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199 Index Abduction, 135, 141 Abstraction, 7 All-soul, 11; material expression of, 13 Analogy, 106 Apollo, 63, 64 Appearances: as empirical data, 19; kinematics and, 17 Aristotle, 17, 81, 82, 105, 116, 129; distinguishing reason from passion, 165; on primary substances, 6, 129; soul as substance and, 189n16; substantial forms of, 24; theories of perception, 66 Arnauld, Antoine, 23 Attitudes, 36 Augustine, 2, 14; as Descartes' source, 23 Autonomy, 131, 132; of the mind, 171; moral, 167 Awareness: clarification of percepts in, 32; confirming, 108; content of, 57; degrees of, 8; first-order, 32, 33, 37, 41, 44; irreducibility of, 87; language of, 88; meaning of, 82; physiological bases for, 88; receptive, 32; requirement for ideas, 82; second-order, 32, 37, 44; self, 12; self-affirming, 41; subjectivity and, 88; thought as, 8 Becoming: as flux of empirical data, 83 Behaviorism, 99 Being: alternative centers of, 70; cogito and, 2; essential unity of every, 23; as fixed identity of kinds, 35; Forms and, 55; God as epitome of, 42; intelligibility of, 147, 171; knowledge and, 33, 39, 87; location of, 23; loss of, 68; material, 11; in the mind, 154; mind as, 32; mind's self-sufficiency and, 2; from nonbeing, 138; Nous and, 55; as Number collective, 9; as outcome of the Unity, 9; as seat of Number, 9; as value of bound variable, 74; what and that of, 34 Belief: about contingencies, 15; about reality, 157; achieving, 189n18; knowledge and, 15–16; as opinion, 15; popular, 15; reliability of, 15; sabotage of, 129; unconscious, 162 Berkeley, George, 36, 42, 43, 115, 135, 141; empiricism of, 61; on impressions, 47 Body: appearance of, 34; intermediary with mind, 84; materiality of, 13; as mechanical system, 16; mind as activity of, 1, 2; mind's reduction to, 81–83; perceiving, 16; as platform for mind, 159; as prime reality, 73; separability from thought, 16; space as domain of, 24 200 INDEX Butler, Bishop, 88 Carnap, Rudolf, 68–71, 78, 90; on deduction, 151; ontological foundationalism of, 70, 71; pragmatics of, 70; reconstruction of scientific theories by, 68–71; reformulation of modes of speech, 44, 71; semantic /syntactic features of systems, 69, 70; on truth of theoretical sentences , 112 Cartesian Meditations (Husserl), 65 Categories: application of, 57; power of, 58; rules as, 57; unalterability of, 57; as variables without values, 57 Clarity: as intuitionist requirement, 20; as logical criterion, 20; of mind's contents, 19; as truth test, 125 Cogito: authority as validator of ideas, 22; autonomy of, 29; being and, 2; dissolution of, 2, 81–96; evidence for existence of, 43; existence of, 42; as existential ground for existence of every thing, 43; extra-mental world and, 45; as foundation for all Being, 81; foundational , 46; as ground of being, 34; illumination and, 35; immateriality of, 86; incorporation of the line in, 18–19; intelligibility and, 2, 83; as island in the void, 45; particularity of, 19; as place of selfreflection , 159; polarity of passions in, 52; replacing Good with, 164; response to isolation, 37; in richer/leaner theory, 20; selfconsciousness of, 33; as self-elected good-in-itself, 40; self-illuminating, 83; self-perception of, 31, 42; selfsufficient , 3, 21, 86, 168; shaped by social inputs, 87; as source of light, 40; substituted for the Good, 18; subversion of, 81; transformation of, 58 Cognition: physical conditions of, 82; science and, 68 Coherence, 104; literature and, 111; qualifications, 111; science and, 111; truth as, 110–114 Communication, 140; of information, 105; language and, 148, 150; need for, 105; reciprocities and, 148 Communitarianism, 167, 168 Conflict: in attitudes, 162; egoism and, 164; guarantee of, 52; intrapsychic, 162; resolution, 131 Consciousness: alternative physical expressions of, 82; analysis of, 35; of biological organisms, 89, 191n13; as emergent property, 188n13; first-order, 32, 60; incidental to thought, 82; light of, 3; mental nature of, 81; possible, 53; reflexive, 43; second-order, 32, 33, 60; self, 12; self-awareness and, 77; of soul, 11; as unifier, 84 Contingency: content of experience and, 22 Creation: as outcome of contemplation , 12; of space, 10 Critique (Kant), 60, 65–68, 112, 145–154 Culture(s), 154–158; autonomy of, 156, 157; awareness of, 157; beliefs about reality and, 157; constraints on, 155–156; differing, 155, 157; dualist, 159; hypotheses and, 154–155; interpretations of, 155; opportunism and, 156 Daybreak (Nietzsche), 51 Deconstructionism, 50 Deduction, 7, 8, 39, 48, 68, 105, 107, 117; intelligibility and, 151 Demiurge, 10 Derrida, Jacques, 77 Descartes, René, 110, 171; abandonment of metaphysics by...
