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  Abrams, Philip,  Aceh, ,  Ache, – Adorno, Theodor W., – AFL-CIO,  Agamben, Giorgio,  Akayesu, Jean-Paul, , –, , – AllianceGreens, ,  Ambon,  American Anthropological Association,  American Friends Service Committee,  Amnesty International,  Andreopoulos, George, ,  Angkor Wat,  anthropology/anthropologists: advocacy for social justice by, ; apartheid and, –; contribution to understanding genocide by, ; genocide and, –, –; in Nazi Germany, –, –; silence on genocide of, –,  apartheid, – archaeology: as contributing factor to genocide, –; as cultural capital, –; in Germany under National Socialists, –; as handmaiden of nationalism, – Arendt, Hannah,  Arnold, Bettina, – Assyrians,  Atlantis,  Australia: genocide in, ; nationalism in,  Bartov, Omer, ,  Basaglia, Franco,  Bauman, Zygmunt,  Beer, Angelika,  Benedict, Ruth,  blood: German nationhood and, , , , – body: genocide and focus on, –; German nationhood and, , ; as icon of past, –; and nudity as tool in West Germany, –, –; Rwandan practices relating to, –, –, –, –; and the state, – Border Patrol, , –; militarization of, ; use of low-intensity conflict methods by, –; violence by, –, –,  Bosniac-Croat Federation,  Bosnia-Herzegovina: ethnic cleansing in, –, –, –, –; ethnic relations in, –; federation of Bosnians and Croats in, , ; independence of, , ; manipulation of fear in, , , –; Muslims in, –; Serbian take over of,  Bosnian Muslims, , –, n Bosnian Serb Army,  Boua, Chanthou,  Bourdieu, Pierre, – Bowen, John, –, – Brazil, , , –, ,  Bringa, Tone, – Brügge, Peter, – Buddhism, ,  Burma, ,  Burundi, –, – California Indians: violence against, , . See also Ishi Cambodia: classical dance in, –; gender imbalance in, –; recent history of, –; revival of Buddhism in, –; uncertainty and fear in, –, . See also Khmer Rouge Celts,  Chalk, Frank,  Charlemagne, – Chechens,  Childe, V. Gordon, n children: Khmer Rouge and, – China,  Cifuentes H., Juan Fernando,  Clastres, Pierre, – Clay, Jason,  Clinton, Bill,  Coalition pour la Defense de la Republique,  Cohen, Roger,  Cohn, Norman,  Cold War: influence in Guatemala of, –,  Commission for Historical Clarification (CEH) (Guatemala), , –, ,  concentration camps,  Congo, ,  Cook, Sherburne F., – Coupez, A., –, – Croatian Defense Force, – Croats: relations with Muslims of, –; separatists , ,  cultural relativism: study of genocide and, ,  culture, – Dadrian, Vahakn N.,  Davies, David,  Dayton Agreement, ,  death cults,  Democratic Kampuchea. See Khmer Rouge. development, ; genocide and, –, – East Timor,  Ebihara, May, and Judy Ledgerwood, – ecocide,  Erikson, Kai,  ethnic cleansing, –, , –; compared with genocide, , –; origin of term, – ethnic conflict, , ,  ethnicity, – ethnocide, ,  evil, inoculation of,  Falk, Richard, ,  fear, manipulation of, , , – Feder, Kenneth, – Fein, Helen, , ,  Feldman, Allen,  Fischer, Eugon, , –, n Frings, Viviane,  Gatabazi, Felicien,  Geertz, Clifford,  gender-related violence,  Genetic Health Courts,  genocidal massacres,  genocide: anthropological contribution to understanding , ; anthropology and, –, –; continuum, –; cultural, ; cultural relativism and study of, , ; definition of, , , –, –, , –; development and, –; as distinguished from other forms of violence, ; domestic, ; education about, –, –; “ethnic cleansing” and, –; against hunter-gatherers, –; importance of kin networks after, ; against indigenous peoples, –; intent and, , , –; legacies of, ; modernity and, , , , , –, –; obsessive focus on body and, –; prerequisites for, –; “priming mechanisms” for, –, , –; state as source of, –, ; typologies of, –; utilitarian, . See also under specific place or group genocide early warning systems, – Germany: anthropologists in Nazi, –, –; archaeology under National Socialists in, –, –; concept of race in, , –; folkloric foundation of, –; forgetting past in, –; migration theory and, –; postwar national identity in, –. See also New Left Gledhill, John,  Goldhagen, Daniel,  Great Zimbabwe,  Greeks,  Guatemala, –; Catholic Church in, ; genocide in, –; guerillas in, –; influence of Cold War on, –, ; psychological scars of war in, –; role of memory in, –. See also Santa Maria Tzejá, Guatemala Guggenberg, Bernd, ,    [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 03:28 GMT) Habyarimana, Juvenal, , ,  Hale, Charles R.,  Hall, Martin, n Harrington, Michael,  Henry, Jules,  Herero,  Heritier, Francoise, n d’Hertfelt, M., –, – Herzog, Dagmar, , – Hill, Kim,  Hinton, Alexander Laban, , , , , ,  Hinton, Leanne,  Hirsch, Herbert,  Hitchcock, Robert, – Hitler, Adolf, ,  Holocaust, , ; collective shame about, –; as ethnic conflict, ; in postwar West German political culture, ; repression of memory of, –; Horowitz, Irving,  Hrdlicka, Ales,  human types, problem of, – hunter-gatherers: genocide and, –, – Hurtado, A. Magdalena,  Hutu: cultural definition of, , ; violence against, –; narratives of, justifying genocide against Tutsi, ,  Immigration and Reform Act, – indigenous peoples: definition of, , –, , –; genocide against, –; populations of, declines in, , ; steps taken to protect rights of,  Indonesia,  Institute für Deutsche Ostarbeit, , – intent: genocide and, , , – International Alert Against Genocide and Mass Killing,  International Court of Justice, ,  International Criminal Court, ,  International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), , , ,  Isaaks,  Ishi, , –; remains of, , –, , n Izetbegovic, Alija,  Jews: definition of, under German law, ; in Poland, –; removal of, from Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, , . See also Holocaust Jimenez, Maria,  Johnson, Adam, n Jonassohn, Kurt,  Kaiser Wilhelm Institute für Anthropologie, , – Kalimantan, – Kapferer, Bruce, , –, n Karadzid, Radovan, , –, n Keyes, Charles,  Khmer Rouge, , , –, ; aesthetic practice and terror by, , –, , –; aftermath of, –, –; Angkor Wat as symbol for, ; attack on Buddhism by, , ; capriciousness of killing by, ; children and, –; classification of “Old” and “New” people by, , , ; mortality under, , , ; undermining of family and household by, – Kiß, Edmund,  Kommune 1, ,  Kossinna, Gustaf,  Köster, Barbara, – Kroeber, Alfred, , , –; failure of, to deal with violence against California Indians , –, ; Ishi and, –; treatment of Ishi’s remains by...
