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391 Index AAC (American Adoption Congress), 1, 17, 45, 259, 267, 269, 275, 300, 301, 308: and Birth Mother’s Day, 265; bylaws of, 235– 36, 239, 243, 246, 372n32; creation of, 228–29, 231–36; early history of, 238–39, 240, 241, 243–44, 373n42; and Family Matters, 302; first conference of, 236–38; fourth conference of, 245; honors JP, 235, 237, 240, 245; and JP conference registration , 279–80; and Kate Burke, 249– 51, 254–55; and march on Washington, D.C., 250–251, 254, 257, 298–99; and Margaret McDonald Lawrence, 355n55; on opening adoption records, 251; third conference of, 240–41; on Uniform Adoption Act (1994), 385n54 Abortion, JP views of, 266–67 Ackley, Norman B., 173 Acton, CA, 76, 107, 128 Adolescence (Hall), 187 Adopted Break Silence, The (Paton), 1, 24, 36, 50–51, 53, 54, 55, 68, 72, 101, 119, 120, 126, 132, 149 203, 256, 261, 293; marketing of, 40–41, 51–52, 53–55, 328–29n80, 333n52; reviews of, 51–52, 54, 75, 64–65, 75, 329--30n96; sales of, 55, 63–64, 330n110; title of, 327n47 Adopted Child, The (Gallagher), 44 An Adopted Child Looks at Adoption (Prentice ), 44 Adopted Child Syndrome, 248 Adoptees, 21–22, 37, 38, 39, 45–47, 64, 66, 122, 172, 260; and access to adoption records, 200; on birth mothers, 179–80; characteristics of, 74; on contact with minors, 185–88; culture compared to gay culture, 40; and illegitimacy, 145–47, 203; and inheritance law, 32, 323n100; and intermediaries, 165, 238; JP on, 49– 50, 52–53, 70, 93–94, 106–7, 148–49, 168–69, 192–93, 206, 220–21, 229, 230, 255–56, 267–69, 282–83, 307, 310; meet with JP, 126–27; and Model State Adoption Act (1980), 221; pain of, 67–69, 71; and Presbyterian Church, 225; and reunions, 81–82, 147–48, 167; and search consultants, 253; therapy for, 289–92 Adoptees and adoption records, 159, 267–69. See also Adoption records Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association. See ALMA Adoptees in Search, 180, 219 Adoption: and African Americans, 142–44; and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 383n31; black market, 213; compared to juvenile court, 136; history of, 2–5; and illegitimacy, 88; JP on, 43–44, 46, 138–39; stigma of, 37; and tax deduction, 214–15 Adoption agencies: JP’s criticism of, 175–76, 365n25; and sealed adoption records, 176–77, 200 Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act (1980), 222 Adoption Counseling Center, 250 “Adoption in Existence: Three Studies” (Paton), 85 Adoption fantasy, 74, 335n2 392 Index “Adoption Fantasy, The” (Paton), 73 Adoption Forum of Philadelphia, 231 Adoption Identification Act (1981), 222, 223, 225, 226, 367n8 Adoption Life Cycle, The (Rosenberg), 293 Adoption Memorial, 260–262, 270 Adoption Opportunity Act (1965), 214–15 Adoption records, 4, 22, 62–63, 159, 165, 170, 174, 175, 176–77, 199–201, 202–4, 215, 219, 221, 225, 253–54, 261, 267–71, 276, 284–85, 291–92, 298–99, 300, 364– 65n24 Adoption Registry, 226–27. See also Reunion File; Voluntary mutual consent adoption registry Adoption Research Council, 232 Adoption Research Project, 159, 165, 166, 167, 168, 231, 355n55 Adoption in Search, 215 Adoption search groups, JP on, 189–90, 191–92 Adoption Study Project, 160, 231, 355n55 Adoption syndrome. See Adopted Child Syndrome Adoption Triangle, The, (Sorosky, Pannor, and Baran), 373n36 Adoption Triangle Ministry, 256, 263 Adoptive Families (magazine), 285 Adoptive parents, 67, 214–15, 286, 326n25, 345n6, 352n106 Adoptive Parents for Open Records, 282 African Americans and adoption, 142–44; and illegitimacy, 146 Aid to Dependent Children, 147 Albee, Edward, 119, 122, 135 Allen, Betty, 305 Allington, Tom, 241 ALMA (Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association ), 77, 86, 153, 160, 161, 162–63, 178, 189, 194, 202, 203, 204, 228, 229, 233, 236, 262, 275, 308, 428; and adoption registry, 205, 206, 207; policy toward birth mothers, 180; protest Cabbage Patch Kids, 266 Altruistic Love: A Study of American Good Neighbors and Christian Saints (Sorokin ), 27 Always in Me (A.I.M.), 231 American Adoption Congress. See AAC American Association of Open Adoption Agencies, honors JP, 309, 390n27 American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers, 328n79 American Association of Social Workers, 55 American Association of Theological Schools, 55 American Atheists, 89 American Mercury (magazine), 85, 95 Americans for Open Records (AmFOR), 253–54, 276 Ames, Louise Bates, reviews The Adopted Break Silence, 75 Anastasia (movie), 71-72 Anderson, Carole, 259, 282 Anderson, Han Christian, 135 Anti-adoption, and JP, 275–76, 295–96 Arendt, Hannah...
