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Acosta, Uriel, 52 active citizenship, 151–53. See also citizenship actors as citizens, 161–62 Adorno, Theodor, 106, 236 –37 Agada (Talmud), 128 agriculture: of biblical Jews, 41, 60, 89, 121–22, 219; Napoleon’s decree on, 195; regeneration through, 76 –77, 85, 91–92, 104 Alsatian Jews: Christians’ relations with, 21–22; citizenship claims by, 170; communal autonomy of, 21; in false receipts dispute, 67–68; in festivals, 142, 145; Napoleonic representations by, 227–28; National Assembly’s decree on, 153; patriotic liturgy of, 139; population of, 19; poverty of, 20, 152; taxes / restrictions on, 19–21; use of Hebrew by, 215 alterity. See other, the Ambrose, Saint, 118 Amiens, Peace of, 216 Anchel, Robert, 2, 287n6 Ancona, 199–200, 227 Anderson, Benedict, 180 anointing imagery, 134–36, 140 apologetic literature: appropriation strategies of, 12–13, 130–31, 148– 49; on Christian fanaticism, 123, 128–29; on civic morality of Jews, 120–22, 127–28, 170–72; of Hourwitz, as unorthodox, 126, 128, 130–31; on mercantilist corruption, 122; on mercantilist utility, 116 –17, 118–19; on natural rights, 124–26, 129; selfcontradictions of, 111–12, 115, 119, 131; sensibilité language of, 120; on Sephardim versus Ashkenazim, 113– 14, 129; as source material, 10–11; on treatment of Jews abroad, 117–18; as untrustworthy, 131–32. See also Jewish self-representation Apologie des Juifs (Hourwitz), 126, 130, 131 Apologie pour la nation juive (Pinto), 112–14, 115 appropriation: empowerment through, 253–54; by Jewish apologists, 148– 49; by Napoleon, of religious imagery, 200–202; of regeneration concept, 12–13, 170; of revolutionary culture, 179, 192–93; sacralization strategy of, 188, 253. See also assimilation Arendt, Hannah, 176 –77, 192, 260 Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d’, 37, 66, 105; cosmopolitan Jew of, 103; defamiliarization device 319 Index Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer (cont’d) of, 44; on Karaites, 59; popular success of, 43– 44; stasis / change themes of, 44– 46 Argenson, Marc-Pierre Voyer de Paulmy, comte d’, 146 aristocrats: Bing on, 191; Ensheim on, 190; Spire on, 181 ARTFL (Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language), 6, 36, 56, 264n18, 268n3 Ashkenazim: citizenship agenda of, 166, 167–68, 170; locations of, 19; of Paris, 31; Sephardim versus, 27, 113–14, 129, 266n29. See also Alsatian Jews; Lorraine, Jews of; Metz, Jews of Assembly of Notables: antiquity references by, 218; civic duties of, 195–96, 204–5; creation of, 195; on Jewish law, 220–21; justice rhetoric of, 202– 4; Napoleon’s symbolic use of, 198– 99; paternalism discourse of, 213– 14, 289n40; as Simchat Torah, 204; Tama’s descriptions of, 288n20; on usury, 218, 221 assimilation: by Bing, 121; hybridity notion of, 251–52; Jewish reconceptualization of, 12–14, 252–55; of Napoleonic culture, 232–35; origin of concept, 250; resistance to, 251; by Voltaire, 48– 49. See also appropriation Augustine, Saint, 68 Austerlitz victory (1805), 211 Austrian Jews, 175–76 Avignonese Jews, 19, 30–31, 151, 183–84 Babylonian Captivity, 122 Bachaumont, Louis Petit de, 112 Badinter, Robert, 3, 157, 264n11 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 251–52 baptism imagery, 106 –8 baraxa (excommunication), 25 Barnave, Antoine, 156 Barthez, Paul-Joseph, 58 Basnage, Jacques, 118 Basques, 36, 56, 268n3 Bastille, the, 181 Bauman, Zygmunt, 237 Bayonne, 31 Bernstein, Michael, 4 Berr, Berr Isaac, 183, 212, 218, 225 Berr, Cerf, 145 Berr, Michel, 217 Beschreibung von der Veränderung, oder Aufruhr in Frankreich, was man nennt Revolution (Spire), 179, 180, 182, 183, 285n55 Bhabha, Homi, 251–52 La Bible enfin expliquée (Voltaire), 49 Bibliothèque des sciences et des beaux arts, 112 billonage (smuggling of coins), 22 Bing, Isaïah Berr, 127; apologetic strategies of, 119–21; biblical Israel of, 121– 22; on Christian fanaticism, 122–23; civic morality defense by, 170–72; on commerce of Jews, 123–24, 174–75; on dauphin’s birth, 136; on natural rights, 124–26; particularism of, 166; self-contradictions of, 131; sensibilité language of, 120; translation of Ensheim by, 191 biological determinism, 242– 43 Birnbaum, Pierre, 259 Bischheim festivals, 142, 143, 144, 145 blacks: Jews compared to, 240– 42, 247; National Assembly’s neglect of, 157 Bonal, François de (bishop of ClermontFerrand ), 158, 161 Bordeaux, Jews of, 11; from Avignon, 31; civic participation by, 142, 143, 144, 145, 172; commercial privileges of, 26 –27; mythic notions of, 27–30, 266n29; National Assembly petition from, 168; patriotic liturgy of, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141; population of, 19 Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne, 40, 74, 94...
