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Works Cited PATOČKA, JAN 1935. “Několik poznámek o pojmu ‘světových dějin’” (Some Comments Concerning the Concept of a ‘World History’). Česká mysl 31: 86–96. 1938. “Myšlenka vzdělanosti a její dnešní aktuálnost” (The Idea of Liberal Education and Its Contemporary Relevance). Kritický měsíčník 1, no. 6: 241–253. 1939. “Životní rovnováha a světské pozice filosofie” (Life in Balance and Life in Amplitude). Kritický měsíčník 2, no. 3: 101-106. 1979. Platón a Evropa (Plato and Europe). Prague: (samizdat). Jan Patočka Archive, Center for Theoretical Study. 1981. “An Attempt at a Czech National Philosophy and Its Failure.” In T. G. Masaryk in Perspective. Edited by M. Čapek and K. Hrubý. New York: SVU Press. 1984. “European Culture.” Translated by Paul Wilson. Cross Currents no. 3: 3–6. 1988a. Čtyři semináře k problému Evropy (Four Seminars on the Problem of Europe). In Péče o duši, Sv. 3. Soubor statí, přednášek a poznámek k problematice postavení člověka ve světě a v dějinách (Care for the Soul, Vol. 3: Collection of Essays and Notes on the Problems of the Situation of Man in the World and in History). Prague: (samizdat) Jan Patočka Archive, Center for Theoretical Study. 1988b. “Duchovní člověk a intelektuál” (“The Spiritual Person and the Intellectual”). In Péče o duši, Sv. 6. Kacířské eseje o filosofii dějin a texty k Chartě 77 (Care for the Soul, Vol. 6: Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History and Charter 77 Texts). Prague: (samizdat) Jan Patočka Archive, Center for Theoretical Study. 1989a. “Titanism” (1936). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 241 1989b. “Masaryk’s and Husserl’s Conception of the Spiritual Crisis of European Humanity” (1936). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989c. “Two Senses of Reason and Nature in the German Enlightenment: A Herderian Study” (1942). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989d. “Negative Platonism: Reflections concerning the Rise, the Scope, and the Demise of Metaphysics—and Whether Philosophy Can Survive It” (circa 1955). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989e. “The Natural World and Phenomenology” (1967). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989f. “Edmund Husserl’s Philosophy of the Crisis of the Sciences and His Conception of a Phenomenology of the ‘Life-World’” (Warsaw Lecture, 1971). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989g. “The Dangers of Technicization in Science According to E. Husserl and the Essence of Technology as Danger according to M. Heidegger: Varna Lecture, 1973.” In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1989h. “Two Charta 77 Texts” (1977). In Jan Patočka: Philosophy and Selected Writings, ed. Erazim Kohák. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1990. Kacířské eseje o filosofii dějin (Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History). Prague: Academia. 1991a. “Kolem Masarykovy filosofie náboženství” (On Masaryk’s Philosophy of Religion). In Tři studie o Masarykovi (Three Studies on Masaryk), ed. Ivan Chvatík and Pavel Kouba. Prague: Mladá Fronta. 1991b. Sokrates. Edited by Ivan Chvatík and Pavel Kouba. Prague: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. 1992a. Evropa a doba poevropská (Europe and the Post-European Age). Prague: Lidové Noviny. 1992b. Přirozený svět jako filosofický problém (The Natural World as a Philosophical Problem). Prague: Československý spisovatel. 1995a. “Documenta Philosophiae: Diskuse k Heideggerovi.” Filosofický časopis 43, no. 2: 206–218. 242 Works Cited [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 07:37 GMT) 1995b. “Martin Heidegger, myslitel lidskosti: Improvizovaná úvaha po zprávě o Heideggerově smrti” (Martin Heidegger, a Thinker of Humanity: An Improvised Reflection upon the News of Heidegger ’s Death). Filosofický časopis 43, no. 1: 3–5. 1996a. Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History. Translated by Erazim Kohák. Chicago and LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Press. 1996b. “Ideology and Life in the Idea.” In Two Articles by...
