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253 Index abatement, 2, 47 ad hoc exemptions of the law, 77 Alaska, 10 alien immigrants, treating South Asians as, 157 America. See also United States, as a Pacific power, 10 American agitators, 49 American anti-Chinese agitators, 49 American China Development Company, 43 American empire, 11 American exceptionalism, 203n. 65 American Federation of Labor (AFL), 95, 137 American lake, Pacific as, 10 American people, composition of, 93 American West, 99 American’s Empire, policing, 13 Anderson, Benedict, 217n. 51 Anglo miners, 97, 98 Anglo-American power, 9 Anglophiles, claims on “Britishness,” 95 Anglophone powers, working collaboratively, 148 Anglo-Saxonism, 93 annexation, for Hawai’i, 58 anti-Asian agitation and exclusion, 216n. 32 anti-Asian racism, 89 anti-Asian riots: clarifying whiteness of Scandinavian workers, 112; as rituals of racial and community solidarity, 111; shared pattern of petitions and discriminatory legislation, 99 anti-Asiatic parade, in Vancouver, 108 anti-Chinese agitation, in Puget Sound, 47 anti-Chinese boycotts, in British Columbia, 48 anti-Chinese Congress, 47 anti-Chinese mob, 49 anti-Chinese movement, in mid-1870s, 203n. 72 anti-Chinese racism, 47 anticolonial activists, 133 anticolonial diasporic politics, 120 anticolonial resistance, 166 anti-imperial sentiments, 120 anti-imperialist coalition, 156 anti-Japanese agitation, 57 anti-Japanese movement, 73 anti-Japanese sentiments, intense, 219n. 84 Anushilan Samiti, 121 area studies, at University of Washington, 235n. 29 Arendt, Hannah, 125 Arnold, Julean, 180, 186, 187–88, 233n. 5 Asia markets, failing to mature, 87 Asia migration, across northern boundary, 3 Asian aliens, 149 Asian “coolie”: conflated with blacks in the American South, 215n. 22; as a foreign menace, 94 Asian ethnic labor contractors, contributing to cross-border flow, 164 Asian immigration, 111, 150, 154 Asian intermediaries, playing a vital role, 5 Asian manhood, redeeming, 135–40 Asian markets, 60 Asian migrants: ambivalence toward, 145–46; anxiety over illegal, 15; regularly traveling along and across international boundary, 154 Asian other, 99 Asian radicals, as racialized constructs, 166 9780520271685_Index.indd 253 23/03/12 9:26 PM 254 • Index Asian residents: abolishing long-standing policy of allowing lawful to move freely, 153; armed with guns, 109; militancy of in Vancouver, 109 Asian workers, growing militancy of, 114 Asia-Pacific, as a virgin economic frontier, 34 Asiatic exclusion: about defending and preserving the empire, 148; cause of, 69; multi-national effort at, 3 Asiatic Exclusion League: Canadian branch of, 90; describing flow of Asian migrants, 94; establishing, 116; expunging the term Anglo-Saxon, 92–93; Fowler affiliated with, 105–6; propagating myth of vanishing Indian, 94 assassinations: on British Crown officials, 120; string of, 170 Australasia, as a white man’s paradise, 102 Australasian colonies, anti-Chinese legislation in, 100 Australia: stringent Asiatic laws, 102; as white settler outpost, 10 Australian presence, in the Rand unions, 101 Azami, I., 86 Azuma, Eiichiro, 55 Bakunin Club, 230n. 81 Ballantyne, Tony, 5, 88, 96 Ballinger, Richard A., 87, 182 Ban, Shinzaburo, 74 Beach, M.A., 96 Bellingham, Washington: anti-Asian upheavals in, 151; displaced South Asians huddling in basement of City Hall, 108; racial tensions in, 107 Bellingham Central Labor Council, 112 Bengali nationalist elite, 129 Bengali nationalist society, 121 black consciousness, emerging at intersection of national and global, 215n. 25 black races, referring to South Asian immigrants, 215n. 22 Blaine, J. W., 108 bonus system, 66, 72 border: diplomacy, 50; enforcement, 4, 16, 44; guides conveying Chinese migrants across the border, 40; as locus for new disciplinary power, 148–49; personnel, upgrade in, 152 Border Road, 152 border-crossings, setting off an intense contest, 13 borderland riots and violence, 105–16 borderlands history, re-orienting, 3 Bose, Arun Coomer, 132 Bose, Surendra Mohan, 131 boundaries: policing movement across, 4; shared by Canada and United States, 3 bounded nations, 13, 180 boundless markets and growth, quest for, 13 Bowden, William, 101, 104 Boxer Uprising, 208n. 9 Braun, Marcus, 150, 164 Bright, Charles, 13, 19 Brisbane Trade and Labor Council, 100 British colonial authorities, 129 British Columbia: acute labor shortage, 25; anti-Chinese hysteria, 48; demographic breakdown in 1931, 201n. 31; development of, 21; four out of five residents new arrivals, 92; occupying a middle ground, 99; Vancouver riots in 1907, 109 British Empire, white working class, 99 British Honduras, 221n. 21 British imperial rule, rising discontent over, 120 British surveillance system, 170 British-Canadian propensity, scapegoating lawless Americans, 49 Britishness: Anglophiles making claims on, 95; sense of, 216n. 29 brotherhood, comity of, 130 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, 69 Burke, Thomas: accused of degrading white labor, 70; assisting...
