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Comité voor Joodse Dutch. Committee for Jewish Refugees, established to Vluchtelingen (CJV) meet the welfare needs of German Jews who fled to Holland after Hitler came to power, especially after Kristallnacht. Displaced Persons (DP) Jews who were stateless after World War II. DP camps were set up in Germany. Gereformeered Dutch. Literally, “reformed Protestant,” Orthodox Protestant, member of the Dutch Orthodox Calvinist Church. Hachsharah Hebrew; spelled Hachsjarah in Dutch. Zionist youth group that prepared young people for emigration to Israel. heit Frisian Dutch. Father. Hollandse Schouwburg See Joodse Schouwburg. Glossary 361 Joods Maatschappelijk Dutch. Jewish Social Welfare Organization. This organiWerk (JMW) zation has all the dossiers on hidden children concerning postwar decisions about where they would live. Joodse Raad Dutch; Judenrat in German. Jewish Council. Set up by the Nazis to organize the Jewish community. Its most controversial role was creating lists of Jews to be deported. Joodse Schouwburg Dutch. Previously the Hollandse Schouwburg. A theater in Amsterdam that was turned into a specifically Jewish theater during the German Occupation and then became the intermediary transit point for Jews who were rounded up for deportation. Children were kept in the crèche alongside it, and hundreds were smuggled out by Resistance members. Kinder German. Children; a term used by those on the Kindertransport to refer to themselves and to others. Kindertransport German. A program in which Jewish children from Germany and Austria were sent to safety in England in the 1930s to live with British families. Kristallnacht German. “Night of broken glass,” November 9, 1938. A pogrom during which synagogues all over Germany were vandalized, burned, and destroyed by the Nazis. Many German Jews fled to Holland after this event. L’Ezrat ha-Yeled Hebrew; Le Ezrath ha-Jeled in Dutch. “To the Aid of the Children.” Postwar Jewish organization that helped child survivors. Maror Hebrew. Bitter herbs, often horseradish, one of the symbolic foods eaten at the Passover seder to symbolize the bitterness of slavery in Egypt. Also the name of the group representing Jews in Holland who sought restitution from the state in the late 1990s. mem Frisian Dutch. Mother. Mutti German. Mom or Mommy. 362 g l o s s a r y [] Project MUSE (2024-04-25 09:52 GMT) Nationaal-Socialistische Dutch. National Socialist Movement, the largest Nazi Beweging (NSB) party in Holland, established in 1931. onderduiken Dutch. To “descend” into hiding. onderduiker Dutch. Someone in hiding. oom Dutch. Uncle. opa Dutch. Grandpa. OPK See Voogdicommissie voor Oorlogspleegkinderen. razzia Dutch, from French. Raid. tante Dutch. Aunt. vader Dutch. Father. Voogdicommissie voor Dutch. Guardian Commission for War Foster Children, Oorlogspleegkinderen set up after the war to deal with mostly Jewish war or- (OPK) phans and other Jewish children who were claimed by parents as well as their hiding family. Westerbork Dutch. Initially built by the Dutch Jewish community to house German Jewish refugees temporarily but later used by the Nazis as the main transit camp in Holland for Jews who were then deported. Located in a dreary, isolated site in Drenthe near the German border. Wet Uitkeringen Dutch. Act for Benefits for Victims of Persecution, 1940– Vervolgingsslachtoffers 1945. A state-run fund for all World War II survivors. (WUV) Yad Vashem Hebrew. Holocaust memorial in Israel where Gentiles who helped Jews during the war are honored. zuilen Dutch. “Pillars” or segments of society that were vertically stratified, for example, Protestants and Catholics. g l o s s a r y 363 ...
