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138 AUN ABANDONADOS FLORECERIAN Abandonados no yerian las llanuras sino s610 un vocear recorriendo los valles alucinante creciendo como si un chillido les partiera Chile entero sobre sus pastos 1. Porque un crfo era Chile chillando por el pasto ll. Por eso Chile se partfa estremecido sintiendo sus chillidos lll. Por eso todos aguardaban chillando por los pastos que les enverdecieran sus penas Para que abandonados empiece a ofrse desde los valles el vocear de nuevos crios enverdeciendoles sus penas y s610 pastos miraran alii los abandonados hijos de Chile IV. Porque alli podrian enverdecer las penas de Chile v. Incluso los valles crecerian como los crios de una pena VI. Porque todos los hijos de Chile volverian a tender el verdor que olvidaron del valle Para que chillando todos los hijos de Chile se tiendan como un verdor que les renaciera desde sus penas y allf se les yea venir corriendo sobre estos pastos todos partidos de gozo cantando aun abandonados ftorecerian EVEN FORSAKEN THEY'D FLOWER Forsaken they would not see the prairies but only a cry crossing the valleys phantasmal intensifying as if all Chile were rent by a scream over its meadows 1. Because Chile was a babe bawling in the meadow 11. That's why Chile was rent shaken hearing those cries 111. That's why everyone waited bawling for other meadows that could turn their sorrows green So that forsaken they could begin to hear from the valleys the bawling of the newborn turning their sorrows green and the forsaken children of Chile would behold only meadows there IV. For there Chile's sorrows could become green v. Even the valleys would grow from pain like the newborn VI. For all the children of Chile would again hold forth the greenness forgotten in the valley So that bawling all the children of Chile can be heldforth like a greenness reborn of their sorrows and there they could be seen running over these meadows all beside themselves with joy singing even forsaken they'd flower 139 ...
