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Index 153 Abington, Mrs. (Frances), 72 acoustics, 130n7 acting style Kemble school, 109–10 teapot school, 46 transmission of, 33 actors, romantic-era, ix, 1, 72 Annis, Francesca, 105–7 Argyle public room, 89, 93 Asleson, Robyn, 6 assembly rooms, 92 audience memories of, 100–103, 126, 126n16, 136n17 as recording devices, 72, 95–96 sensitivity to voices, 137n9 Austen, Jane, 92 Austin, Gilbert, 74–76, 75 ‹g. 12, 77 ‹g. 13, 132n8 Babbage, Charles, 117 Baillie, Joanna, 59, 60, 93 Bainter, Fay, 107 Bancroft, Squire, 62 Barthes, Roland, 41–43, 47–48 Barry, Spranger, 27 Bate, Henry, 27 Bate, Jonathan, 129n14 Bath, 44, 55 Bell, Alexander (1790–1865), 97 Bell, Alexander Graham (1847–1922), 97 Bell, Alexander Melville (1819–1905), 97 Bell, Charles, 96 Bell, George Joseph, 88, 96–103 Bell, John, 96 Belton, Fred, 38, 46, 73 Benjamin, Walter, 15 Bennett, Shelley, 122n12 Bernhardt, Sarah cultural memory of, 24–25, 123n21 as Hamlet, 87 handkerchief of, 104 photograph in Bettini’s studio, 22, 23 ‹g. 9, 24–25 recording of, 22–25 voice of, 22 Betterton, Thomas, 110–11 Bettini, Giovanni, 22, 24, 25 Blesser, Barry, 130n7 Boaden, James on actors’ voices, 27–28, 63 memoirs of, 27 on Siddons fan hysteria, 46 on Siddons’s pauses, 77–78 Boaden, James (continued) on Siddons’s performances, 36, 73, 109 on Siddons’s voice, 28 Boucicault, Dion, 46, 76 Boyne, John, 4 ‹g. 2 Bratton, Jacky, 30, 32–33, 126n20 Brownstein, Rachel, 123, 128n5 Burney, Frances, 92 Burwick, Frederick, 6, 77 Bush-Bailey, Gilli, 32 Byron, George, Lord, 50–51, 55, 129n12, 131n10 Callas, Maria, 47 Campbell, Thomas, 26, 29, 108–9 Carlson, Marvin, 32, 136n17 Case, Sue-Ellen, 31 Castle of Montval, The, x cell phones, x, 115 Charke, Charlotte, 83 Chavalliaud, Leon, 1, 4 Cheltenham, 26–27, 70 Chironomia, 74–76, 75 ‹g. 12, 77 ‹g. 13, 132n8 Clairmont, Claire, 50 claptrap, 133n19 Cockin, William, 36 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor “Christabel,” 49–51, 54 compared to Roland Barthes, 48 as “epicure of sound,” 12 on Edmund Kean, 110 lecture by, 89 “Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The,” 2 singing “Kubla Khan,” 11 “Sonnets on Eminent Characters,” 49, 51 James Wood’s description of, 48 Colman, George, 59 commemoration, 1–2 Connor, Steven, 101–2 Cooper, R. Bransby, 69 Corbin, Alain, 14 Cornell, Katharine, 34 Court for the Trial of Queen Katharine, 7, 9 ‹g. 7, 46 Coutts, Romeo, 70 Covent Garden theater, 57, 59, 98 Crary, Jonathan, 16–17 Crawford, Mrs. (Ann), 28 critical theory, 30–31 Cushman, Charlotte, 38 Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project, 25 Davis, Tracy, 110–11 Dayes, Edward, 61, 62 ‹g. 10 Denby, David, 57–58 Dench, Judi, 67, 106–7 Dermody, Thomas, 132n8 Dickens, Charles, 91 Dolar, Mladen, 44–45 Donohue, Joseph, 124n19 Downer, Alan S., 29 Drury Lane theater acoustics of, 61, 64 enlargement of, 57–59 interior of, 58, 61 Macbeth staging at, 97–98 1775–76 season, 27, 35 1782–83 season, 66 Joseph Severn at, 2 Sarah Siddons performing at, 2, 6, 35, 44–45 Dublin Lying-in Hospital at, 134n5 Sarah Siddons’s Hamlet performance at, 82–85 Dunsby, Jonathan, 42 Dyer, Geoff, 121n1 Earl of Warwick, The, 29 Edgeworth, Maria, 52–53 Edison, Thomas Sarah Bernhardt recording by, 25 Library of Voices, 22 phonograph, 16, 24, 111, 116–17 on preservation of famous voices, 20 Ekerow, Bengt, 21 Elfenbein, Andrew, 127 index 154 elocution, 127n7 elocution manuals, 36–38 En‹eld, William, 54 En‹eld’s Speaker, 54 Erskine, Thomas, 2, 92 Evans, Dame Edith, 67 fencing, 85–87 Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich, 42 Folger Shakespeare Library, 96–100 Foster, Susan Leigh, 127n22 Franklin, Thomas, 29 Freud, Sigmund, 22, 25 Frogmore, 92 Fuseli, Henry, 14, 15 ‹g. 8, 109 Gainsborough, Thomas, 78 Galindo, Catherine, 84–87, 91 Galindo, Mr. P. , 84–87, 86 ‹g. 15 Garrick, David audience removal from stage by, 60 cane of, 19, 81 farewell season of, 6, 35 as Hamlet, 80–81 Jubilee, The, 43–44 Sarah Siddons encounters with, 26–27, 125n2 spouting club performers’ imitations of, 54 statue in Westminster Abbey, 53 voice of, 47, 108–9 geno-song, 42 gesture manuals, 74–76, 75 ‹g. 12 ghosting, 32 Gosse, Edmund, 4 Gouraud, George, 22, 116–17 Hamilton, Margaret, 102 Hamilton, Mary Sackville, 83, 84 ‹g. 14 Harlow, George Henry, 7, 9 ‹g. 7, 46 Hatton, Joseph, 22 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 89, 93–94, 136n12 Hazlitt, William on enlarged theaters, 64 on Edmund Kean, 63 lecture by, 89 review of “Christabel,” 50...
