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Index Abbot, Jack, as example of outlaw type, 99-100 Acts of Settlement(England), 10 Age: at first arrest, and subsequent criminal activity, 99; of persons in felony and misdemeanor samples, 120 (tables ); as prejudicialfactor in campaign against rabble, 107; problems of, facing Americanyouth, 103-4 Alameda County, California,jail experiences in, 89 Alcoholism: criminalization of, 9, 10; and derelicts in rabble population, 9, 27-28; and diversion for alcohol-related offenses, 101. See also Drunkenness , arrests for Alfred theGreat, 3,5 Alienation, and condition ofjailed persons , 64 Aliens, 40,63; in felony arrest sample, 34-36, 39. See also individual nationalities by name American Friends Service Committee, on misuse of discretionary power, 102n Amsterdam, Anthony, on antiprisoner attitudes ofjudges, 81-82 Anomie, and conditionofjailed persons, 64,65 Arrests: analysisof, 18-41; degrading aspects of, 67-68;differences in experiences during,61-63; and discretionary standards, 11,16,28; distributions of felony and misdemeanor samples of, 39; felony, by city, 19; loss of freedom of choice in, 54; offensiveness and, 23-25; punitive aspects of, 130n.20; for purposes of controlling rabble population, 15;and seriousness of crime, 19-23; shock of, as cause of disorientation, 53-56; and typesof disreputables, 25-39 Asians, in felony sample, 119(table) Asylums, used to manage problem populations , 7 Atascadero, California,institute for criminally insane in, 31 Attachment, asjail substitute, 5 Attitudinal degradation,73-78; by police , 74-75; bysheriffs' deputies, 7578 Attorneys: attitudesof, toward prisoners, 81-83; clothing styles of, 79n Authority: police establishmentof, 5455 ; and techniques used by police in arrests, 55 Bailey, F. Lee, arrest of, 68n Bail system, 42-43; in England, 5-6; proposals for abolition of, 102 Baltimore, Maryland, distribution of felony arrests in, 19 Benton County jail, Oregon, 132n.6 Biernacki, Patrick, drug-use research of, 125n.7 141 142 INDEX Bittner, Egon, 16 Black Death, 6n Blacks: examples of police treatment of, 108-9; in felony and misdemeanor samples, 119 (tables); youth unemployment among, 104n Booking process: attitude of booking officerstoward prisoners in, 57-58; as cause of disorientation, 56-59; degrading conditions during,57; punitive aspect of, 130n.20 Boulder, Colorado, Jail Centerin, 132n.6 Brace, Charles Loring, on threat to society from "dangerous classes," 105 Bracton, Henry de, on punishment in English jails, 44 Braly, Malcolm, on learningcriminal patterns injails, 95 Bridewells (English workhouses), 6 Business, personal, ability to deal with: as component of social stability, 4647 ; loss of, by prisoners, 51-52 California: "lowrider" culture in, 9 (see also Lowriders); punitiveanticriminal laws in, 114 California Guidance Center (Vacaville), 31 California Rehabilitation Center (Norco), 29 Center for Studies in Criminology and Criminal Law (University of Pennsylvania ), 20 Central Americans, as focus of police scrutiny, 35 Chesney, Kellow, on "dangerous classes," 8-9 Chicago, Illinois,distribution of felony arrests in, 19 "Cholos,"9,39n "Citation" programs, for misdemeanor offenses, 42-43 Civil War: development of rabble class after, 9;jail system in time of, 8 Clinard, Marshal, on cost of corporate crime, 112 Cloward, Richard, on social control of the poor, 2-3 Cohen, Albert, on delinquencyas response to middle-class values, 13 In.7 Commitment to society, loss of, as part of degradation process, 83-84 Containment of rabble, 11-13 Contested zones, stringent police standards in, 13 Corner boys: in felony arrest sample, 3133 , 39;jail experience of, 63; role of, in jail hierarchy,94 Court system: attitude toward prisoners in, 78-83; Feeley's thesis on goal of, 129-30n.20. See also Attorneys;Bail system; Judicial system Crazies, in felony arrest sample, 30-31, 39,40 Crime: and punitive anticrimelaws, 114; street and "reputable," compared, 112-15, 116; victimless, anddiversion of resources, 116. See also Street crime Crime causation: and acculturationprocess injails, 96-97; criminal law as factor in, 115-16 Crime Control Model of criminaljustice (Packer), 73 Crime seriousness: and arrests, 19-23; difference between offensiveness and, 23-24; andoffensiveness, 23-25,25 (table), 40-41,40 (table); ranking of, 21, 125nn.2,3;surveyof, 20, 22 Criminalization of drugs and alcohol, and control of deviantpopulation, 9, 10 Criminal justice officials: degradation of prisoners by, 67; misuse of discretionary power by, 102n; punishment of rabble by, 102-3, 126n.4, 129-30n.20 Criminal law, proposals for reform of, 116-18 Crusades, 4 Cubans: in felony sample, 119 (table); as focus of police scrutiny,35-36 Cultural preparation, for rabble life, 9197 "Dangerous classes," definition and categories of, 8-9, 105. Seealso Disreputables ; Rabble Decriminalization, proposals for, 101, 117...
