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Aaron, Hank, 80 Absolutism: philosophical rejection of, 22; promotion of authoritarian conformity and, 28; religious, 22; scientific, 22; value, 28 Acampora, Christa Davis, 10, 175–194 Action: possibilities of, 24 Adell, Sandra, 52 Africa(n): as active Subject, 103; cultural practices, xi, 103; names, 109; as self-defining subject, 108 African American(s): achievements, 89; assimilation, xi, 78; awareness of views of white world, 57; consigned to Dionysiac world, 76; creativity in survival of, 78; as cultural healers, 4; double consciousness of, xi, xii, 51–70; experience of modernity, xi; implied inferiority and, 26; musical expression, 75–89; need for self-respect and self-assertion in, 56; problem status of, 77; reinforcement of inferiority taught to, 55; resistance, 7; resolution of inner turmoil of, 56; seeing self through eyes of others, 4; as source of distress for white America, 78; spiritual advantage of, 56; struggle with tyranny of social intimidation , 26; treated as problems, 77, 78; violence against, 80 African Cultural System, 107 Afrocentrism, 101, 102. See also Centrism; abuse of, 102–110; closing self to future, 107; constricted perspectives of, 109; and efforts to recover history of African culture, 107; empowerment and, 107; projecting African agency in, 103, 108; provision of resources for individual selfcreation and, 107; race theory and, 105–110; rejection of biological determinism in, 105; understanding from African standpoint, 103; use of African names and, 109; uses of, 102–110 Agency: aisthesis of, 176, 180–183; in imaginary domain, 180; transformative possibilities of, 10 Agon, 10, 183, 187 Aisthesis: of freedom, 175–194 Alcoff, Linda, 153, 154, 163 Alienation: axiological, 8; intellectual , 8 Allan, Lewis, 82 American Body Politic: as white body politic, 78 Anti-foundationalism, 101, 102 Appiah, Anthony, 9, 111, 114, 117, 118, 121, 133, 134, 140, 141, 145n32; Color Conscious, 111, 115, 116; cosmopolitan ideal and, 111, 119; dismissal of race as unscientific, 139; eliminativism Index of, 111, 115; on the human race, 111, 112; In My Father’s House, 111; on race talk, 116; and use of identity in everyday life, 114, 115; use of irony, 113 Armstrong, Louis, 85, 87 Arnold, Mathew, 21, 116, 146n38 Art: African American, 8; as antidote to morality, 233; and artist’s biology, 226; cathartic power of, 208; challenge to social order and, 227; community and, 236–242; contextual understanding of, 226, 228; of cultural physician, 1–11; decay of, 8; emancipatory possibilities of, 10; form and meaning of, 208; impedance of development of, 24, 25; of inquiry, 81; interracial quality to processes of decay, 85; intoxication and, 235; Negro, 24, 25; race and, 128, 129; revolutionary practice and, 227; social context for, 10, 11; social reality and, 226; tragic, 187; understanding across cultural borders, 225; of Wagner’s music, xii; will to power and, 207 Asante, Molefi, 9, 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, 121; on Africalogy, 122n4 Asceticism: functions of, 34 Assimilation, 78; as eradication, 78 Atlanta Compromise, 55 Baldwin, James, 77, 150, 165 Baraka, Amiri, 77, 94n27, 226 Beauvoir, Simone de, 182 Bellow, Saul, 21 Berlin Conference (1884), 113 Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 21, 67, 112, 113, 118, 119, 125, 129, 134, 157, 158, 184, 210, 211, 240, 241 Bigotry: of Western culture, 24 Biracialism, 108 The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzsche), xi, 252 Index 76, 78, 184, 203, 207, 208, 210, 211, 228, 229, 230, 235, 236 Black. See also African American(s): achievements, 80; allegiance to values embedded in logic of victimization, 90n8; attribution of failure to, 80; creativity, 83; creolization , 92n12; duplicity, xi; existentialism , viii; freedom through music, 82; identity, viii, xiv; illegitimate existence, 84; location with music and dance, 82; myopia of, 5, 6; myth of rapist, 47; opposition to, 81; politics, viii; suffering, 200n37; threats to “Southern white womanhood” by, 48 Black Boy (Wright), 77 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 84 Blues, 75–89, 225–242; admired by the oppressors, 94n28; ApollineDionysiac synthesis of, 77; as art form, 229; black experience and, 234; contradiction to Christianity in, 229; dependence on racism and oppression, 94n28; embrace of sexuality in, 229; as impulse to keep pain alive in consciousness, 77; relations between art and life in, 10; sexuality and, 233, 234 Blues People (Bakara), 77 Body: complexity of, 138; contextuality of, 138; education of, 135, 136, 137; as facilitator of development of people into races, 135; invisible, 138; prereflective racialization of, 145n30; racialized, 127; reality of race and, 134–138; soul and, 135, 136 Byerman, Keith, 52, 54 Calhoun, John, 79 Capitalism, 206 Castes: knightly-aristocratic, 37; master, 37; priestly, 37...
