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Acknowledgments  I would like to thank colleagues, friends, and family who helped me with this translation project through their encouragement and moral support. I am particularly grateful to the proofreaders of the translation; they helped the translation significantly with their thoughtful comments, suggestions, and insights.Assistant Professor of Journalism at the University of Montana, Sheri Venema, and Mohan Kartha, who worked as a professional editor in the Washington , D.C. area for many years, both helped with their careful comments on language usage. Shelley Nelson Kirilenko, Ph.D. in German Literature, assisted greatly with her bilingual eye and literary background. Most particularly, I am deeply appreciative to Linda Whittlesley, whose German upbringing and literary sensibilities were invaluable as we pondered the twists of language usage. I am also indebted to my colleague and mentor, Dr. Gerald Fetz, who always finds time to offer an extra set of reading eyes. I appreciate very much the generosity of time and energy that everyone put into this project for me. In addition, I would like to thank the University of Montana for facilitating this project with a sabbatical award. xiii ...
