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A Brief Chronology Epochs in Years Forestry General Periods Historical and Periods Capitals Notable Estimated Historical Population Entries A.D. 6oo 700 ancient predation 600—850 n__ OOO 900 I OOO Nara: Heijo710 -7 ancient 5 million ky5 7«x> 94 i Heian: Heian-kyo 794-1185 6.5 million IOOO agriculture spreads 2500 B.C.-A.D. 500 smelting A.D.zoopolitical consolidation A.D. 300Todaiji built 7405 Heian-kyo built 7905 Heian-kyo decays ca. 95off. 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 exploitation forestry Kamakura: Kamakura 1185-1337 Todaiji rebuilt nSos Kamakura burns 1219 iriai proliferate ca. i4Ooff. Hideyoshi builds 15905 Meireki fire 1657 bakufu seizes Hida 1692 Nogyo zensho 1697 buwakebayashi appear 17205 nenkiyama proliferate 17605 essays by Sat5 Shin'en 1809-1844 national forests established 18805 12 million 1600 31 million 1720 33 million 1870 Muromachi: Kyoto 1337-1600 medieval early modern Tokugawa: Edo 1603-1868 early modern predation 1570-1670 regenerative forestry modern modern: Tokyo 18681100 ...
