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6 LAS PLAYAS DE CHILE I No eran esos los chilenos destinos que lloraron alejandose toda la playa se iba haciendo una pura llaga en sus ojos No eran esas playas que encontraron sino mas bien el clarear del cielo frente a sus ojos alba como si no fuera de ellos en todo Chile espejeando las abiertas llagas que lavaban I. Empapado de lagrimas arrojo sus vestimentas al agua ll. Desnudo 10 hubieran visto acurrucarse hecho un ovillo sobre sf tembloroso con las manos cubriendose el purular de sus heridas lll. Como un espfritu 10 hubieran ustedes visto como se abrazo a sf mismo lfvido gimiente mientras se Ie iba esfumando el color del cielo en sus ojos Porque no eran esas las playas que encontraron sino el volcarse de todas las llagas sobre ellos blancas dolidas sobre sf cayendoles como una bendicion que les fijara en sus pupilas IV. Porque hasta 10 que nunca fue renacio alborando por esas playas v. Ese era el resplandor de sus propias llagas abiertas en la costa VI. Ese era el relumbrar de todas las playas que recien allf Ie saludaron la lavada vision de sus ojos Porque no eran esas las costas que encontraron sino sus propias llagas extendiendose hasta ser la playa donde todo Chile comenzo a arrojar sus vestimentas al agua radiantes esplendorosos lavando frente a otros los bastardos destinos que lloraron THE BEACHES OF CHILE I Those weren't the Chilean fates they wept receding the entire beach was becoming an open sore in his eyes Those weren't the beaches they found but the clearing of the sky snow-white before his eyes as if they were detached reflecting throughout Chile the open wounds they washed t. Bathed in tears he cast his vestments onto the water 11. You would have seen him naked curled up in a ball shivering with his hands covering his festering sores ttt. Like a wraith you would have seen how he clasped himself livid moaning while the color of the sky evanesced in his eyes Because it wasn't the beaches they found but the spilling of all the sores white aching upon them covering them like a blessing fixed in his pupils tv. Because even what had never been was reborn dawning on those beaches v. That was the shining of his own open sores on the coast Vt. That was the sparkling of all the beaches that only then greeted the cleansed vision of his eyes For it wasn't the coasts they found but his own wounds stretching out until they were the beach where all Chile radiant splendrous began to cast their vestments onto the water washing before others the bastardly fates they wept 7 ...
