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The author wishes to thank several people who have reviewed the manuscript at different stages and made helpful suggestions for improving it. in particular, my thanks go to Peter Frize, my husband of forty years, for his support for my career, his patient reading of the manuscript (several times), and his writing of the last chapter. His suggestions have helped to make the book flow better, and to make it, we hope, more lively and more interesting. i also wish to thank nadine Faulkner, a graduate in philosophy who, from July 2000 to June 2001, did most of the research for the chapters on philosophers and for some of the material on the education of women. She also wrote the first drafts of the chapters discussing philosophers’ views of women’s minds, and provided a lot of comments on my first draft on the education of women. My thanks go to Debra Hauer, who helped to confirm references and formatted them. i truly appreciate her help in this important task. My thanks also go to ruby Heap, Professor of History at the university of ottawa, who reviewed several of the sections on education in the earlier centuries and the story of Mileva Einstein. She provided excellent comments that helped to improve the manuscript. More recently, Dr. Eda kranakis, a professor of history and technology, provided invaluable advice on how to make revisions to the manuscript in order to strengthen the historical sections, especially on the debate regarding the “scientific revolution.” i wish to thank all the women engineers and scientists who have believed in this project and encouraged me to complete it, with special recognition of the encouragement i have received from claire Deschênes, Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the université laval, and from Misa Gratton, A c k n o W l E D G E M E n T S xvi THE BolD AnD THE BrAVE a retired mathematician and a former president of the ottawa chapter of Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE). i must also thank my two universities, carleton and ottawa, for approving my two sabbatical leaves, a full year in 2003–04 and a half year in the winter term of 2008, which allowed me to complete the writing of the manuscript. My thanks also go to the natural Sciences and Engineering research council, and to nortel, for their financial support of the chair for Women in Science and Engineering (ontario) between 1989 and 2002, and to Telesat canada for the special grants provided in support of this project. R ...
