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Chapter 7 further Discourse on yin and yang 7-52-2 Huang Di asked: “Man has four regulars and twelve verticals.1 What does that mean?” Qi Bo responded: “The four regular [movements in the vessels] correspond to the four seasons; the twelve vertical [vessels] correspond to the twelve months. The twelve months correspond to the twelve vessels.2 The [movement in the] vessels may be yin or yang. If one knows the yang [nature of a movement], one [also] knows the yin [nature of a movement]; 1 Wang Bing: “經 is to say 經脈, ‘regular [movements in the] vessels;’ 從 is to say 順 從, ‘to go along with.’ ”Wu Kun: “The ‘four 經’ are liver-wood, heart-fire, lung-metal, and kidneys-water. [The text] does not speak of five 經 because the soil penetrates all five agents; it rules over the [remaining] four 經. 十二從 stands for 十二支, ‘twelve branches.’ ”li Guoqing: “The text states clearly that it is man’s body which has ‘twelve 從;’ hence they cannot be interpreted as ‘twelve branches.’ 從 was identical, in former times, with 縱, ‘vertical;’ it stands in contrast to 橫, ‘horizontal.’ Hence it refers to the twelve conduit-vessels running up and down in the human body. The twelve conduit-vessels correspond to the twelve months, as for example, the hand-great-yin corresponds to the first month, [etc.]. The pathological changes in the twelve vessels correspond to the climatic changes during the twelve months.” Mori: “四經 refers to the four regular (經常) appearances of the movement in the vessels in the course of the four seasons, i.e., string-like, hook-like, hair-like, and stone-like. 十二從 is another name for 十二脈, i.e., the paths of the twelve conduit vessels. 從 is to say: 縱, ‘vertical.’ It is a term used to denote the opposite of the network vessels, which run horizontally.When the text speaks first of ‘twelve verticals’ and then of ‘twelve vessels,’ these are not two different items.”The Tai su, ch. 3 yin yang za shuo 陰陽雜說, has 順, ‘to comply, instead of 從. 2 Wang Bing: “In spring, the [movement in the] vessels is string-like; in summer, the [movement in the] vessels is vast; in autumn, the [movement in the] vessels is at the surface; in winter, the [movement in the] vessels is in the depth. These are the so-called ‘regular [movements in the] vessels [associated with] the four seasons.’ 從 is to say that the qi of heaven complies in its movement with the division [of the year] according to the twelve 辰-terms; hence it corresponds to the twelve months. 十二脈 is to say: the three yin vessels and the three yang vessels of the hands and the three yin vessels and the three yang vessels of the feet.” 138 Huang Di nei jing su wen if one knows the yin [nature of a movement], one [also] knows the yang [nature of a movement].3 altogether, there are five yang [movements in the vessels]. five times five results in 25 yang [movements].4 {as for the so-called yin [qi], these are the true [qi of the] depots. When they appear, this indicates destruction. Destruction entails death.5 as for the so-called yang [qi], this is the yang [qi] of the stomach duct.}6 3 Wang Bing: “Profound knowledge [of the yin and yang nature of the movement in the vessels] leads to a comprehensive understanding of [their] changes.” 4 Wang Bing: “ ‘five yang’ refers to the yang qi of the five depots. The five depots correspond to the seasons. each contributes to the appearance of a single [movement in the] vessels. [That is,] one single [movement in the] vessels comprises the yang [qi] of the five depots. five multiplied by five is 25 yang [movements].” Gao shishi: “The liver vessel [movement] corresponds to spring.The heart vessel [movement] corresponds to summer. The spleen vessel [movement] corresponds to late summer. The lung vessel [movement] corresponds to autumn. The kidney vessel [movement] corresponds to winter. In spring, the [movements in] the vessels of the liver, the heart, the spleen, the lung, and the kidneys all have a slightly string[-like] stomach vessel [movement]. In summer, they all have a slightly hook[-like] stomach vessel [movement ]. In late summer, they all have a slightly relaxed stomach vessel [movement]. In autumn, they all have a slightly hair[-like] stomach vessel [movement]. In winter, they all have a slightly stone[-like] stomach vessel [movement].This is ‘five times five results in twenty five yang.’ ” 5 Wang Bing: “The five depots are yin. Hence [the text...
