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3 Shir Yedidut: A Pleasant Song of Companionship From our Master, our Teacher and Rabbi as a blessing, in memory of a Righteous and Holy One. Anonymous These are the words of our Rabbi, his memory as a blessing, the Pleasant Song that includes many matters in great brevity, for the brevity houses its immensity. A song that speaks wonders about the glory of our Holy Teachings and about the glory of our Rabbi Moses, peace be upon him. Wondrous Teachings of edification and deep arousal to awaken the soul in every one. It speaks of the majesty of the blessed Creator and the wonders of his creatures. It leads in chorus in [our Teacher’s] poem to recount the sweet wonders and delights of the time-that-is-coming and his pleasures to all so meritorious. The poem will be aroused in the time-that-is-coming, in opposition to the bitterness of pain and the bluntness of teeth2 for those displaced and those in a pit of abandonment. It will awaken the sleepers, rustle the slumbrous, fortify the fatigued, as it proclaims a portion of the potential of each being to be worthy of these pleasures [of recitation].3 Like a ram’s horn, it lifts its cry to incline our hearts towards the blessed Creator in unified worship. This then is a taste of the poem’s ways. And the Holy Name along with that of his father [Simcha] are inscribed in the beginning of each stanza, in doublets, triplets, and quadruplets. (i). N-Norms4 of humanity’s laws cannot equal our Law H-Their sages fabricated from their hearts’ laws and through human intellect M-Moses ascended the mount enshrouded in a cloud5 N-The Necessary One6 spoke each time7 to Moses, so his separation from his wife.8 (ii). N-Contemptible, down-trodden, & swept away9 are we. H-From No-thing is His Wisdom found,10 yet a good portion have we taken from him.11 M-A King in Jeshurun and our Law,12 like two brothers13 never to be ensnarled. N-Neither his pristine14 life-breath [neshamah] nor body ever straying one from the other.15 (iii). N-Numerous are their desires [nafshotam], opinions and divergent suppositions. 4 Anonymous H-Recently emergent,16 their works have come forth. M-Their thoughts are not ours, nor are our ways theirs.17 N-Our desires are one and do not incline to their expansive icons. (iv). N-O my desire, proud and shrewd,18 why have you neglected yourself and forgotten the one who nurtured and gave you sweets, clothed you in crimson. And now, O my desire, are you trampled beneath the heels of the flock19 and its feet of lust, which are thick and corporeal. While you are naked and disclosed,20 the wine of your meal is now a banquet of tears, becoming. H-Have courage.21 Be not as the giant elephant, nor as the wandering camel, even with a mouse luring through its trunk, the elephant does nothing to oppose it.22 For that mouse is unrelenting23—all this is [the elephant’s] folly, when unaware of one’s strength—not for my desire, so clever and so strong. W-What will you do upon the Day of Reckoning,24 and what reply would you give your sender awakening you. Disregard time’s braying. For your body is weak and emaciated. Time endlessly surges on. Already it may have arrived— the body’s day for reckoning. N-Now pierce the heart of stone and shine a sliver of your countenance upon me from above. Bright as sun, magnificent as moon. Do not be muted and silent. Rustle your mellifluous voice in song and praise, opening your mouth to utter your exquisite words before the Holy One, Blessed be He. Your eyes lifted skyward, recalling your primordial love. (v). N- Rivers, streams, fountains, majestic and tiny seas. N-Wondrous and varied in their colours, tastes, and natures. H-Small and great celestial beasts amidst each one, without number to their kinds. M-In all their limbs, they praise and glorify the Name, Blessed be He. M-Constantly speaking words, their leaders will not deny them. N-Sparkling from their depths, jewels and pearls. N-Hidden lights within their vessels. (vi). N-Life-breaths hewn from beneath the Glorious Throne N-Forever longing to be joined back to its sources.25 H-It draws forth anointed high life and...
