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228 ʨʢˌʦ ʩʥʸ˦ ˋ ʢʰˋʢ ʯʥʠ ʷʩʬʡ ʯ‫ٷ‬ʦ ʯʩʠ ʱʲ ʯʲʦʲʢ ʨʩʰ ʯʲʣ ʨʱˌʤ ? ʱʩʥʸʢ ʯʥʠ ʭˋʦʩʥʸʢ ʦʩʠ ʸʲ , ʭʲʸʥʨʹ ʯʥ˦ ʨʮʲʸʥ˦ʲʢ ʦʩʠ ʸʲ . ʯʷʩʨʲ˝ʮʩʠ ʯ‫ٷ‬ʦ ʸˋ˦ ʦʩʠ ʨʬʲʥʥ ʩʣ ʢʰˋʢ ʦʩʥʤ ʢʰʲ ʥʶ ˋ . ʯʸʥ˝ʹ ʩʣ ʸˋ˦ ʯʥʠ ʨʩʸʨ ʲʷʩʣʰʲʮˋʬ˦ ʲʰ‫ٷ‬ʦ ʯʥ˦ ʣʸʲ ʲʷʩʣʸʲʩʥʸʨ ʩʣ ʪʩʠ ʯʩʡ , ʣʩʮ ʯʥʠ ʵʸˋʥʥʹ . ʯʸʥ˝ʹ ʲ˦ʸˋʹ ʩʣ ʯʥ˦ ʯʣʰ˒ʥʥ ʩʣ ʨʩʰ ʨʱʲʦ ? ʬˌʮ ˋ ʸʲʡˌ ʸʲʣʰʩʷ ʯʥ˦ ʪʩʠ ʯʩʡ - ʭʲʸʥʨ ʸʲʫʩʥʤ ʸʲʣ ʪʲʬʤˈʲʮ ʭʩʠ ʵʩʹ ʯʥʠ , ʲʰʲʷˌʸʹʸʲʣ ˋ ʭ , ʭʲʸʥʨʹ ʯʥ˦ . 229 A WOMAN SAYS Didn’t you see it in his glance and his ways? He is huge and cruel. He is fashioned by the storm. Beneath his emphatic tread, the world is an overcrowded house. And in the tracks of his flaming steps I am the sorrowful earth, black and weary. Can’t you see the wounds in the sharp tracks? But once I was the high tower of children’s stories and protected him, the frightened one, from the storm. ...
