In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

xv ROMAN EMPERORS, 325–455 c.e. Constantine (306–37) Constantine II (337–40) Constans (337–50) Constantius II (337–61) Julian (361–63) Jovian (363–64) Valentinian (364–75) Valens (364–78) Gratian (367–83) Valentinian II (375–92) Theodosius (379–95) Arcadius (383–408) Honorius (393–423) Theodosius II (408–50) Valentinian III (425–55) Marcian (450–57) roman emperors and bishops of antioch xvi roman emperors and bishops of antioch BISHOPS OF ANTIOCH, 325–415 c.e. Alexander Meletian-Nicene bishop who succeeded Porphyrius ca. 412/3 Dorotheos Homoian bishop who succeeded Euzoius by 378; died in 381 Eudoxius Homoian bishop who succeeded Leontius Eulalius Homoian bishop who succeeded Paulinus of Tyre Euphronius Homoian bishop who succeeded Eulalius Eustathius Attended the Council of Nicaea (325) and supported its outcome; deposed in 330/1 Euzoius Homoian bishop elected in 361 by those who deposed Meletius Evagrius Nicene bishop who succeeded Paulinus in 388/9 Flacillus Homoian bishop who succeeded Euphronius Flavian Meletian-Nicene bishop who succeeded Meletius in 381; died in 404 Leontius Homoian bishop who succeeded Stephen Meletius Elected in 359/60 as Eudoxius’s successor, but soon deposed; endured three exiles; died in 381 as a supporter of the Council of Nicaea Paulinus Nicene bishop elected in 361/2 to continue Eustathius’s community; supported by Jerome, Athanasius, and Ambrose; died in 388/9 Paulinus of Tyre Homoian bishop who succeeded Eustathius in 330/1 Porphyrius Meletian-Nicene bishop who succeeded Flavian in 404; died ca. 412/3 Stephen Homoian bishop who succeeded Flacillus Vitalis Apollinarian bishop ordained in 375 by Apollinaris of Laodicea ...
