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12 LAS PLAYAS DE CHILE IV Celestes clavaron esos cielos: Usted era apenas el horizonte en las playas de este calvario 1. Las playas de Chile fueron horizontes y calvarios: desnudo Usted mismo se iba haciendo un cielo sobre esas costas de nadie lI. Por eso las cruces tambien se llamaron playas de Chile: remando esos botes se acercaron a ellas pero sin dejar estelas en el agua sino s610 el cielo que sofiaron celeste constelandose sobre esas miserias lIi. Por eso ni los pensamientos sombrearon las cruces de este calvario donde es Usted el cielo de Chile desplegandose sobre esas miserias inmenso constelado en toda la patria clavandoles un celeste de horizonte en los ojos THE BE'ACHES OF CHILE IV Celestial they riveted those skies: you were just the horizon on the beaches of this calvary 1. Chile's beaches were horizons and calvaries: naked even you were becoming a sky above those abandoned coasts 11. That's why the crosses too were called Chile's beaches: rowing those boats they approached them without leaving wakes in the water but only the sky they dreamt celestial sparkling over those miseries lll. That's why not even their thoughts cast shadows on the crosses of this calvary where you are Chik's sky immense spangled unfurling over those miseries in the entire country riveting a celestial horizon to their eyes 13 ...
