In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

A special thanks to Priscilla Ross, a wonderful editor, who continues to enrich the field of rhetoric and composition. My colleagues and friends at the University of South Florida: Joseph M. Moxley, Elizabeth Metzger, Jack B. Moore, Lynn Worsham, Steve Rubin, and especially Gary A. Olson, who graciously read, edited, and offered guidance throughout the composition of this manuscript. My gratitude to Joe Marshall Hardin, a kind colleague over the years and editor of Composition Forum, who granted permission to cite material from my essay, “‘Wat’cha Think? I Can’t Spell?’ Constructing Literacy in the Postcolonial Classroom.” Thanks also to State University of New York Press for allowing me to reprint my essay, “Bitch Pedagogy: Agonistic Discourse and the Politics of Resistance,” which appeared in my edited collection , Insurrections: Approaches to Resistance in Composition Studies (2001). I am also deeply appreciative to Jennifer Hord, Christine Hamel, and Jennifer Giovani. I am indebted to Abe and Evelyn Cohen, who provided ample babysitting in order for me to complete this project; to Karen Maslow, friend and critic extraordinaire; to Cheri Magnus, Jacki Krone, and Heidi Yudelowitz for their continued support; and to my family, Neil, Ari, and Yarden, who sustain me. ix A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ...
