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223 z Index Abakumov, Viktor, 93 Abrikosov, Andrei, 84, 93, 100–102 academic freedom, 2, 8, 70, 179–83, 197, 208, 216 Academy of Architecture, 111, 115, 119 Academy of Sciences: architectural and historical preservation, involvement in, 147, 152 elections to, 198–99 Gorky Institute of World Literature, oversight of, 10, 18, 181–83, 185, 187 Literature and Language Section, 182–83, 185, 187, 198 Adomaitis, Elena, 98 Akhmatova, Anna, 25, 189 Aksiutin, Iurii, 11–12 Aksyonov, Vassily, 205 Alabian, Karo, 88 Aleksandrov, Georgii, 62 Alexeyeva, Ludmilla, 7, 14 Alliluyeva, Svetlana, 194, 195n All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, 168–69, 171–72 All-Union Association of Proletarian Achitects, 135 All-Union Convention of Construction Workers, 115–16, 116n, 136–37 Amalrik, Andrei, 14, 212 Andreev, Daniil, 25 Anisimov, Ivan, 179–81, 186, 191, 194, 196, 198 Annenkov, Pavel, 21 antiparty group, 44, 58, 95 anti-Semitism, 1, 84, 158, 179, 205 Antropov, L. I., 170 Aragon, Louis, 205 Arakcheev, Aleksei, 166 Arbat Blues Club, 28 Arbat myth: durability of, 219 the intelligentsia, reflective of fate of, 37–38 origins of, 15–16, 32–36 thaw, relation to, 2, 16, 18, 38–39, 218–19 Arbat neighborhood: churches, demolition of, 24 courtyards, 26, 29–30, 33–37, 218 Faubourg Saint-Germain, similarity to, 2 history of, 20–28, 141–42 impact of intelligentsia, links to, 21–27, 32–39, 40–41, 106, 141–42, 178 municipal ward, 32 pentacentennial celebration, 217 physical transformation of, 26–27, 105–6, 140, 142–43, 145, 211, 217–18 resettlement of residents from, 173 terror, impact of, on, 24–26 See also names of individual streets and squares Arbat Square, 19–20, 22–24, 28, 151, 169, 190 Arbat Street: appearance of, 19–20, 23 etymology, 20 pedestrian mall, 26–29, 171, 216–18 Index 224 empire style, 21, 23, 141, 174 financial soundness of, 152 “functional zoning,” 150 “heroic period,” 132–33 under Khrushchev, 109–10, 113–20, 122–23, 213, 215 “Luzhkov style,” 29 mass housing, 109 master plans for Moscow, 111, 114–15, 149–52, 170 micro-districts, 130, 134 “new-life” campaign, 17, 126–29, 136–39 Novyi Arbat, 105, 110, 120–32, 137–38, 141–43 red-line policy, 152 sotsgorod, 134 under Stalin, 109, 111–13 tipizatsiia, 120, 127–29, 132, 136, 138 tipovoe proektirovanie, 115–17, 119–21, 124, 138 Western, 125–26, 132, 134, 138, 169. See also names of individual architects Arzhak, Nikolai. See Daniel, Iulii Astangov (Ruzhnikov), Mikhail, 98–102 Babel, Isaac, 193 Bagrina, Valentina, 93 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 180 Baranovskii, Petr, 153, 167, 170, 212 Belaia, Galina, 190–91, 195, 207–9 beloruchki (shirking), 58 Belyi, Andrei, 33, 217 Benjamin, Walter, 23 Beria, Lavrentii, 44, 113, 181, 189 Berliner Ensemble, 79, 84 Bernes, Mark, 93 Bialik, Boris, 197 Bizet, Georges, 59 Bocharev, Sergei, 192 Bogoraz-Bukhman, Larissa, 201, 204–6 Bolʹshaia Molchanovka Street, 106, 120 Bolshoi Drama Theater, 78 Bolshoi Theater, 21, 49 Bondi, Sergei, 3, 194, 209 Borisoglebskii Lane, 25 Borisova, Iuliia, 92, 98, 100 Borshchukov, Vladimir, 192 Brecht, Bertolt, 78, 84 Brezhnev, Leonid: architecture, impact on, 109, 137–39 as letter-writing target, 5–6, 201–5 thaw, impact on, 5–6, 8–11, 13, 208 arbatstvo, 33–35 arbattsy (Arbatites), 33, 142, 217 architectural and historical preservation: under Brezhnev, 11, 41, 163–68 churches, demolition of, 24, 169–70 local authorities, conflicts with, 148–49, 153–54 MOSA insurrection, 163–67 Moskva roundtable, 154–59 nationalism, 151–52, 168–69 Novyi Arbat, opposition to, 17–18, 140, 161–62, 170–71 official policy toward, 145–49 public input, calls for, 143–44, 171–73, 215 preservation registries, 147–48, 161, 163 preservation zones, 147–48, 164–65 Rossiia Hotel, opposition to, 151, 169 scientific basis for, 152–53 under Stalin, 146–48 supporters of, 144–45, 212–14 urban planners, conflicts with, 149–51, 153–55, 159–60 voluntary organization, calls for, 144, 160–62, 165, 168–69 Architectural-Planning Administration (Moscow): Arbat pedestrian mall, 26–27 Architectural-Construction Control Inspectorate, 118–19 Architectural-Construction Council, 118–20, 119n under Brezhnev, 169–71 criticism of, 17–18, 119–20, 144–45, 155–59, 161–68, 170 Institute of the Master Plan, 155, 157, 164 under Khrushchev, 109–10, 117–19, 150, 153 Novyi Arbat, 120, 122–23 population figures, 26 restoration work, 148–49 Urban-Planning Council, 118, 151, 159, 164 architecture and urban planning: “all-embracing” approach, 128–29 in the Arbat, 2, 19...
