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26 LAS PLAYAS DE CHILE X Yo 10 vi soltando los remos acurrucarse contra el fondo del bote La playa aun se espejeaba en la opaca luz de sus ojos La playa aun se espejeaba en sus ojos pero apenas como un territorio irreal opacandole la mirada alargado evanescente en un nuevo Chile mojandoles las costas que creyeron 1. Hecho un anima sinti6 como se Ie iban soltando los remos de las manos ll. Empapado toda la vida se Ie fue desprendiendo como si ella misma fuera los remos que se Ie iban yendo de entre los dedos lll. Incluso su propio aliento Ie sono ajeno mientras se dejaba caer de lado suavemente como un copo de nieve contra las fragiles tablas que hasta am 10 llevaron En que la playa nunca volverfa a espejearse en sus ojos sino acaso el relumbrar de un nuevo mundo que les fuera adhiriendo otra luz en sus pupilas empafiadas erraticas alzandoles de frente el horizonte que les arras6 de lagrimas la cara IV. Porque solo alli la playa espejeo en sus ojos v. Recien entonces pudo sentir sobre sus mejillas el aire silbante de esas costas VI. Unicamente alli pudo llorar sin contenerse por esa playa que volvia a humedecerle la mirada Porque la playa nunca se espejearfa en sus ojos sino mejor en el derramarse de todas las utopias como un llanto incontenible que se Ie fuera desprendiendo del pecho hirviente desgarrado despejando la costa que Chile entero Ie vio adorarse en la iluminada de estos suefios THE BEACHES OF CHILE X I saw him huddled against the boat's deck releasing the oars The beach was still mirrored in the opaque light of his eyes The beach was still mirrored in his eyes but only like an unreal territory stretched out evanescent clouding his eyes in a new Chile bathing them with the coasts they believed in I. Like a spirit he sensed the oars dropping from his hands 11. Drenched his whole life was letting go as if it were the oars slipping through his fingers ttt. Even his own breath sounded strange to him as he let himselffall sideways softly like a snowflake against the fragile planks that had carried him so far In which the beach would never again be mirrored in his eyes except perhaps in the beaming of a new world fixing another light to his pupils blurred erratic raising before them the horizon that covered his face with tears IV. Because there alone the beach was mirrored in his eyes v. Only then was he able to feel the whistling air of these coasts on his cheeks VI. Only there could he openly weep for that beach that moistened his gaze again For the beach could never be better mirrored in his eyes than in the spilling of all the utopias like an uncontrollable sob seething rending heavedfrom his breast clearing the coast that all Chile saw him adore in the illumination of these dreams 27 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 10:15 GMT) Todo Chile se iba blanqueando en sus pupilas: 28 All Chile was becoming white in his pupils: 29 ...
