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Index Abbé, Ernst, 103 absorptive (intestinal) cells, 13, 85, 87, 99, 100, 101 acquired-immune tolerance, 193 Actinosporea, 148 adaptive landscape, 54, 55 adaptive radiation, 57, 59, 220n. 56 adelphoparasites, 133, 148 adenocarcinoma, 77–78, 151 adenoma, 27 adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 138, 228n. 86 adenoviral protein, 77, 222n. 120, 223n. 124 adipocytes, 224n. 17 adrenal gland, 92, 150 Advanced Cell Technology, 12 agar cocoon, 176, 211n. 38 agastoparasites, 133, 148 aging: absence of, 66; accelerated, 7, 202; cellular, 5, 9, 76; delayed, 139; development and, 37; endocrine perturbations of, 139; endpoint of development, 95; evolution of, 215n. 108; genes and, 5, 29, 37, 65; humoral immunity and, 161; inheritance of, 5; inherited disorders of, 9; mitochondria and, 139; negligible, 66; normal, 26; panacea for, 15; premature, 10, 27; prepubescence and, 37, 164, 207; process of, 37, 208; reductionism and, 75; senescence and, 42, 44, 83, 130, 191 agribusiness, 187 alimentary system, 90, 92 alleles (allelomorphs), 31, 60, 73 Allman, George, 115 allopatric speciation, 55 alpha-feto-protein testing (AFT), 200 alternate splicing, 31 altruism, 36, 40, 79 Alvarez, Luis and Walter, 57 Alzheimer’s disease, 42, 186, 213n. 64 amelioration, 128 American Society of Naturalists, 58 Ames dwarf mice, 8 Amici, Giovanni Battista, 103 amino acids, 79, 101: homologous sequences of, 62, 78, 109; in polypeptides, 30–31, 74 amitochondrial protozoa, 138 amniocentesis, 200 amnion, 101 amniotes, 101 amoeba-like (amoeboid), 147, 148–151 amphibian, 107: aging, 66; cloning, 166, 169, 171; gastrulation, 101; metamorphosis , 152; tadpole or larva, 26, 110 anemones, 66–67, 135, 147 aneuploidy, 71, 175 Animal Research Station, the, 210n. 36 annelids, 104, 111, 149 anterior-posterior axis (plane), 101, 104, 118, 147, 232n. 79 Anthozoa (anthozoans), 66, 147 antibodies, monoclonal, 134, 166, 237n. 52; to surface receptors, 190 antigenic complexion, 181, 182 antigen presenting cell (APC), 94 antigens, 22, 77, 178: embryo, 182, 238n. 69; marker, 183, 212n. 48, 237n. 52; stem cell, 178, 182, 183; viral, 77, 216n. 112 antioxidants, 6, 8 aphelinid wasps, 148 aplacophorans, 148 apoptosis, 25–26, 27, 77, 102, 123, 139, 152, 223n. 120 Aquifex aeolicus, 129 Archaea (Archaebacteria, archaeans), 129, 135 294 INDEX Archaezoa, 138 Architeuthis (giant squid), 68 Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, 113, 227n 83 area pellucida, 86 Aristotle, 17, 83, 95, 112, 113–114 Arnold, Michael, 153 Arthropoda (arthropods), 111, 146 articulates, 146 artificial insemination (AI), 200 asexual reproduction, 24, 71, 98, 132, 166, 225nn. 22, 28, 235n. 2 assisted reproductive technology (ART), 200 astrocytes, 100, 184 autoimmune disease, 151 autoparasite, 149 autopoiesis, 126, 159 autopolyploidization, 134 Avery, Oswald, 139 axial development, 110 Bacteria (eubacteria, bacteria), 24, 30, 34, 35, 38, 74, 126, 127, 128–129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137–138, 140, 155, 166 bacterial operon, 137, 229n. 8 bacteriophage (phage), 127, 140 Balbiani, E. G., 104 Balfour, Francis, 105, 115 Baltimore, David, 63 basal lamina, 94 basalt formations, 57 basement membrane, 93, 101, 150, 233n 79 base pairing, 21, 22, 60, 214n. 88 Basidiomycete, 68 basophils, 94 Bateson, William, 50–51, 52, 120, 218n. 30, 219nn. 32, 33 bats, 68 Bauplan. (pl. Baupläne), 110–111 B cells, 94, 161. Also see lymphocytes. bees, 58, 148, 224n. 21 beetles, 68, 134 Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions, 154 Benjamin, Walter, 1 Bergmann’s Rule, 68 Bergson, Henri, 1, 81, 125, 195, 206 Bernard, Claude, 35, 159 Biacore, 215n. 97 Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier, 105 Bilateria (bilaterians), 146, 148, 149–151, 156, 162 biogenic law, the (biogenesis), 109, 157 biogeography, 50, 58 biometricians (bio/mathematicians), 50–51, 54 biometrics, 50, 51–52, 73 biosphere, 4, 35 biotechnology, 24, 36, 37–40, 41, 44, 165, 168, 198, 221n. 38 Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), 10 Björklund, Anders, 184 blast-forming unit (BFU), 94 blastocoel, 108 blastocyst/generator, 186–187, 189, 190, 193 blastocyst. Also see preembryo: arrested, 191; cell transplant to, 98, 180, 182–183; cloned, 37, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 196, 239n. 101; cryopreservation of, 188, 189; death of, 157; formation and development of, 104, 114, 170; human, 14; implantation , 134, 156; mouse, 14, 181, 185–186, 211n. 38; as source of donor nuclei, 174; as source of ES cells, 16, 175, 179, 181 blastoderm, 148 blastomere analysis before implantation (BABI), 200 blastomeres, 88, 104, 105, 172, 175, 210, 235n. 16: amphibian, 116, 169, 188; cloning of, 116, 155, 169, 174, 210–211n. 38, 239n. 101; and determinants, 116–117; fusion with enucleated zygote, 211n. 38; mammalian, 114; separation (isolation) of, 113, 168–169, 187, 188, 235n. 9 blocks to fertilization, 143...
