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absolute: and alienation, 170, 222–3; and the self, 63–4, 210–11, 220, 223, 232–3; arrogance of, 54, 152; as a cultural reality, 136–7, 174, 228, 263; as constructed, 14–19 passim, 44, 54, 136–7, 173–6 passim, 196, 216, 223, 229, 232–3, 281n24; as knowledge, 15, 209, 222, 229; as metaphysical, 14; as necessary presupposition, 3, 6, 11, 176, 193, 223–33 passim, 251, 291n16; as paradigm, 4, 6, 8, 19, 226, 230–1; as reality, 229; as recollection, 225–30 passim; as self–subversion, 230–1; as spirit of the community, 172–4, 208; as thought, 177–8, 222, 229, 290n11; as truth, 16–17, 262; consciousness (see consciousness: absolute); deduction of, 4–13 passim, 17, 43, 54, 175, 193, 195, 222–33 passim, 291n16; definition of, 2; humility of, 54–5; knowing, 2, 213, 219–25 passim, 232, 252; necessary presupposition for history, 192–3, 225–9 passim, 251; no outside, 2–4, 12–13, 16, 54, 152, 176, 230–1; proof of, 5–6, 9–17 passim, 193, 223–4, 229; subversion of (see other: as subversion of absolute) Adam and Eve, 59, 218 affinity, 23 Africa, 247–8, 250–1 Alexander, 84 alienation, 157–71 passim, 191, 194, 214–23 passim, 287n28; and belief, 128; and God, 62, 64, 135, 158, 209, 220; and objectification, 158–9, 221–2; and the self (see self: as alienation ); and the state, 135, 151, 155–69 passim, 188, 217–21 passim; as construction, 155; as neutral, 158, 217–22 passim; leading to estrangement, 158, 161–9 passim, 217–22 passim; overcoming estrangement , 158, 214–22 passim; that prevents collapse, 221 Allison, H. E., 34, 97, 114, 201, 279n4, 280n23, 281n1, 284n19, 290n69 altruism, 273 American Indians, 246–9 passim Ameriks, K., 97, 284n19 Anaxagoras, 82, 180 ancient world. See Greek polis anthropologists, 236, 244, 246, 260–1, 263, 271, 273 Antigone, 142–56 passim, 180, 189, 211, 228, 287n24, 293n61; and the slave, 142, 153. See also individualism: and Antigone Appiah, K. A., 137, 248, 255, 286n5, 292n31, 292nn36–7 Aquinas, T., 73, 283n7 Arabs, 249 Archimedian point, 7 Aristotle, 25, 43, 273, 287n18; and moral development, 156; Metaphysics, 279n8; Nicomachean Ethics, 149–50; Politics, 294n62 Asia, 248–51 passim  Index  309  as–if, 32, 200; designed by divine intelligence , 18, 70, 280n22 assimilation, 55, 258, 274 ataraxia, 57–8 atheism, 15, 136, 174–7 passim Augustine: Confessions, 59, 282n20 Augustus, 116 autonomy, 42, 98, 103, 153 Bacchanalian revel, 248 Baillie, J. B., 32, 149 base consciousness. See consciousness: base beautiful soul, 208–9, 290n71 beauty, 141, 265, 283n13 belief, 15, 128, 164, 169–79 passim, 184, 189, 206, 208 Benedict, R., 293n52 Benhabib, S., 151, 287n22 Bergmann, F. H., 9, 278n12 Berkeley, G., 29, 51, 72, 74, 77, 85, 280n16, 282n11 Bernal, M., 257, 292n33, 292n38 blacks, 246, 254 Bloom, A., 196, 289nn63–4, 292nn42–3 bourgeoisie, 161, 163, 167, 245 bowing, 138 British, 137, 248, 250 Brown, A. L., 287n25 Burbidge, J., 231, 290n13 burial, 145–6 Butler, J., 8, 278n11, 278n16, 279n24 Caesar, 84 categorical imperative, 35, 95, 99, 102–3, 107, 113–14, 120–1, 126–7, 180–1, 189, 199, 227; as contentless, 125–6; fourth formulation, 123; second formulation, 40, 115; third formulation , 101, 118 categories of the understanding, 5, 17–18, 22, 24, 76, 78, 226 causality, 31, 97–8 chance, 98, 122 character, 156, 183, 247, 250–1, 254, 257–8 Christ, 216, 218 Christianity, 59–63 passim, 215–22 passim, 228, 236, 239, 246, 267 church, 62–3 city-state. See Greek polis civil society, 143, 153, 160, 187, 194 Clifford, J., 271, 293n57 comedy, 151–2, 287n24 communism, 124–5 community, 142–54 passim, 211 conceptual scheme, 4, 29, 230, 237–41 passim, 262. See also paradigm conscience, 205–10 passim consciousness: absolute, 1–4, 9, 17, 19, 44, 64, 73, 77, 80 132–3, 135, 140, 193, 225; as unified, 42, 75; base, 161, 163; cultural, 1–4, 9, 42–4, 88, 128, 131–4, 138, 140, 167, 170, 177, 189, 193, 222, 225–6; individual, 1–4, 9, 17–19, 22, 42–3, 88–93 passim, 98, 109–23 passim, 128–34 passim, 140–1; noble, 160–3, 218; ordinary, 2–8 passim, 12, 25, 27, 51, 77, 85–6, 185; religious, 3–4, 9, 132, 169, 193, 225; superhuman, 133, 141 Cook, J. W., 291n17 creation, 15, 216, 218 Creon, 142, 146–7, 151, 180, 189 cultural consciousness. See consciousness...
