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Abbreviations In the text and notes of this book, titles of journals are abbreviated as in L’Année Philologique and G. Krause, G. Müller, H.R. Balz, et al., eds., Theologische Realenzyklop ädie (Berlin 1977–); authors and their works are abbreviated as in H.G. Liddell , R. Scott, H.S. Jones, et al., eds., A Greek-English Lexicon, 9th ed. (Oxford 1940); G.W.H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon (Oxford 1961); and P.G.W. Glare, ed., Oxford Latin Dictionary (Oxford 1982). Apart from those abbreviations, the following are used in this book. AH The Arian Historiographer (or Homoian Historiographer). See Philostorgius: Kirchengeschichte, mit dem Leben des Lucian von Antiochien und den Fragmenten eines arianischen Historiographen, ed. J. Bidez and F. Winkelmann, 2nd ed., 151–76. Berlin 1972. BHG Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca. 3 vols. 3rd ed. Ed. F. Halkin. Brussels 1957. CA Les constitutions apostoliques: Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes. 3 vols. Ed. M. Metzger. Paris 1985–86. CAG Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca. 23 vols. Berlin 1882–1909. CCG Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca. Turnhout 1977–. CCL Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina. Turnhout 1953–. CG Julian, Oratio contra Galilaeos. [Against the Christians.] Giuliano imperatore: Contra Galileos. Ed. and trans. E. Masaracchia. Rome 1990. [English translation: W.C.F. Wright, The Works of Emperor Julian, vol. 3, 311–427. (Cambridge, Mass., 1923; reprint 1998.)] CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. 16 vols. Berlin 1863–. xiii CJ Corpus iuris civilis, vol. 2, Codex Justinianus. 11th ed. Ed. P. Krüger. Berlin 1954. CPG Clavis Patrum Graecorum. 5 vols. and suppl. Ed. M. Geerard and J. Noret. Turnhout 1974–98. CSCO Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Paris 1903–. CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Vienna 1866–. CTh Theodosiani libri XVI cum Constitutionibus Sirmondianis. Ed. T. Mommsen. Berlin 1905. Dig. Digesta. Ed. T. Mommsen. In Corpus iuris civilis, vol. 1. Berlin 1893. D-K Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Ed. H. Diels and W. Kranz. 3 vols. 5th ed. Berlin 1934. FGrH Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. 4 vols. Ed. F. Jacoby. Berlin 1923–. GCS Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte. Berlin and Leipzig 1897–. GNO Gregorii Nyssenii Opera. 11 vols. Ed. W. Jaeger et al. Berlin 1921–2009. ILS Inscriptiones Latinae selectae. 3 vols. Ed. H. Dessau. Berlin 1892–1916. Lampe A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Ed. G.W.H. Lampe. Oxford 1961. LC Eusebius of Caesarea, Oration in Praise of Constantine. [De laudibus Constantini.] Trans. H.A. Drake, In Praise of Constantine: A Historical Study and New Translation of Eusebius’ Tricennial Orations, 83–102. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1976. LSJ A Greek-English Lexicon. 9th ed. Ed. H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones, et al. Oxford 1940. MoG Julian, Hymn to the Mother of the Gods. Giuliano imperatore: Alla madre degli dèi. Ed. and trans. V. Ugenti. Lecce 1992. [English translation: W.C.F. Wright, The Works of Emperor Julian, vol. 1, 443–503. (Cambridge 1930; reprint 1980.)] PG Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Graeca. 161 vols. Ed. J.P. Migne et al. Paris 1857–66. PL Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Latina. 221 vols. Ed. J.P. Migne et al. Paris 1844–1900. PLRE The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, A.D. 260–395, ed. A.H.M. Jones, J.R. Martindale, and J. Morris; vol. 2, A.D. 395–527, ed. J.R. Martindale.] Cambridge 1971–80. POxy The Oxyrhynchus Papyri. Ed. B.P. Grenfell, A.S. Hunt, et al. London 1898–. PPO Praefectus Praetorio Orientis RE Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Ed. A.F. von Pauly, G. Wissowa, W. Kroll, et al. Stuttgart 1894–1972. xiv Abbreviations SC Sources Chrétiennes. Paris 1941–. SC Eusebius of Caesarea, Oration on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. [De sepulchro Christi.] Trans. H. Drake, In Praise of Constantine: A Historical Study and New Translation of Eusebius’ Tricennial Orations, 103–27. Berkeley and Los Angeles 1976. SVF Stoicorum veterum fragmenta. 4 vols. Ed. H. von Arnim. Leipzig 1903–24. VC Eusebius of Caesarea, Life of Constantine [De vita Constantini]: Introduction , Translation, and Commentary. Ed. and trans. A. Cameron and S. Hall. Oxford 1999. Abbreviations xv This page intentionally left blank ...
