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239 Index ❧ Page locators in italics indicate figures. Der Academische Roman (Happel), 14, 108, 114; bains in, 167; characters held for ransom in, 108; comic characters in, 201; D’Aranda’s influence on, 108; education in, 152n185, 176n11; female erudition in, 195; pirates in, 120; robbers in, 123, 124; source for Happel’s biography, 9 Africa, trade with Brazil, 96 Der Afrikanische Tarnolast (Happel), 12, 114, 149–54, 158–61, 169–70, 171, 182–85; Anna Xinga in, 155; crossdressing in, 154, 188; female characters in, 153–54, 158; friendship in, 180, 181, 184; Gundling’s review of, 26; history in, 180; pirates in, 149–51, 153, 158, 161; popularity of, 29; publication of, 9; robbers in, 149, 153; source for Happel’s biography, 8; Thomasius’s review of, 10, 25, 26, 31, 151; writing of, 9, 13 Alfonso VI, king of Portugal, 77n86 Algiers, 107, 128; bains in, 163–65, 166n221; Cervantes imprisoned in, 110, 110n17; conflict with the Netherlands, 120n52; conquered by Barbarossa, 150, 150n176; D’Aranda imprisoned in, 129, 130, 133; in Happel’s novels, 166, 167; Jews in, 129; Knight imprisoned in, 133, 134; peace treaty with France, 144, 146n163; slaves in, 133–34, 138; and slave trade, 107n4. See also Barbary city-states Amazons: in Happel’s novels, 154–55, 157, 158, 189, 204; in Herkules und Valiska (Bucholtz), 189 America, 44; in Happel’s novels, 114n28 Amsterdam: as news hub, 20, 20n61 Anna Xinga, queen of Angola, 155, 155n189, 156, 157; in Der Afrikanische Tarnolast (Happel), 155; in news media, 157, 158; and slave trade, 157, 157n190 anti-Semitism, 96 Apafi, Mihaly, I, Prince of Transylvania, 59; abandons Thököly in antiHabsburg alliance, 66; declares allegiance to Turkish Empire, 70; joins Thököly in anti-Habsburg alliance, 66; Manifest attributed to, 68; negotiates with Vienna and Poland, 69 bains, 162n204; Creole spoken in, 164; economy of, 165; in Happel’s novels, 162–63, 166–68; social roles in, 163– 240 • Index bains (continued) 64; sodomy in, 163. See also Algiers; Constantinople Baker, Thomas, 133 Balassi, Ferenc, fictional secretary to Imre Thököly, 58, 60, 63, 65–72; based on historical figure, 63. See also Bethnehasi; Syrmay Barbarossa, king of Algiers: career of, 150, 150n176; conquers Algiers, 150, 150n176; conquers Tunis, 150, 150n176 Barbary city-states, 109; nominally under Turkish Empire, 120; nonaggression pacts by European nations against, 144; renegades in, 141; slave markets in, 117. See also Algiers; Barbary corsairs; Morocco; Salé; Tripoli; Tunis Barbary corsairs: attack Christian ships, 117; renegades among, 119, 146. See also pirates Barker, Andrew, 128 Battle of the Boyne: in Theatrum Europaeum, 102 Der Bayrische Max (Happel), 42, 83, 111–12, 113, 174, 189–93, 195; crossdressing in, 112, 191; friendship in, 186–88; incest in, 211–13; peasants in, 199; posthumously published, 36, 53, 92n127, 104, 173, 189; Schomberg in, 92; Thököly in, 53, 55–57 Behn, Aphra, 29 Bethnehasi, secretary to Imre Thököly, 64, 65, 76, 83n99 Birken, Sigmund von, 7–8 Bonn, surrendered by French, 98 Brandenburg, Schomberg moves to, 97–98 Brazil: trade with Portugal, 96 buccaneers. See pirates Caprara, Aeneas Sylvius de, 45, 45– 46n12, 54, 55, 73, 79, 91n126, 182; besieges Munkàcz, 75–76 captives, 106–70; convert to Islam, 138, 140–41; in Happel’s novels, 114, 115; Muslim, in Christian countries, 138– 39; numbers of, 133–34, 138, 163, 166; return on investment promised by, 118–19. See also ransom captivity narratives, 107, 108, 111, 129; used by Happel, 111 Caschau, siege of, 73 celebrity studies, vii Cervantes, Miguel de: captive in Algiers, 110, 110n17, 129, 137 China: and Coxinga, 216, 216n5, 219, 220; in Der Insulanische Mandorell (Happel), 215; trade with Portugal, 96 chorographies, 151n180; chorographic model, used by Happel, 96; definition of, 6n21; used by Happel, 6, 16, 23, 29, 147, 151, 176; used by Merian, 29; used by Praetorius, 29 Christina, queen of Sweden: in news media, 158; resemblance to heroines in Happel’s novels, 158; sexuality questioned, 158 class: in Happel’s novels, 14, 38, 153, 177, 178, 196, 199, 200, 207 class studies, vii commonplace books, vii Compaen, Claes, 129; biography of, 126, 161; career, 126; in Happel’s novels, 126; in news media, 126n77 Compassion towards Captives (Charles Fitz-Geffry), 139–40 Constantinople: bain in, 166, 166n221, 167, 167n226; Knabenlese in, 142, 161; renegades in, 142; sodomy in, 131. See also Turkish Empire Contreras, Alonso de, autobiography of, 111 conversion: Christians to Islam, 138, 140–41; motives...
