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Abayat, Hussein, 238 Abed, Hani, 292n6 Abu Dakka, Ibrahim, 180 Abu Hilu et al. v. Government of Israel, 57 Abu Laila, Adnan, 165 Abu Middain, Freih, 181. See also Gaza Bar Association Abu Rahman, Fayez, 171, 222 Abu Rukn, Sheikh Labib, 279n16 acquittal, chances of, 205–6, 221–23 Addameer, 204, 290n3 administered areas. See occupied territories administrative detention, 64, 110, 122–23, 191, 212 Adoreim military court, 16 adversarial legal system, 111–13, 225 Afghanistan, war in, 239, 244, 245, 296n35 Akar, Mamduh, xxii–xxiii Akawi, Mustafa, xviii–xxiii Akkila, Fathi, 171 Alami, Iyad, 180 American Friends Service Committee, 290n3 Amin, Amin, xxi–xxii Amira et al. v. Minister of Defense, 266n32 Amit-Kohn, Uzi, 275n6, 276n7 Amnesty International (AI): founding of, 46; and nonstate movements, 64–65; and political vs. violent resistance, 167; report on military courts, 66–67; and torture, 69 anti-Semitism, 56 anti-Zionist politics, 115, 162, 169. See also Zionism/Zionist politics Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, 240 Arabic language, and Jewish/Arab dichotomy, 132–34, 278n4 Arab Israelis: as defense lawyers, 163–64, 170, 178, 182–83, 226–27; deWnition of, 5; Jewish Israeli views of, 274n16; military service, 279n10; and political vs. ideological hegemony, 38–39; rights of, 33–34 Arab Lawyers Committee (ALC), 226; establishment of, 172, 182; international law and, 283n20; and Israeli-Palestinian networks, 179, 182; strikes called by, 175 Arafat, Yasir, 13, 53, 240, 241–42 Area A, 13, 34, 237. See also negotiations, Israeli-Palestinian; Palestinian Authority Area B, 13, 34, 237. See also negotiations, Israeli-Palestinian; Palestinian Authority Area C, 13–14. See also negotiations, Israeli-Palestinian armed struggle. See feda´yin; militancy arrests: of children, 191–92, 286n21; initiated , 190–91; and interrogation, 66–67, 191–95; as Israeli strategy, 66; numbers of, 3, 44, 66, 72, 106–7, 185–86; political impact of, 128; roundups, 191; social impact of, 208–9 Asad, Talal, 139`asaWr. See collaborators, Palestinian Asali, Abed, 170 Index 301 Ashkenazim, 134, 137 Ashrawi, Hanan, 197, 288n42 assassinations, 122; deWnition of, 293n8; history of, 15, 236, 292n6; legality of, 294n16; media coverage of, 294n17; numbers of, 291n2; retaliatory, 294n19; suicide bombings as retaliation for, 238– 40, 292n6; U.S. and, 246, 297n47; as war crimes, 293n8 Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), 63–64, 161, 240, 269n60 Atash, Zeidan, 140 Attiyeh, Na´ila, xv–xvi, xvii–xviii, 287n28 Atzmon, Matti, 284n27 Ayash, Yahya, 292n6 Baden, Michael, xix–xx bail, 112, 191, 221 Barak, Aharon, 73 Barak, Ehud, 44, 239 Barghouti, Marwan, 234 Batrawi, Khalid, 202 Bedouin, 33 Begin, Menachim, 70 Beirut Arab University, 291n4 Beit El military court, 16, 231, 249 Ben-Ari, Eyal, 88–89 Ben-Dor, Gabriel, 278n7, 280n26 Berk-Seligson, Susan, 147 Bethlehem, 292n6 bin Laden, Osama, 250 Bishara, Azim, 182 Blanc, Haim, 279n14 Body in Pain, The (Scarry), 189 Boulos, Jawad, xxi–xxii, 163, 164, 177, 230–31 Bourdieu, Pierre, 81 Briskman, Dana, 43 British Defense Regulations (1945): ACRI and, 269n60; and carceralism, 186; and dual legal system, 58; and HCJ, 256; history of, 59–61, 268nn44, 48; jurisdiction of, 34, 49; legality of, 61, 96, 269n60; military courts and enforcement of, 255–56; and national security discourse, 44–45; second intifada and, 236; and “war on terror,” 242 British Mandate, 59, 276n10 B´Tselem, 67–68, 73, 74–75, 110, 273n110 Bumiller, Kristin, 19 Burkhalter, Holly, 65 Bush, George H. W., 297n47 Bush, George W., 239, 295n21 Camp David summit (2000), 290n63 capital punishment, 181 carceralism: and colonialism, 285n9; deWnition of, 186; gendered, 195–96; impact of, 106, 210, 216–17; legal process and, 206; and plea bargaining, 218–19, 234 Carter, Jimmy, 297n47 cause lawyering: deWnition of, 154–55; Wrst intifada and, 173–77; and human rights, 158–59, 179–81; impact of IsraeliPalestinian negotiations on, 177–81; Israel/Palestine and South Africa, 155– 56; motivations for, 156–59; and second intifada, 181–84. See also human rights cause lawyers, 166–71, 232. See also defense lawyers Cell Number 7 (Yunis), 196 Challenge (magazine), 115 charges, hard vs. simple, 256 charge sheet, 190. See also defense lawyers; plea bargaining; prosecutors children, Palestinian: arrest/interrogation of, 191–92, 286n21; and stone-throwing, 99–100, 191–92 Circassians, 33 civilian deaths, increasing rates of, 295n27 Clinton, Bill, 239, 297n47 Cohen, Haim, 63 Cohen, Stanley, 105, 159 Cohen, Stuart, 125 collaborators, Palestinian: and detainees’ wives, 211; Wrst intifada and, 277n29; killings of, 214–15; recruitment of, 110– 11, 198, 270n81, 277n29; use in prison of, 113–14, 192...
