In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Acock, Alan c., 177 Adasiewicz, Christopher, 2, 11, 16, 101,218,223 Adatto, Kiku, 126, 136, 217 Advertisements: positional, 65, 69~74; substance of, 64-66; traits of, 69; valence, 65, 69~72; 30-second, 69~73; 60-second, 69~73 Advertising, 207~12; distortions in, 115~16, 209; effectiveness of negative , 209; of issues, 64, 129; negative or attack, 10-13, 52~54, 82, 86,188, 208; and the public bad, 81; and quality of discourse, 131 Adwatch, 2, 21O~11, 239; on accuracy, 11 O~ 11, 114~15; as a disincentive to lying, 106~8, 115; on "Empty," 112; format of, 110; frequency of, lIS; future of, 119; in health care reform debate. 108; lack of effect of, 118; on "Riadyl ," 113; on strategy, 11O~ll, 114~15; on "Stripes," 112; in 1988, 106; in 1992, 107; in 1996, 111 Aldrich, John H., 49,241 Alexander, Herbert E., 188,242 Alger, Dean E., 3, 58, 66, 129~30, 136, 141, 147, 167~68, 210, 241 Alliance for Better Campaigns, 80, 141,189 Almond, Gabriel, 183 Alvarez, R. Michael, 203 American Association of Retired Persons , 114, 117 American Citizens Foundation, 191. 193 American National Election Studies, 175 Annenberg Public Policy Center, 76, 107~8, 110~11, 117, 167, 196, 223~24,239,242 Ansolabehere, Stephen, 7, 10, 11, 13, 19,20,62, 80, 82~83, 118, 124, 145, 147~48, 150, 186, 188, 208, 21O~11, 240~41 Arterton, F. Christopher, 126 Asher, Herbert, 167 Ayres, Richard, 236 Bartels, Larry M., 7, 36, 37, 58, 82, 85, 103,146,161,173,174--76,180,193, 202,203,235,240 Bates, Stephen, 66 Beck, Deborah, 228~29 Behr, Roy, 147~48, 150 Beiner, Ronald, 182 Bennett, Courtney, 115 Bennett, W. Lance, 126 Berelson, Bernard R., 30, 76, 89, 122, 174,202 Blais, Andre, 203 B1umler, Jay, 125 Boller, Paul F., Jr., 79 Borgida, Eugene, 49, 241 Bowen, William G., 236 Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., 188 Brack, Reginald K., Jr., 188 Brady, David W., 203 Brady, Henry E., 176,203 Brehm, John, 177, 183,203 Breslau, Karen, 152 Brewin, Mark, 239 253 254 Index Broadca~bank,224 Broder, David, 2, 111-12, 118. 120 Brody, Richard A.. 122 Brown, Lloyd B.. 146 Buchanan. Bruce. 6, 39,42. 62-63. 66. 99.182-83,186. 191. 194.203 Budge. Ian. 203 Buhr. Tami. 130. 141 Burkins. Glenn. 189 Burnham, Walter Dean, 176 Bush, George. 39,40,41. 63. 73. 76. 106 8. 15254. 156-58. 160. 162, 168 Cain. Bruce. 80 Campaign attention. 84-87. 178; effects of campaign interest and participation on. 88 98 Campaign Code of Conduct/Compact Model. 10 I. 238; and adwatches. 239: in Massachusetts. 239; and media coverage, 239: in Minnesota. 238; in New Jersey. 239 Campaign Discourse Mapping Project. 5. 16. 76. 80, 82 Campaign effects. 146--50 Campaign events. 147. 151. 155 Campaign Financc Reform. 188.226; and congressional matching funds. 226; and electronic reporting, 230: increase budget of FEe. 230; and issue advocacy. 227. 229; journalists' role in. 230; to promote competitiveness . 226; and soft money. 227 28 Campaign interest. 20 24.47.84-87. 146.178.183-84: effects of attention on. 88--92 Campaign quality: in 1988 and 1992. 39 42; in 1996. 42-44 Campaign reform. 2 Campaign tone. 4. 84--85 Campbell. Angus. 30. 89. 122.240 Campbell. Carroll. 109 Campbell. James E.. 146. 159 Candidate discourse. 123: in news. 126-27; on policy, 124, 127 29; quality of. 131 Candidate evaluations. 25-27. 46 Candidate interviews, 130-31 Candidate recruitment. 100 Cappella. Joseph N., 16.115, 118. 195. 210.239,241 Carlson. Neil. 177. 183,203 Carney. Eliza Newlin. 241 Carville. James. 148, 152. 168 Castellanos. Alex. 224 Center for Global Ethics. 80 Center for Media and Public Affairs. 16.138-39.141. 151. 217 Chaffee. Stephen. 234 Chambers. William Nisbet. 176 Chappell. Henry W.. Jr.. 146 Cherry. Lynne. 146. 159 Chicken George. 222 Christ. C. F.. 88 Christian Coalition. 231 Civic duty. 190-91. 206 Civic journalism. I Clancey. Maura. 126 Clark. Harold D.. 177 Clines. Francis X.. 230 Clinton. Bill.,74.76. 77. 102. 107-17. 123. 130. 139. 153-54.15658.160-62.167-69.227 CNN.I07 Cohen. Cathy. 14 Cohen. Jacob. 166 Cohen, William. 112 Commission on Presidential Debates. 220-22.242 Committee for the Study of the American Electorate. 241 Common Cause. 117 Communication Act of 1934, 224 Consortium for Campaign Media Analysis. 139 Conventions. 136--37...
