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Index Abramovitz, Moses, 25 Addison, Joseph, 147 Adverse selection ol workers, 114 Aeneid (Virgil), 123 Africa, n, 149 Aggregate data, i 67-71 Aggregate employment, 167 Aggregate investment, 166-67, 16711.4 Aggregate output, 8, 167, 173-75 Aggregate production function, 173, 174 Aggregate saving, 166-67, 16711-4 Agriculture: diminishing marginal productivity of, 93-94; economic cycles in, 25, 2,6; improvements to land and, 136; and industrial demand, 155-56; and industrialization, 2,51; isolated markets in, 5-6; living standards derived from, 33-34, 47-48, 50, 51, 52-53, 57-59; networked markets in, 6-8; payment ol market wages in, 115-16; postwar recovery of, 172-73; productivity of, and landholding patterns, 9-10; protectionist policy toward, 130-31; seasonal variations in, 28-29; seasonal variations in labor requirements for, 48-50, 53-55; as share of GNP, 22, Z3 (fig.); substitutability of labor in, no; taxation of, 230; wartime destruction of, 172. See also Farmers; Farms; Sharecropping Akerlof, George A., n6n, 241 Alchian, Armen, 2oin, 2,42, American Economic Review, 25on.3 American Medical Association, 108, no American System of Manufacturers, 95 Anhwei province, China, 37, 37 (table) Anthropology, and economic analysis, 123, 12.7 The Applied Theory of Price (McCloskey), 239 Appreciative theory, 249-5 2 Apprenticeships, 106, 188 Arbitragers, 184, 186 Arithmetic weighting, 31 Asia, 11. See also China; India; Japan; Southeast Asia Assumptions: connection of conclusions with, 39-43; examination of results contrary to, 52-53; hostile, demonstration of conclusions from, 45-47; specification of, 38-39, 45, 46 (table), 50 Astrology, 144 Asymmetric information problem, 65 Athens, 127 Atlanta, Ga., 172 Attica, 128 Augsburg, Germany, 27 (fig,), 27-28 Austen, Jane, 123 Australia, 179, 251 Austrian economics, 122, 133, 157 Autarky, 211 Automobile industry, wage levels in, no, in, 112, 114, 116 279 z8o Index Bagehot, Walter, 204 Bakewell, Robert, 94 Balance of payments, zzi-zz Balance-of-payments deficit, 184-85 Baldwin, Robert E., Z3on Banking: centralization of, 2,03-7; chartering of, 190; collapse of, 1.91, 194-96; competition in, 190; depositbanking , 193; investment policy of, 191-93; origins of, 189, 190-91; safety of, 191, 193; stimulation of development by, 1:89-90, 191, 192,. See Fractional reserve banking Bank of England, zo3n.i8, zo4n.±o Barro, Robert, 199^14 Base line, 5 Battle history, 145 Beer tax, 130 Belgium, 148 Bell, Lynda S., 17 Bentham, Jeremy, IZ3 Bernanke, Ben S., 195-96 Betram, Geoffrey, zion.i Bias, statistical, 3z~43, 45-47 Bidwell, Percy, 94 Bimetallic ratio, 186 Bimetallic system, 186-87 Birnberg, Thomas B., zion.z Blacks: educational opportunities of, 106-7; enslavement of (see Slavery); exclusion from textile industry, 116; sharecropping by, 77-79, 117-18, 131, I3z; wages of, 115; and white power structure, I3I-3Z Blanchard, Olivier, 119-10 Blank, Rebecca M., 5 Bloch, Marc, 73 Bonds: interest rates on, zc>5n; price of, 206, zo6n; purchase by central bank, 206; repayment by future generations, 164, i64n.3; sale by central bank, 206 Bonke, Jens, 18-19 Bordo, Michael D., 179, 185 Borrowing: banks' criteria for, 191-93; part-to-whole reasoning about, 164, i64n.3; suppression by liquidity crises, 194, 196 Boserup, Ester, 138 Boston Tea Party, 158, 251 Bowles, Samuel, 106 Boxer Uprising, 28 Boys, school attendance by, 106 Bradford, William, 135 Brandt, Loren, 53, 223 Braudel, Fernand, 25-28, 27 (fig.) Brazil, 234 Bretton Woods treaty, Z3zn.i9 British-American Tobacco Company, 49 "British Industrialization before 1841: Evidence of Slower Growth during the Industrial Revolution" (Harley), 240 Buchanan, James, 3, n,248 Buck, John L., 33-34, 5011, 52 Buffalo, extermination of, 135 Businessmen, rationality of, 144-45 Cagan, Phillip, 197 Cairnes, John E., 179 California gold rush, 179 Canada, 198, 215 Canals, 136-37, 152 Capital: migration from importcompeting industries, 224; return on, impact of rising exports on, 2z6 Capital formation: inference of production from, 43-45; and longterm investment, 191, 193 Capital outflow, and lowering of discount rate, ZO5 Capital stock: postwar restoration of, 173-75; wartime destruction of, 172,, !73 Capital-to-labor ratio: and elasticity of labor demand, no; and payment of efficiency-wages, 114, 115, 116 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 2ion.i Carnegie, Andrew, 127-28 Carter, Susan, 5, inn, nzn.i4 Carts, as competition for junks, 45 Cato the Elder, 128, 133 Cattle, 135, 142 Cattle drives, 126 Central banks: formation of, zo3~4; influence on economy at large, 204-7; as lender of last resort, 204; loans to other banks, 204-5...
