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155 PRIMARY SOURCES Alfarabi. Alfarabi: The Political Writings: Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle (PPA). (The trilogy includes the Attainment of Happiness [AH], the Philosophy of Plato [PP], and the Philosophy of Aristotle [PA].) Translated with introductions by Muhsin Mahdi. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1962; revised editions, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1969, 2001. TaÓhÓsîl al-sa⁄âdah. Edited by Jafar al-Yasin. Beirut: al-Andaloss, 1981. De Platonis philosophia. Edited by F. Rosenthal and R. Walzer. London: Warburg Institute, 1943. Falsafat ArisÓtûÓtâlîs. Edited by Muhsin Mahdi. Beirut: Dâr Majallat Shi‹r, 1961. — — —. Alfarabi: The Political Writings: “Selected Aphorisms” and Other Texts (including Selected Aphorisms, chapter 5 of Enumeration of the Sciences, Book of Religion [BR].) Translated and annotated by Charles E. Butterworth. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001. FuÓsûl muntaza⁄ah. Edited by Fauzi M. Najjar. Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 1971. IÓhÓsâ‹ al-⁄ûlûm and Kitâb al-Millah. In Abû NaÓsr al-Fârâbî, Kitâb al-Millah wa-NuÓsûÓs Ukhrâ, ed. Muhsin Mahdi, 69–76, 43–66. Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 1968. (IÓhsâ‹ [Enumeration] cited by Amin edition [Cairo: Dâr al-Fikr al-⁄Arabî, 1949] page numbers because they are present in all translations and critical editions.) — — —. Alfarabi’s Book of Letters (BL). Kitâb al-Óhurûf. Edited by Muhsin Mahdi. Beirut: Dar al-Mashriq, 1969. Partial translation forthcoming in Alfarabi: Political Writings. Translated by Charles E. Butterworth. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. — — —. Al-Farabi on the Perfect State. Literally, The Principles of the Opinions of the Inhabitants of the Virtuous City (Mabâdi‹ ârâ‹ ahl al-madînah al-fâÓdilah) (VC). Translated and edited by Richard Walzer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. — — —. Political Regime (PR). Partially translated by Fauzi M. Najjar. In Medieval Political Philosophy, was. Ralph Lerner and Muhsin Mahdi, 31–57. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1963; reprinted Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1972. Al-siyâsâ almadaniyyah . Edited by Fauzi M. Najjar. Beirut: al-MaÓtba⁄ah al-kâthûlîkiyyah, 1964. (Cited by Hyderabad [1346 A.H.] edition page nos. because they are common to Najjar’s translation and critical Arabic edition.) Translation forthcoming in Alfarabi: Political Writings. Translated by Charles E. Butterworth. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. — — —. Summary of Plato’s “Laws.” Partially translated by Muhsin Mahdi. In Medieval Political Philosophy, ed. Ralph Lerner and Muhsin Mahdi, 83–94. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe, 1963; reprinted Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1972. Subsequently, Bibliography 156 An Islamic Philosophy of Virtuous Religions complete Arabic text edited by Thérèse-Anne Druart. Le Sommaire du livre des “Lois” de Platon (Jawâmi⁄ kitâb al-nawâmîs li-AflâÓtûn). In Bulletin d’Études Orientales 50 (1998): 109–155. Translation forthcoming in Alfarabi: Political Writings. Translated by Charles E. Butterworth. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. OTHER PRIMARY SOURCES Aristotle. Metaphysics. Translated by Joe Sachs. Santa Fe, NM: Green Lion Press, 1999. — — —. Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by Joe Sachs. Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing, 2002. — — —. Politics. Translated by Carnes Lord. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. Averroes. Averroes on Plato’s “Republic.” Translated by Ralph Lerner. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1974. Hebrew edition in Averroes’ Commentary on Plato’s “Republic.” Edited by E. I. J. Rosenthal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960. Ibn Khaldun. Muqaddimah. Translated by Franz Rosenthal. New York: Pantheon Books, 1958. Maimonides. Eight Chapters. In Ethical Writings of Maimonides, ed. and trans. by Raymond L. Weiss and Charles E. Butterworth. New York: New York University Press, 1975; reprinted New York: Dover, 1983. — — —. Guide of the Perplexed. 2 vols. Translated by Shlomo Pines. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Plato. Apology. Translated with notes by Thomas G. West and Grace Starry West. In Four Texts on Socrates. Rev. ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984, 1998. — — —. The Laws of Plato. Translated with notes and an interpretive essay by Thomas L. Pangle . New York: Basic Books, 1980; reprinted by Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. — — —. The Republic of Plato. Translated with notes and an interpretive essay by Allan Bloom. 2d ed. New York: Basic Books, 1968, 1991. — — —. Statesman. Translated by Seth Benardete. In The Being of the Beautiful. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. — — —. Symposium. Translated by Seth Benardete. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. SECONDARY SOURCES Anagnostopoulos, Georgios. Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994. Arnhart, Larry...
