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Bibliography ofPrimary Sources Translations of biblical passages are from the translation ofthe Bible published by The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1917, unless otherwise noted. ANET (Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament), ed. J. B. Pritchard , 3rd ed., Princeton, 1969. Avot de-Rabbi Nathan, S. Schechter, Vienna, 1887 (N.Y., 1967) Exodus Rabbah, 1-14; A. Shinan, Jerusalem, 1984. Genesis Rabbah, J. Theodor and C. Albeck, Berlin 1903-1936; republished Jerusalem 1965. Ginze Midrash, Z. M. Rabinovitz, Tel Aviv 1976. Lamentations Rabbah, S. Buber, Vilna 1899. Leviticus Rabbah, M. Margulies, Jerusalem 1953-1960. Mekhilta (de-Rabbi Ishmael), H. S. Horovitz and 1. A. Rabin, Frankfort 1931; republished Jerusalem 1960. Mekhilta de-Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, J. N. Epstein and E. Z. Melamed, Jerusalem 1955. Midrash Lekah Tov, S. Buber, Lemberg 1884; republished Jerusalem 1960. Midrash Rabbah (on the Pentateuch and Five Megillot), Vilna 1878. Midrash Tannaim, D. Z. Hoffmann, B<;,rlin 1909. Midrash Tehillim (Psalms)-Shoher Tov, S. Buber, Vilna 1891. 297 298 Bibliography ofPrimary Sources Midrash Zuta, S. Buber, Berlin 1894. Mishnah Pesikta de-Rav Kahana, B. Mandelbaum, New York 1962. Pesikta Rahbati, M. Friedmann, Vienna 1880. Seder Eliyahu Rabba, M. Friedmann, Vienna 1902; republished Jerusalem, 1969. Seder Eliyahu Zuta, M. Friedmann, Vienna 1902-1904; republished Jerusalem, 1969. Seder Olam, The Order of the World, A. Neubauer, Oxford 1895; republished Jerusalem, 1967. Semahot, Tractate, M. Higger, New York 1932; republished Jerusalem, 1970. The Tractate "Mourning", D. Zlotnick, New Haven 1966. Sifra, A. H. Weiss, Vienna 1862. Sifre-Deuteronomy, L. Finkelstein, Berlin 1940; republished New York, 1969. Sifre-Numbers, H. S. Horovitz, Leipzig 1917; republished Jerusalem, 1966. Ta'anit, Tractate, H. Malter, New York 1930; republished Jerusalem, 1973. Talmud, Babylonian, Romm, Vilna 1880-1886. Talmud, Palestinian, Venice 1523; Krotoschin 1866. Tat;tJumim: (Pseudo) Jonathan, M. Ginsburger, Berlin 1903. Yerushalmi; Das Fragmententhat;tJum, M. Ginsburger, Berlin 1899. Neofiti; Codex Vatican, Neofiti 1, Jerusalem 1970 Jonathan to the Prophets, A. Sperber, Leiden 1959, 1962. Jonathan to the Writings, A. Sperber, Leiden 1968. Tosefta, M. S. Zuckermandel, Jerusalem 1937. Yalkut Shimoni, Salonika 1521, 1526; Warsaw 1876-1877; A. Hyman, 1. N. Lerner, 1. Shiloni, Jerusalem 1973-. ...
