In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

We want to thank Jorge Ruiz de Velasco and Mike Smith at the Hewlett Foundation , Marty Campbell at the Irvine Foundation, and Jorge Balán at the Ford Foundation for their generous support of the conference that resulted in this book. Foundations make work like this possible, and we are grateful for our friends in the foundation world who have supported our work over the years. We also want to thank Vice President Winston Doby at the University of California, who supported our efforts in multiple ways and has always been there when we needed him. We greatly appreciate the help of the Civil Rights Project staff, especially Patricia Marin, Marilyn Byrne, and co-director Christopher Edley. At UC Davis, Anysia Mayer, Lina Benandez-Mendez, and Julie Maxwell-Jolly devoted countless hours to the organization of the conference and preparation of materials for this volume. To them we are especially grateful. Also, we would like to thank the policy makers who took the time to actively engage with us in this work in an unprecedented way. Finally, this book would not have come into being without the support of former executive editor Priscilla Ross, and our editor, Lisa Chesnel, and the expert editing of Dana Foote. Thank you to all. xi Acknowledgments ...
