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Bibliography ARCHIVAL SOURCES Vakfiyeler (I–X) Copies of Deeds of Trust, and of sales or transfers of the Right of Disposal of vakıf property under the trusteeship of the imam of Kasap ƒlyas (Kasap ƒlyas mahallesi imamlarına ait vakfiye ve temessük senedi suretleri, fera™ ve intikal kayıtları), manuscript, 19 folios (17 ⫻ 49 cm), 10 deeds of trust covering the period 1662–1855, and various operations attached thereto. Notebooks of the Muhtar of the Kasap ƒlyas Mahalle Covering the 1864–1910 period and containing marriage, birth, death, and migration records, as well as various other entries on topics of local interest. [D1] Leatherbound notebook with marbled paper, 40 pages (42 ⫻ 17 cm). [D2] Unbound notebook, 178 pages (20 ⫻ 27 cm). [D3] Clothbound notebook, 136 pages (24 ⫻ 33 cm). 1885 Census Roster and Population Register (Tahrir Defteri ve Sicill-i Nüfus) for the Kasap ƒlyas Mahalle Bound black roster, 49 ⫻ 37cm., 300 pages (Kasap ƒlyas pp. 1–153). ƒstanbul, Fatih Kaymakamlı™ı, ƒlçe Nüfus Müdürlü™ü [Atik Defter 14]. 1907 Census Roster and Population Register (Tahrir Defteri ve Sicill-i Nüfus) for the Kasap ƒlyas Mahalle Bound dark blue roster, 49 ⫻ 32.5 cm, 92 pages. ƒstanbul, Fatih Kaymakamlı™ı, ƒlçe Nüfus Müdürlü™ü [Eski Esas 23]. 209 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY Archives of the Istanbul Religious Courts ƒstanbul Müftülü™ü ¥er’iye Sicilleri Arœivi, Davud Paœa Mahkemesi [ƒSA-DM]. Register Numbers: 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, 8/4, 8/5, 8/6, 8/7, 8/8, 8/9, 8/10, 8/20, 8/30, 8/40, 8/50, 8/60, 8/70, 8/80, 8/90, 8/100, 8/110, 8/120, 8/129, 8/130, 8/140, 8/141, 8/145, 8/148, 8/154, 8/157, 8/166, 8/170, 8/176, 8/179, 8/183, 8/189, 8/192. MAPS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD Map of 1875 (scale: 1/2000) published by Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi, Ondokuzuncu Asırda ƒstanbul Haritası, Istanbul, Istanbul Fetih Cemiyeti, 1978 (Part D3). Map of 1913–19/14 (scale: 1/500), Deutsches Syndikat für Stadtebauliche Arbeiten in der Türkei—Konstantinopel, Istanbul, Municipal Atatürk Library, Maps section, [912563 , IST, L/5, 1913/14]. Map of 1934 (scale: 1/10000), Istanbul ¥ehri Rehberi, Istanbul, 1934 (Map number 11). INTERVIEWS A series of ten interviews, conducted in 1994 and 1995, with present and former elderly inhabitants of Kasap ƒlyas. PRINTED SOURCES Abu-Lughod, Janet L. (1987) “The Islamic City-Historic Myth, Islamic Essence, and Contemporary Relevance,” International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 19, 155– 176. Efendi, Ahmet. (1993) Üçüncü Selim’in Sırkâtibi Ahmet Efendi Tarafından Tutulan Ruzname, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu. Akarlı, Engin Deniz. (1986) “Gedik: Implements, Mastership, Shop Usufruct and Monopoly among Istanbul Artisans, 1750–1850,” Wissenschaftskolleg Jahrbuch, 225– 231. Alkan, Mehmet Ö. (2000) Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete Modernleœme sürecinde E™itim ƒstatistikleri, 1839–1924, Devlet ƒstatistik Enstitüsü Yayınları (State Institute of Statistics, Historical Statistics Series, Vol. 6). Akgündüz, Ahmet. (1998) ƒslam Hukukunda ve Osmanlı Tatbikatında Vakıf Müessesesi, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 02:08 GMT) 211 Bibliography Aktepe, Münir. (1957) “Onyedinci Asra ait ƒstanbul Kazâsı Avarız Defteri,” ƒstanbul Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3, 109–139. Esad, Celal. [Arseven] (1912) Eski ƒstanbul Abidat ve Mebanisi-¥ehrin Tesisinden Osmanlı Fethine Kadar, ƒstanbul, Muhtar Halit Kütüphanesi, 1328. (Ayvansarayi) Hafız Hüseyin (1864) Hadikat’ül-Cevami,’ ƒstanbul. Aydın, Mehmet Akif. (1985) Islâm-Osmanlı Aile Hukuku, Istanbul, Marmara Üniversitesi Ilahiyat Fakültesi. Ayverdi, Ekrem Hakkı. (1953) Fatih Devri Mimarisi, ƒstanbul, Fetih Cemiyeti Neœriyatı. ———. (1958) Fatih Devri Sonlarında ƒstanbul Mahalleleri, ¥ehrin ƒskanı ve Nüfusu, Ankara, Vakıflar Umum Müdürlü™ü Neœriyatı. ———. (1978) Ondokuzuncu Asırda ƒstanbul Haritası, ƒstanbul, ƒstanbul Fetih Cemiyeti. Baer, Gabriel. (1970) “The Administrative, Social and Economic Functions of Turkish Guilds,” International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 1, 28–50. Barkan, Ömer Lutfü. (1972–1979) Süleymaniye Camii ve ƒmareti ƒnœaatı (1550–1557), Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Vol. 1 (1972) and Vol. 2 (1979). Barkan, Ömer Lütfü and Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi. (1970) Istanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defteri-953 (1546) Tarihli, ƒstanbul, ƒstanbul Fetih Cemiyeti. Bayındır, Abdülaziz. (1986) Islâm Muhakeme Hukuku (Osmanlı Devri Uygulaması), Istanbul, ƒslami ƒlimler Araœtırma Vakfı. Behar, Cem. (1985) “The 1300 (a.h.) and 1322 (a.h) Tahrirs as Sources for...
