, Edward I-te, n Cheney, Dick, – Chevron, n China, t, , n, n,  See also Taiwan “civilizing mission.” See mission civilisatrice Clark, William, n Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), , – Coase, Ronald,  Cohen, Benjamin, n, n, n, t, – Cohen, Leonard J., n Cohen, William, – colonialism, –, t,  British, –, –, , , ,  Dutch, , , , , –, t exploration and, – French, , , , –, –, – hegemony and, –, –, , – M-form of, –, –, f, –, f Portuguese, , –, –,  Russian, , ,  Spanish, , , , ,  U-form of, , –, f Colton, Timothy, n Comoros, t Congo, t See also Zaire Conklin, Alice, n constructivism,  globalization and, –, – identity and, – rationalism and, –, – tax havens and,    Conyngham, William J., n Cook Islands, , t Corrales, Javier, n corruption, – index of, –, t Iraqi, – Soviet, – See also opportunism Côte d’Ivoire. See Ivory Coast CPA. See Coalition Provisional Authority Crawford, Neta, n credit-rating agencies, , – Critchlow, James, n Croatia, , – Cuba, ,  Cumings, Bruce, n, n Cumings, Meredith Woo, n currency boards, , , t, , – Cyprus, , t, ,  Czechoslovakia, n David, Steven, n Dawisha, Karen, n, n de Broek, Mark, n Deflem, Mathieu, n Denmark, t departmentalism, –, t, f, – at Ford Motor Company,  in Iraqi reconstruction, , – in Soviet Industry, – Deudney, Daniel,  DeYoung, Karen, n DiMaggio, Paul, n Dirrheimer, Manfred, n Djibouti, , t Dmitrieva, Oksana Olga, ,  Dobbins, James, n Dollar, David, n dollarization, –, –, t, t Dominica, t, t Dow, Gregory, n Dower, John, n, n Doyle, Michael, n, n, n Drezner, Daniel, n drug trafficking, , ,  DuPont Company, ,  Dutch East India Company, , ,  East Caribbean Currency Union, t, , t Eckert, Carter, n,  Eckholm, Erik, n e-commerce,  Ecuador, t educational policies,  British,  Central Asian,  French,  Eggertsson, Thrainn, n Egypt,  Eiji, Takemae, n Eisenstadt, S. N., n, n,  El Salvador, t Elster, Jon, n Enron Corporation, ,  Epstein, David, n equalization doctrine,  Equitorial Guinea, t Ericson, Richard, n Eritrea, t Erstman, Thomas, n Estonia, t,  GDP of, t IMF aid to,  land policies of, t, n ethnicity, , –, –,  federalism and, , – See also identity European Union (EU) admission to,  federalism of,  monetary system of, , t, , t Evans, Peter,  Fainsod, Merle, n Fairbanks, Charles,  Farouki, Huda,  Farsoun, Karen, n Fearon, James, n federalism, –, , – Feldbrugge, F. J. M., n Feldstein, Martin, n Ferguson, Niall, n, n Fierman, William, n Finland, t Firmin-Sellers, Kathryn,  firm-type model, –, , , – advantages of, –, , , –, t, f Iraq and, –, – Korea and...
