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Index absentee voting rights, 38, 132–39; dualnationality reforms, 133; historical demand for, 132–33; nationalist critique of, 134–36; potential impact of, 136–37; rightto -vote movement and, 133–34, 136–37; vote-from-abroad legislation, 138–39 acercamiento, policy of, 190 Adopta una Comunidad program, 40 agency: migrant associations, 77; migrants, 66–71, 78, 103–5 (see also absentee voting rights; Ley Migration); transnational, 19– 20 agency oriented theoretical perspective, 85 Americanization discourse, 190; de la Cruz, 154–58; Gómez, 158–60 amnesty policies, 29 Anderson, Benedict, 8, 9, 135 Anglo-Protestant creed, 9–10 anthropology as cultural critique, 215–16 The Anti-Politics Machine (Ferguson), 82– 84 Appadurai, Arjun, 9, 12, 167, 183, 212 Apulco, municipality of, 128 Arandas, Jalisco, 29 Arizona, 176, 177, 209 assimilation, 9, 11–12 Atlanta, Georgia, 52, 61 autonomista faction, 143, 144, 145, 153, 190. See also Gómez, Guadalupe; González, Francisco Javier Autonomous University of Zacatecas, 59, 102, 122, 124, 188, 220 Ávila, Alma, 116, 223 Bakker, Matt, 117, 218–19; interviews, 96–97, 118–19, 151–52, 156, 161, 174, 182 Banco de México, 41, 79 Barker, Robert, 98, 225 Bermúdez, Andrés, 25, 37, 109–30, 223; dual loyalty, conditionality of, 168; electoral successes, 112, 129, 163, 169; exit vs. voice option, 168–69, 206; Mexican politicians, distrust of, 190; Monreal Ávila and, 114, 115, 123, 145; neoliberalism, agent of, 191– 92; personal narrative, 117–18, 186; political obstacles to administration of, 128–29; PRI’s legal challenge to electoral victory of, 109, 112–13; productive investment efforts , 99; TRIFE decision, contestation of, 113–16 Bermúdez, Andrés, electoral campaign, 116, 117, 123, 188–89; contradictions of, 189; corruption, emphasis on fighting, 119–21; economic proposals, 192; electoral coalitions , 93, 109–10, 114–16, 121–24; migrant experience discourse, 109, 111–12, 118; political-economic context of, 187, 188–89; productive investment discourse, 124–27 bermudista movement, 93, 110, 114, 115–16, 116, 121–24 Page references in italics denote maps and photographs. biculturalism, 10–11 bilingualism, 10–11 binational residency. See Ley Migrante Binford, Leigh, 80 Bonilla, José “Pepe,” 149 Borrego Estrada, Genaro, 7, 31–32, 91, 221 Bracero Program, 30, 111 Brussels, Belgium, 93 Burawoy, Michael, 216 Burgess, Katrina, 207 Bush, George W., 40, 86, 178–79, 204 Bustamente, Cruz, 175 Cabral, Felipe, 98, 148–49, 172–73, 206, 225 Calderón, Ángel, 56, 57, 59, 66, 189–90, 221; Fox and, 74; Mexican politics, distrust of, 72–73; migrant network, 66–67, 68, 76; partisan politics, skepticism of, 70–71; political engagement, transnational, 169– 71; voluntary projects, 68–69 California, 48, 133, 209 California Community Foundation, 180 Calles, Plutarco Elías, 28 Caminos de Guanajuato (radio program), 61 campesinos, 73, 98 Cárdenas, Cuauhtémoc, 36, 133, 134 Carpizo, Jorge, 134–35 Carrillo, Raymundo, 99, 223 Carvajal, Martín, 128 Casas Guanajuato program, 21, 51–56, 72–74 Castañeda, Jorge, 38 Centro Interuniversitario del Conocimiento (CIC), 57 Chavela (El Timbinal maquiladora investor ), 55, 68 Chicago, Illinois, 31, 52, 61, 122, 134, 188, 204, 209 citizenship: dual, 62–65, 74; extraterritorial, 3, 8, 9, 23, 31, 77; gendered construction of, 200–201; substantive, 21. See also postnationalism ; transnational citizenship City Terrace, California, 179–80, 182, 205 clientelism, 46–47, 70–71, 189–90 Clinton, Bill, 174 clubs. See HTAs Coalición de Mexicanos en el Exterior, Nuestro Voto en el 2000, 134 Coalición para los Derechos Políticos de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (CPDME), 25 Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), 178 cognitive agency, 196–97 collective migrant, 34, 153, 203 community development, transnational. See migrant-led development; migrant reincorporation policies Consejo Estatal de Población de Guanajuato (COESPO), 49; COESPO report, 49– 51, 195, 200, 201 co-optation, 45, 81 Cornelius, Wayne, 208 corporatism, 140–41 Correa, Lou, 175 Correo (newspaper), 61 Cristero rebels, 29 Cuatro por Uno program, 92 DACGE (Dirección General de Atención a Comunidades Guanajuantenses en el Extranjero ), 51, 57 Dallas, TX, 52, 61 de la Cruz, Manuel, 26, 37, 95, 97, 101, 145, 224; Americanization discourse, 154–58; criticism of, 156–57; dual political subjectivity of, 153–58; exit vs. voice option, 173– 74; free trade agreement, vision of, 157– 58; Gómez, conflict with, 146; Mexican politicians, distrust of, 190; as migrant deputy, 132, 149, 153–58; Monreal Ávila, links to, 144, 153; political identity, 174; political motives, 154–55; political opposition to, 153, 155–56 Delgado, Felipe, 97, 98...
