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 index 291 Aberbach, David, 60 Abuse: childhood, 75; collusion of society in, 75; domestic, 31, 59, 73-74, 77; family, 76-77; law and, 78; masochism and, 75; parental, 100, 102; physical, 13; reaction to, 75; revenge and, 102; sexual, 13, 59, 75, 88, 260n3; symptoms of, 75 Aetiology of Hysteria, The (Freud), 43 “Affirmation” (Hall), 249 Aggression: theories of, 87 Ai, 100, 101, 102 Alcorn, Marshall, 260n19 Alienation: post-mirror stage of, 205, 206; of self, 26; source of, 123 Ambivalence, 180; in fetish, 86 “American History” (Harper), 155, 156 American Poetry Anthology, The (Halpern), 192 Anatomy of Prejudices, The (YoungBruehl ), 251 Anderson, Charles, 12, 56 Another Life (Walcott), xiii, 120-133 Anti-intellectualism, 191 An Unquiet Mind (Jamison), xii, 240 Anxiety, 96, 240; castration, 90, 259n3; confessional writing and, 69; control of, 53; defense, 44; memory and, 31; as repetition of old childhood injuries, 82; separation, 143 Apuleius, 141, 143, 147, 151 Ariel (Plath), 71 Art: allusions to political realities, 129; discourse of, 182; of dying, 70; exorcism of pain through, 31; healing powers of, 35-36; language of, 123, 169; pain as catalyst for, 19; power to rename colonial world and, 132; re-creation of distressing experiences in, 178; as substitute form of gratification, 197; transcendence of life by, 3; unconscious expression in, 11 Attachment and Loss (Bowlby), 143 Axelrod, Steven, 24 “Beekeeper’s Daughter, The” (Plath), 85 Bell Jar, The (Plath), 115 Berlin, James, 9, 10 Berman, Jeffrey, 8, 10, 33, 38, 52, 177, 198, 205, 217, 256; on empathy, 199, 207; personal testimony and, 203; on risk, 215; Risky Writing, 214; on self-disclosure in writing, 207; Surviving Literary Suicide, 203, 204; on Sylvia Plath, 85; Talking Cure, The, 261n9; use of student diary writing, 208, 261n9; writing method of, 199 Bethelard, Faith, 33 Bettleheim, Bruno, 135, 142 Beuscher, Ruth, 85 “Billy” (McCarriston), 76-77 Bishop, Elizabeth, 184-185, 225, 226227 , 228 Bishop, Wendy, 191, 192 “Black Spring” (Harper), 161 Blame: indeterminacy of, 71 Blood: as women’s curse, 102 Bogan, Louise, 22, 230, 231 Boundaries: drawn by others, 219; ego, 116; personal, 38, 40, 162; psychiatric violation of, 38, 40, 41, 52; transgression of, 81-82; traversing, xii Bowlby, John, 143 Bracher, Mark, 4, 19, 198, 205, 206, 217, 256; on role of teacher, 210; on transference , 214; Writing Cure, The, 215 Brawne, Fanny, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 148, 149, 151 292 Breuer, Josef, 32, 39, 40, 50, 52 Brooke, Robert, 198 Brooks, Gwendolyn, 157 Brown, Charles, 147 Browning, Robert, 28, 31, 110, 111, 112; dramatic monologues of, 114; “In a Gondola,” 112-113; “Love among the Ruins,” 113; “Meeting at Night,” 112113 ; “My Last Duchess,” 112-113, 114; the “other” in, 113; “Pippa’s Passes,” 114; “Porphyria’s Lover,” 113, 114; visions of love in, 113; voice and, 171 Broyard, Anatole, 7 Buffum, Caren, 1 “Caribbean: Culture or Mimicry?” (Walcott), 132 Carpentier, Alejo, 124 Caruth, Cathy, 33, 261n23 Catharsis, 56, 189 Charcot, Jean Martin, 41, 42, 43, 45, 263n14 Chesler, Phyllis, 41, 263n30 “Child Beater” (Ai), 102 Chodorow, Nancy, 83 “Christabel” (Coleridge), 99 Civilization and Its Discontents (Freud), 87 Clarke, Colin, 220 Class: conflict, 79; consciousness, 78, 191 Clifton, Lucille, xii Coleridge, Samuel, xiii, 99, 194, 195; “Christabel,” 99 Collected Poems, The (Plath), 83 “Colossus, The” (Plath), 85, 86, 87, 94 Coltrane, John, 159, 162, 163, 164 Commonality: insights into, 9 Compassion, 251 Comprehension: internal, xiii Concentration camps, 65 Confession, 20; as antidote to harm of silence, 70; by child, 69; community consciousness and, 67; discourse of, 182; exorcism of pain through, 31; of forced participation, 69; language of, 47, 72; as personal outcry, 67; poetry vs. religious, 26; as refusal to be guilty, 76; resistance to, 26; of survival, 64 Confessionalism. See also Writing, confessional; accountability and, 62; as antistructural, 27; breaking silences and, 61; defining, 68; influence of, 192; movement, 25, 26; negativity of, 22; politicism of poetry and, 68; psychoanalytic theory and, 23, 24 Confinement: effects of, 231, 233; expressions of, xv Consciousness: altered states of, 43; banishing trauma from, 1; class, 191; community, 67; core, 82; divided, 116; double, 127-128, 180; of past, 116; perceiving , 182; public, 34; of seeing oneself seeing oneself, 226; social, 196; split, 111; stream of, 54, 183; subject as unified bearer of, 195; third-person, 129; of the wounded, 188 Contemplation: therapeutic nature of, xii Contrition, 64 Cooke, Charles Clarke, 138 Countertransference, 112, 215 “Country Midwife: A Day” (Ai), 102 “Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming” (Freud), 197 Creativity: early damage to...
