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abortion, 89–90 aesthetics and agency, 4 and balancing ideology, 139–40 flexibility of blues, 71–72 of self-recovery, 19–20 agency, 121 healing and cultural recovery, 85–86, 96–98 reclaiming, 90–91, 153–54 Alaimo, Stacy, 92 alienation gap of, 86–87, 93–94 healing from, 23, 121 language effects, 86, 90–91 protagonal, 86 Allen, Paula Gunn, 164–65, 172–73, 175–77, 181–82 Als, Hilton, 142 American Indian movement (AIM), 11, 93, 110, 118 annunciation, 160 Appess, William, 105 Appropriation and revision, 70, 172 discursive, 85–86 irony of, 4 poetic, 160–61, 165–66 Atwood, Margaret, 85–91, 103 Avila, Elena, 33 Awiakta, Marilou, 33, 113 Bacon, Francis, 4 Baker, Houston A., 67–68 Banks, Olivia Bush, 105 Banneker, Benjamin, 48 Baraka, Amiri, 67–69 Barringer, Sandra, 112 Bassard, Katherine Clay, 51 Bataille, Gretchen, 176 Bearden, Romare, 68 Beloved Woman (Cherokee), 35 Best, Patricia, 145 black church, 49 Black Codes, 134 black cultural nationalism, 150–51 Black Elk, 111–12, 114–17, 131–32 black feminine subjectivity, 121 black vernacular, 15, 20 blues a-a-a, 70–72 a-a-b, 77–78 broader capacities, 67–69 Chicago blues, 67 classic, 69, 78–80 condition, 78 country blues, 67 Delta blues, 67, 80 East Coast blues, 67 Empress of, 21, 73, 78, 81–82 Existentialist grounding of, 75–77 masculinized vision of, 68 matrix, 16 of motherhood, 71 as poetic medium, 69–70 as survival kit, 71 time and place, 76 traveling, 71 twelve-bar, 74, 76–77 bluescape, 80 body and spirit (or mind), connection between, 12, 153–54 borders, 95 Index 211 Brandon, George, 50 Brennan, Jonathan, 105–6 Brooks, James, 105–6 Broumas, Olga, 162 Buffalo Soldiers, 129 Cain, 49 call-and-response, 16, 20, 70, 106–7, 111–115 Candomble, 144–45 capital identity markers as, 134 reconception of, 135–36 Carby, Hazel, 69 Castillo, Ana, 33, 41 Changing Bear Maiden, 166 “changing same, the,” 80 Changing Woman (Navajo), 36–38 Cheatwood, K.T.H., 108 Christ, Carol, 89, 102 Christian, Barbara, 139 Christian religiosity, 47 African American, 48 negotiating African worship and, 51–53 Chute, Robert, 162 Clifton, Lucille, 69 Clytemnestra, 165 Coleman, Ornette, 68 Collins, Patricia Hill, 20, 27, 45 Coltelli, Laura, 176 co-mothers, 27 “cooked people,” 166 cooperative antagonism, 79 Cortez, Jayne, 68 Coyote, 166 cross-blood aesthetics, 4–5, 12 identity, 11 Crystal Woman, 32 culture cultural hybridity, 106 recovery, 189–90 syncretic, 5–7 Cutter, Martha, 183, 185–86 Da/Damballah, 10 Davis, Angela, 12, 69, 71 Davis, Todd, 160 death, 88 cyclic ontology of, 9, 55–57, 62–63 and sun imagery, 62–63 Deloria Jr., Vine, 111 DeMallie, J., 111 determining relations, 122–23 dialectic Hegel’s, 135 of ideology, 136 discourse Anglo-Christian, 48 appropriating, 48–49, 93 deconstructing, 93 negotiating Africanity in Christian, 52–53 displacement spatial and temporal, 81 double consciousness, 179 double-voicedness, 16 dream/s, vision and memory, 54 dualism, 90–91 alienation of, Cartesian, 3 culture and nature, 85 spirit and body (or flesh), 12, 86, 89, 144 DuBois, W.E.B., 122, 179 ecofeminism a postcolonial perspective, 85 ecohumanistic, 8 economic infrastructure, 122, 124, 128, 130–31 determinism, 127 Ellison, Ralph, 67–68 Emancipation, 123 Enlightenment ideology, 37–39 Equiano, Olaudah, 48 ethics/morality, 27 eugenics, 4 Euro-American, 27, 106, 128–29 Eurocentric, 13, 15, 40 evangelical, 21 existentialism/ist, 24 Alice Walker’s, 125–27 212 INDEX [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 20:30 GMT) Expansion/ism, 5, 58, 97, 106, 123, 129, 131–36, 156 feminism, feminist African Cherokee, 118–19 Morrison and, 141–43 Finn, Julio, 68 Fisher, Dester, 173 Fletcher, Ian, 160 Forbes, Jack, 105 fragmentation of culture, 37–38 of identity, 37–38 of self, 86, 96, 103 Fusco, Coco, 112 Gage, Frances Dana, 114 Gates Jr., Henry Louis, 111 General Strike, the, 122–23 geography, of African American subjectivity , 74–75 Giese, Paula, 173–74 Giovanni, Nikki, 69 Graves, Robert, 162 Gray, David Elton, 6 Great Awakening, 21, 48–50 Second, 64 Great Mysterious, 43 Great Spirit, 19, 35, 118, 174, 183–84, 187 gynocentrism, 25, 173, 177–78, 183–84 and black feminism, 27 gynocracy, 19, 41, 188 gynocratic principle, 25–26, 35, 163 Hall, Prince, 8 Hammon, Jupiter, 48–49, 51 Harney’s Peak, 115, 118 Harper, Michael S., 69, 81–82 Harris, Trudier, 51 Harrison, Daphne Duval, 68 Harrison, James, 163 Haynes, Lemuel B., 48 Hegel, 4, 135 Helen of...
