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INDEX 3Com, 157 Ackerman, Frank, 171, 183n. 3 actual power, 243 Adobe, 157 Adorno, Theodor, 17, 29n. 23 advertising. See also branding, marketing; consumerism and, 175; mailing lists, 126; market power shift and, 157; web based, 44, 175 advocacy. See also NGOs; anti-consumerist, 184n. 11; capitalist, 133–134; networks, 3, 19, 29n. 26;NGOs and satellites, 72–84; proliferation of networks, 283; promoting technologies , 20; technological, 24–25 aeronautical communications, 193 Afghanistan, 119. See also Taliban Africa, 279 agenda-setting (in negotiations), 244, 251, 258 Agre, Philip, 126 agriculture; biotechnology and defense, 101–104; biotechnology and, 104–107; biotechnology and trade, 95–100; Cairns Group, 252; genetically modified organisms, 103; grain purchasing practices and capitalism , 171; information intensive, 105, 107, 108; markets and telecommunications, 263; satellites and, 66, 79, 85; technological innovations , 92; transnational coalitions, 252 AIDS, 99 Algeria, 78 Alic, John, 159 Almomd, Gabriel, 267n. 22 alternatives in negotiations, 243–245, 263–264, 53, 183n. 5 AMD (Advanced Micro Devices), 149 analog technology; effects on industry, 5; leapfrog, 279–280 anarchy, 217–218, 284 Anderson, Benedict; identity formation, 118–119; in relation to meta-power (See also meta-power), 15–16; technological impact, 16–17 Andrews, Paul, 164n. 3 Angelides, Marios, 129 anthrax, 102. See also biological warfare Antigua and Barbuda, 261 antitrust, 159, 162–163 AOL, 45, 57 Apple, 145, 150, 151 Archibugi, Daniele; structural analysis, 28n. 14 Argentina, 224, 226, 256, 261 Aronson, Jonathan, “field of dreams” approach, 28n. 10; competitive networks, 8; crossreferenced , 2, 3, 5, 23, 24, 77, 164n. 5, 164n. 6, 170, 219, 240, 266n. 13, 276; importance of information technology, 7; networks and politics, 27n. 2; telecom liberalization, 50, 199, 206; WTO telecom negotiations, 257–258, 267n. 29 Arquila, David; enhancement, 8; interactive media, 282; network effects, 285; networked security, 3, 122 artificial intelligence, 93 Asia. See East Asia Aspry, William, 117 Association for Progressive Communications, 26 associationalism, 282 AT&T; Bell company, 224; breakup, 60n.1, 206; bypassing national monopolies, 200; monopoly power, 7, 50, 199; preventing “open access,” 57 ATMs, 42, 55 audio-visual services, 253 Australia, 222 auto industry, 143 Babe, Robert, 214–215, 224 Baby Bells, 200 Bahamas, 226 Baker, John, 86n. 3 Bandwidth. See also infrastructure; encryption and, 140n. 57; high and narrow, 3 Bangladesh, 261 banks; controlling money, 41–42; financial crises, 60n. 3; flesh-and-blood tellers, 177; GATS and, 252; information intensive, 200, 247, 255; security concerns, 129, 139n. 47; transaction networks, 129, 133 Bar, Francois, 57, 117, 195 Baran, Nicholas, 175 293 bargaining power, 243–244 bargaining. See negotiations Barrera, Eduardo, 267n. 19 Barshefsky, Charlene, 57, 257 basic input-output system (BIOS), 145 basic services; defined, 40, 60n.1, 265n.3; demand for, 246; GATS and, 253–254, 267n. 25, 267n. 26; WTO telecom accord and, 239 BASIC, 145 BBC, 47, 54, 120 Beck, Ulrich, 104 Belize, 261 Bell, Daniel; France and technology, 12; transformation through information technology, 26, 29n. 28 Beltz, Cynthia, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 Beniger, James, 29n. 28, 220 Bennet, Colin, 126 Bennet, Douglas, 244 Bentham, Jeremy; Panopticon, 15, 67–68 Berger, Peter; in relation to meta-power (See also meta-power), 14; institutions and habits, 170; on social construction, 14 Bergsten, Fred, 154, 254, 267n. 27 Berko, Lili, 127 Besen, S. M., 208 Best, Michael; technology and institutions, 12 Biersteker, Thomas, 28n. 17 biodiversity; satellites and, 79 biological information, 92–93 biological warfare, 101–104, 108. See also information warfare, security. biotechnology; similarity to information technology , 17–18, 91–110 biotics, 93 Blackman, Colin, 205 Bolivia, 226, 261 Borrus, Michael; cross national production networks , 158; horizontal integration, 157; networks , 195; production networks, 45; Wintelism, 143–144, 152–153 Bosnia, 55, 84 Braman, Sandra, 96, 97, 109; cross-referenced, 9, 13, 17–18, 163n.1, 181, 245, 276 branding, 45, 177. See also advertising, marketing. Branscomb, Lewis, 93, 94 Braudel, Fernand, 92 Brazil; agricultural coalition, 252; biological diversity , 95; Coalition of, 20, 251; domestic conditions, 257; Inter-American Radio Conference , 226; led in negotiations, 258–259; negotiating hawk, 252; telecommunication revenues important, 256; telegraph in, 222; WTO telecom negotiation offer, 261–262 Brecher, Jeremy, 23, 29n. 26, 252 Bretton Woods, 42 Breyer, Stephen, 207 Brin, David, 56, 60n. 8, 127, 134 Britain; cellular phones, 280; empire and telegraph , 222; empire, 192; English property rights and technology, 11–12; food and mercantilism , 102, 171; industry and empire, 19; protecting networks, 124; supporting liberalization , 200, 206 Broadband. See also infrastructure, telecommunications ; in Singapore, 8 broadcasting; Canada, 119–120; DBS...
