In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the people who have contributed to the creation of this volume: • First, and foremost, we thank the participants in the various research projects presented in this book who took the time and gave of themselves to share their stories with us. We hope that we have done justice to your experiences and that your voices ring true in these pages. • Bob Gaucher for your enthusiasm and support for this project and, more broadly, for the role you have played as an inspirational teacher and mentor to each of us. • The contributors, who shared our vision to attend to the voices of the subjects, and each brought unique insights to this collection. • The two anonymous reviewers who painstakingly took the time to comment on this manuscript. Your insights were invaluable. • The editors and staff at the University of Ottawa Press for their hard work and assistance. • Wendy and Tom Greenlaw, who opened their home to us, allowing us the time to edit the final draft of the manuscript. • Wilfrid Laurier University and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa for providing grants that make the publication of this volume possible. Stacey would like to thank: • My PhD committee at Carleton University: Aaron Doyle, Flo Kellner, and Catherine Kelly, for their comments on early versions of the material presented in this book. You have each in your own way pushed me to be a better scholar, and I am grateful. • Michael Petrunik, who grounded me in the Chicago school, gave me a passion for sociological theory, and taught me to make good coffee. All of your lessons have been invaluable to this project. • My parents, John and Merri-Sue Hannem, for teaching me at a young age to have compassion for the challenges that others face, and for their unconditional love and encouragement. • My partner, Christopher Greenlaw, for supporting me unconditionally and having faith that this book would actually get finished; and my children , Jonathan and Samuel, who bring joy to my life every day. I love you. • Last, but certainly not least, Chris Bruckert. You have taught me so much as a teacher, a mentor, and a friend. Thank you for seeing the potential in this project and for your hard work; it could never have happened without you! Chris would like to thank: • My collaborators in the sex worker rights movement for their wisdom, perseverance, and fierce commitment to bettering the world. In particular Jenn Clamen, Fred Chabot, and Nicholas Little for being inspiring and encouraging and always supportive. • My colleagues and friends in the Department of Criminology with a special call out to Robert Gaucher for opening my eyes to so much and for starting me on the journey. • My partner and friend Brent Ward. For all our differences, you were there when it counted. • I end with a huge thank you to Stacey Hannem for being an amazing collaborator and friend and inspiration. Thank you for sharing your ideas, your time, and your spirit. Thank you too for the vision and the countless hours of work. ...
