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297 Index abangan (nominal Muslims), 22 Abdallah, Ulil, 209, 214, 215, 216, 218, 235 Abd al-Basit Abd al-Samad, Sheikh , 76, 85, 161 Abdo, Muhammad, 186 Abduh, Muhammad, 23, 216 Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad, 96, 180, 191 Abu Ismail, Sheikh Salah, 76, 161 Abu-Lughod, Lila, 20, 212, 214 a cappella singing, 80, 205–6, 267n55. See also akapela song Aceh province, 64, 174 adab (comportment, etiquette), 131, 134, 143 adat (cultural custom), 18, 210, 228 adhan. See azan (Muslim call to prayer) aesthetic dialectics, 167; of Arabic Islamic performance, 172–79; of Indonesian regionalism, 180–88 Afghanistan, war in, 242 Africa, 75, 225 African Americans, 68, 205, 206 Afsaruddin, Asma, 17, 36, 230–31 Agung Sunan Ampel Mosque (Surabaya), 128 Ahmad Syahid, Kiai, 56, 57, 57–60, 84, 86, 89; critique of muezzins, 131; on practice of azan, 100 Ahmed, Leila, 36, 214–15, 217, 222 akapela song, 195, 203, 207, 208–9, 267n51. See also a cappella singing Alawiyya, Tuti, 223, 224 fig. Alwi, Hadad, 194–95, 198, 266n37 Amin, Nur Asia, 225 amplification, 45, 46–49, 249n16 ancestors, tombs of, 164 animism, 22, 217 Anshor, Maria Ulfah, 234, 235 anthropology/anthropologists, 2, 30, 72, 149, 166 Approaching the Quran (Sells), 41 Arab Americans, 24, 33, 248n11 Arab cultures, 13–14, 16, 72, 168, 222 Arabian Peninsula, 11, 17, 42 Arabic language, 5, 9, 154, 251n38; Bahasa Indonesia in relation to, 62, 251n38, 252n41, 258n3; chanting in, 39; code switching and, 63; exclamations in, 227; gender in, 221, 254n15; “imagined community” of Indonesia and, 155; Indonesians’ experience of, 212; Islamic musical arts and, 210; Javanese in compatible discourse with, 201–3; as liturgical code, 122, 222; as nonnative discourse for Indonesians, 79; in pondok pesantren, 60; public showmanship and, 6; quranic recitation in, 43; singing traditions, 173–77; songs in, 44; status in Indonesia, 61–64, 80; tawashih songs, 91–92; transliteration into Latin letters, 97–98, 251n40 Arabization, 22, 231, 240 298 Index Arab music, 11, 32, 33, 43, 52, 67; on cassettes, 191; gambus aesthetic and, 177–79; “global riffs” and, 9; instruments, 247n20; intervallic relationships in, 115; melodies of, 79; Orientalization of Arab aesthetic, 196–98; simultaneous bi-modality in, 191, 265–66n35; Sufism and, 79; tarab aesthetic, 118; treatises on, 95; turath, 176, 180. See also maqam/maqamat; muwashshahat architecture, 52, 72 Arivia, Gadis, 230, 231, 232–33 “Art as a Cultural System” (Geertz), 162 Ash-Sham-Sul, 183 fig., 186, 187, 188 Asian Tigers, 73, 252n51 asrama (dormitory), 40, 41, 54, 60 Asrama Haji Pondok Gede, 137, 141, 142 Assegaf family, 194–95 Association of Male and Female Reciters and Memorizers of the Quran. See IPQAH (Ikaten Persaudaraan Qari dan Qaria, Hafiz dan Hafiza) Assyiri, Haji Sayyid Mohammad, 26, 114, 228; Arabic recitation and, 95; as competition judge, 136; on Eygptian maqam, 95, 99, 256n32; STQ and, 144; on tarab aesthetic, 118–20 Asyari, Hasyim, 55, 158 Attali, Jacques, 43, 52, 68, 252n47 audiences, 10, 30, 122, 126; contribution to soundscape, 121; feedback loop with performers, 67; Muslims outside Southeast Asia, 16; recording technology and, 45, 49; socioeconomic class of, 6; in United States, 42, 49 aurality, 74, 213 aurat (“shameful”), 208, 222, 235, 241 Australia, 203 azan (Muslim call to prayer), 25, 38–39, 46–48, 70; as male-only job, 100, 132, 256n38; musicality and, 100; nasyid music and, 208; in public soundscape, 172; Sayembara Azan contest, 130–33, 134. See also muezzin (reciters of call to prayer) al-Azhar University (Cairo, Egypt), 65 Azhim, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Abdul, 76 al-Azm, Sadik Jalal, 169, 197 Azra, Azyumardi, 27 Baasyir, Abu Bakar, 55, 56, 64 Bachtiar, 22 Bahasa Indonesia, 2, 25, 135, 245n1 (ch. 1); Arabic in relation to, 62, 251n38, 252n41, 258n3; gender in, 221; Islamic texts and, 5; poetic translation into, 153; singkaten linguistic device, 88, 203, 223, 255n22; translations of Quran, 221 Baitul Qurra pesantren, 55, 243 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 240 Bakri, Mudai, 138–39 Bali, 3, 12, 35, 56, 64, 126 al-Banna, Sheikh Ali, 76, 161 baraka (blessing), 172 al-Barzanji, Imam, 15, 180 barzanji verse, 180, 181, 201 batik textiles, 19, 246–47n2, 253n7 Bayyati melodic mode, 78, 95–100, 101, 228; Bi Husrin Jasat and, 88; in Djamil’s songs, 191, 192; intonation and, 116, 117; in Maria Ulfah’s recitation, 226; Meccan modes and, 86; musical notation and, 109, 110; notes of, 94–95, 96; tawashih and, 90. See also maqam/maqamat beats (harakat...
