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Schools everywhere are being confronted with the evolution of learning/teaching paradigms that ultimately call into question a number of traditional mathematical teaching practices. These changes demand serious reflection on how to support frontline educators who are expected to continue developing their teaching skills. Alternative approaches to professional development have been established worldwide to support practitioner education and contribute to professional development that is informed by practice, created for practice and refined in practice. This volume aims to provide a rich portrait of these emergent strategies in the professional development of mathematics teachers, designed to bridge the divide between theory and practice. Written by researchers in the field of mathematics teacher education around the world, the authors examine innovative approaches that are being established in the international community to support the professional development of teachers of mathematics. Most of these approaches take seriously into account the practitioner’s point of view and are fundamentally rooted in the context of the classroom. International Approaches to Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers International Approaches to Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers Edited by Bednarz, Fiorentini and Huang Edited by Nadine Bednarz Dario Fiorentini Rongjin Huang Nadine Bednarz is emeritus professor at Université du Québec à Montréal. Dario Fiorentini is professor of the Faculty of Education at the State University of Campinas, in São Paulo, Brazil. Rongjin Huang is a former mathematics educator and Ph.D candidate of the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University. ISBN 978-0-7766-0747-4 Education IAtPDMTfinal.indd 1 21/7/11 11:31:27 International Approaches to Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers ...
